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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. Caring for a grey, is alot of work, that really requires the entire family. Most greys will choses one person if given the chance. I have never allowed my grey to accept this belief. I am ROM... (mom), make all final decisions. Sophie loves Ryan ( a boyfriend). He is home occassionally from college. When he is home, she goes crazy. When he is gone, I am her best friend, again. Nancy
  2. Biting is not allowed! Your amazon needs to learn this! Behavior mod needs to be taught. My Amazon, would never chew. The one time I was shocked, waited for Kiki to bite me... she stopped... I knew she wouldn't bite me. She didn't. Nancy
  3. My number one concern, whether a new baby, or rehome bird, is NEVER allow a bird, whether rehomed or a baby, past wrist status. This is earned. It may be a pain in the butt... but only earned. I have cared for many a bird. When the trust level is there, they can go to my shoulder, when I decide. Its when the parent/child relationship has been established. Nancy
  4. My birds are all clipped. Mostly anoying feathers, but don't intervere with their flying ability. We practice flying with all of them. They can all fly, with different abilities. Nancy
  5. Excellent cage dimensions!Be ready, but with diminished expectations! A new baby is coming home. No expectations. Let him get settled. Work on trust. Nancy
  6. I don't have insurance for my birds or dogs. BUT.... I do feel it is important, to make a plan or will, regarding our birds. They can outlast us. All my birds have future homes if needed. Hopefully, I will be around for several years, but the dogs future is more in question. Sophie is a favorite, and I have been asked by many friends, if she can be part of their lives. My best friend will take her. Sean will take Kiki, Ryan will take Sunny. I think we have worked it out. Nancy
  7. Can't go wrong with Harrisons. Excellent choice! I have never struggled to much with birdfood. Low on seeds. High on either freezedryed fruits and veggies, but focus more on natural fruits and veggies. Believe me, our walls have been painted with rejection for natural fruits and veggies. I ignore the rejection. They threw it, I changed it up a bit, but I eventually won. ( took a long time, and it was worth the battle!) I learned what they liked, but also offered many different fruits and veggies that they refused, and eventually was willing to try. Its always a battle. Nancy
  8. Lol guys! I LOVED this post because your bird has " chosen" you. Regurg thing, will be done for many years. You have been chosen, and should feel honored. It is a demonstration of love and trust. NEVER, ignore the offering. Ryan my 20 year old, taught Sophie to dance, love singing. While he is home from college, she's been doing that. She's also regurging. He knows he has to accept her offering, and thank her, which he does. I asked him if he had fun while at home. He said yes, but was looking forward to going back to school. I was concerned, asked him what was hard for him? He said, I missed the birds and dogs, but within A FEW DAYS, i either had a dog in my lap, a bird on my shoulder, or both! Not going to feel sorry for him! He'll be gone a month, then complain he misses pups and birds. Nancy
  9. Welcome Dario and your mom. We look forward to hearing more about you and family Nancy and Sophie
  10. I don't know how to say thanks. I have zero viewing, which makes me sound like a B..... You know I'm not! SAVE your aunt Nancy! Thank you for your wonderful card that I saw today. Sorry for the delay! I tried to respond on yahoo, it didn't work out. Where do you live? Can we text? I'm good at that!!!! My sister laughs at me, tells me to hit the yellow button!( I am that sad!) LOL Try to text me at 585-944-8676 Aunt Nancy

  11. All birds can learn to fly. Especially Amazons. Kiki is an awesome flyer. She is clipped, but we practice flying all the time. She can fly with perfect accuracy. Nancy
  12. Thebird. You are not going to hurt him. He will learn. Practice stepup and step down. Never allow your new baby past wrist status only. You are the parent, they are the bird. He will learn to trust you. You will know, when baby is ready to go past wrist status. Your bird will listen and learn. Nancy
  13. baby seems a little young, to make the diagnosis of chewing. Nancy
  14. Gosha.... your baby is showing you, he trusts you. Nothing wrong. Now show new baby you trust as well. Nancy
  15. lovethatgrey, watched your video. Perfectly normal. I have always put my birds to bed at 8pm. I don't cover the cages. Many do. That is ok also. If Sophie walks out during bedtime, she gets put back to bed. She doesn't walk out a second time. That is because, I am her "ROM". I am her mom, and she is not allowed to second guess my rules. I have always treated Sophie, as my child.It has always worked for us. Nancy
  16. Lots of healthy normal activity for a grey. Nancy
  17. thenabrd... encourage your bird, no matter who they sound like. They immitate. That is their specialty. Sophie immitates all of us. She has confused us all. I would think Sean is yelling back about dinner, it was Sophie. LOL They don't have their own sound. Sophie can immitate me 100%. She makes me sound like a valleygirl! Kids laugh at my denial. Yeah mom.... thats what you sound like! LOL Nancy
  18. Quality time to me, is having Sophie walk into the kitchen, the moment I walk in the door. I ask her to give me a few moments. She does. She doesn't rush me, just wants a kiss. She knows I need to cook, waits until I'm ready. Then she says " kootchiekootchiekoo!" I say it back. We are ready to play. Nancy
  19. Now remember, there are birds that have parents with open door policy. I am not responding, to have owners disagree with me. It is what it is, for past 12 years. We are bird proofed to the max. We also were lucky to have 24/7 coverage for many years. Now we are gone for about six hours a day. Birds don't come out, until we are home. BUT.... their cage is not locked. Of course to get here, was alot of work. We DID have an electrical fire once I shut downall electrical circuits after calling 911, I yelled to Ryan " this is not a drill". He went into motion. He was responsible for dogs and guinea pigs. I was responsible for birds. They were all on their gyms. All I had to say was " IN!" They moved. We both moved their cages outside. Everyone was safe. Hardwood floors had some damage. No big deal. I was happy that we had a plan. I was also happy that birds responded to me during a serious event. Nancy
  20. Hi Ziggy and mommy! Look forward to talking ! Nancy and Sophie
  21. RayP... so sorry about Smokey. It is so hard sometimes, to recover from a beloved animal wehave had for a long time. I still struggle with the loss of Max, age 18. He taught all the birds to get along. Including new puppies.When he left us, I knew he felt new pups were ready, as well as Sophie was ready to take over the animal world. Everyone was ready, but me! I have never recovered from the loss of Max. I hope you do better than me. Nancy
  22. I have heard alot of success with clicker training! Give it a chance if interested, and let us know! My birds are ten and twelve now, past the training stage. YAY! But... it was fun, I wouldn't trade those days ever! Nancy
  23. Sounds good to me! Kiki is the only bird that will accept new gym. Sean my 17 year old is a hunter. I think he " hunts" more for natural wood that he can bring home for birds. Cherry, oak, is what he usually brings home. Kiki is his bird. He's always planning, designing, and building. Sophie only prefers anything metal. She prefers this gym, so she can slide down the sides 90 miles an hour. Nancy
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