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Everything posted by kins2321@yahoo.com

  1. chezron... I totally agree with JeffNOK. I was concerned too when Ryan went off to college. Sophie thinks she and Ryan are best buds. ( yes, they are!) Sophie can't stand Ryan's girlfriend, as she distracts Ryan's attention. Sophie did just fine! They talked weekly on the phone, so I'm sure the computer would be even better! There were no behavior issues when Ryan went off. She seemed to understand. Of course, when he comes home, she is very excited, waiting at the door! Nancy
  2. Sean is an excellent student, takes his academics very seriously. Kiki spends alot of time with him in his room. She REALLY ate his homework. He was so upset and worried. I told him I would call his teacher. She did understand! Nancy
  3. You have done an excdellent job, and I as well as many, respect you and your flock. Nancy
  4. Sophie still tries to perfect her " take me out to the ballgame". A work in progression for years. LOL She enjoys when Ryan brings out the guitar and sings. She also loves when kids sing rap. ( has to be clean!) She has lots of rhythmn and enjoys to dance. Kiki on the other hand, enjoys opera and classical( we all hate it!) She will start revving up when she hears a certain note. Nancy
  5. You knew Gracie, impressed me with her intelligence! Yes,,, you can leave her bowl, on the floor, where she sent it! You are NOT her servant! When she says " stepup", then she should " stepup!". Ignore the bowl throwing. Focus on " stepup!". She is offering you an opportunity, to be trained. Nancy
  6. I watched the video twice. i watched the bird interacting. Watch the eyes. He was never threatened. He accepted a learning opportunity. Nancy
  7. He's ten months old! He's got soooo much potential! No matter what issues he has, it can be changed. I would personally be up for the challenge, if I were you. To me.. it would be equivalent, to adopting a new baby! Nancy
  8. PLEASE stop kicking yourself! I just can only rely on my nursing experience, and can say, birds are more sensitive to dehydration, and health issues, but they doooo bounce back! I suspect, the high " uric acid", is from dehydration. Hydration, bolsing of fluids, can make a huge difference. Kidney failure, can easily be reversed. Once hydration issue is resolved. bird is stable, the underlying cause gets addressed. Don't feel guilty, or question yourself, " how did I miss that?" Focus on getting your baby better! You are a GREAT parrent, and will do, whatever you need to do, to get your baby better. We are all here to support you. Nancy
  9. Who knows why they chose to accept such a simple remedy to cure a big problem! They do it all the time! While Sophie is 12, there continues to be issues to be resolved. I watch her thinking... ( eyes dialate and constrict), she is thinking. ( also a warning) She doesn't warn me anymore. I know when she is learning and thinking. I remind her, " you can think about it all you want, but I have made the decision!"( i'm firm). On the other hand, I listen to her complaints. I am completely open to a resolution that birds need to choose. We have worked it out for years! I know what she wants, and she knows I'm not giving an inch. Nancy
  10. Sophie is not into toys much. We are her toys! She can't resist a pinata, or anything she can shred. Nancy
  11. negotiator, actress, drama queen Nancy
  12. She's going to giving you those kissing noises for years! You never get tired of them. If I don't get one the moment I walk into bird room, I always ask " give me a kiss!" I get one.I of course whisper it, as she is just waking up. I get a quick lazy kiss. She wakes up more while I am in the shower and gives me lots of snuggles and kisses after. nancy
  13. What a cutie Smokey Joe is! LOL! Sophie likes to ask me " Whatcha doin?" I always patiently tell her what I'm doing. She always say's "OHHHHH". I'm sure Smokey Joe would be a big hit at work.. Nancy
  14. My grey, was adopted at age two. A rehomed grey. If she was nervous, never learned that. Within several months, she cuddled! Nancy
  15. Rom takes us on lots of trips! I have my own cage, Kiki and Sunny share. We all LOVE our road trips! Sophie
  16. What the heck? Tell that person to get away from your beak and feathers! The NERVE! You sound like you have a " great figure", I do too! Not sure whats going on with the new cage. Lets keep a close eye on things! Jayd... I KNOW your a parrent! GOOD try to sneak on our site. Maggie is welcome. ( Joe too!) NO PARENT ALLOWED! This site is for Maggie and Joe! Sophie
  17. James, I don't believe in toweling, but I was actually impressed by the video. The bird was NOT afraid. Nancy
  18. I also would like mine in a cup! I also forage for my teenagers! Nancy
  19. Jasper is young. Keep doing what you are doing! Sophie our grey, was adopted at age two. She picked us... the least experienced, out of four families that wanted her. We interviewed poorly, as Sophie was all over us, talking baby talk. I couldn't even answer owners questions! Second interview, sucked as well. All over me... couldn't answer any of his questions! Told kids... she wasn't coming home. Too many experienced owners applied to adopt her. We were picked! I asked why? We have no experience! Owner laughed... told us, it was always about Sophie! She picked the family she wanted The moment she came home, was the best day of my life! She picked the lock off the traveling cage driving home, and was on my shoulder driving, within five minutes, wagging her tail! Kids were screaming! I'm yelling... " remain calm!" Sophie was amused by our antics!That was 12 years ago, Sophie has taught us what we needed to learn. She is my best friend, and I think she is happy with her choice of family7. Nancy
  20. watch out for those Irish folks! My parents, were off the boat at Ellis Island! LOL I know every Irish saying that existed! Lets get together "next" weekend, means, two weekends from now. Every dad, will sing " danny boy", at your wedding! Nancy
  21. It sounds like you have a bird that won't require moisturizing for a long time!Of course, check with the vet. Nancy
  22. Thanks for sharing and being honest! You are a GREAT parent, and have taken time to teach others! Nancy
  23. New grey has found his forever home! Grey knows this and is showing trust by talking again. YAY! Continue to do what you do!Nancy
  24. Jocelyn... I am very impressed about this foundation you have found. They sound awesome! Nancy
  25. I am quite familiar with NYC and the bumping. You definitely need a hard top carrier with a perch. Dog carriers are great, if just transporting to the vet or groomer. Nancy
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