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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Good cooks always make and leave a big mess in the kitchen.
  2. We never get tired of grey stories. we will always share your excitement with Smokey.
  3. Welcome to the grey forum Wingnut. A hand raised grey is a good start and the rest is up to you.
  4. A big grey forum welcome to you and Smokey. A life long companion that can bring a smile to your face every day.
  5. Great video, just loved it.
  6. AHHH she looks awesome, Welcome to the grey forum to the both of you. We are all about sharing the good , the bad and the ugly. To give hope to the newcomers and share what we know.
  7. Don`t mess with MA, MA !!!!! We had an Eagle in our back yard and saw her snatch a baby raccoon and take it away. But that was ok because ma, ma raccoon killed all my ducks. GO EAGLES !!
  8. Great tread on zinc Dee. From time to time it`s good to look back on things we have learned in the past only to find out that we should have paid more attention in the first place. So many things to learn and try to keep up with and so many grey forum members ready to help bring problems back to the top of the list of things you should know when living with parrots. (Not that they get into things that they shouldn't) lol.
  9. Great video, and yes my Corky will whisper back.
  10. OH how they make us pay. I just posted in another thread about my grey not saying her first word until she was 25 months old
  11. My grey Corky never said her first word until she was 25 months old. NOW !!!
  12. So sorry for your loss, but welcome back. We all feel your loss as a family.
  13. Next she will be asking advice on raising her kids.
  14. She is adorable ! What species is she so I can add you and her to the honored amazons of the grey forum list.
  15. Hi Sharaye and welcome to the grey forum. Read and learn as much as you can and I hope there`s a grey in your future soon.
  16. Welcome Beautiful to the grey forum, OK your care givers are also welcome.
  17. Hi Janet, Boy I wish I could give you a good answer on this one, but they say a breeder parrot dose not make a good pet. If He is 10 years old and not handled in 5 years this could be a large challenge. They reach sexual maturity at or around 5 or 6 years of age about the time he became a breeder. Can he come back ? I don`t know. I know you would like to give this boy a good home.
  18. Did you known ? According to Holloway, The oldest known amazon was a Double Yellow Headed amazon named OLD BALDY that died at age 102
  19. We here at grey forums know the joys of living with an African Grey, there intelligence, there shyness, there vocal ability, the way they are slow to except change and the way you have to earn their trust and are loyal. They are truly an awesome companion that fill your life with lots of joy. Those here at grey forums that have taken in a amazon know that when an amazon comes into your home you are stepping into a new dimension of parroting. One that is just as enjoyable as having an African grey in your home They are two sides of a coin, different, yet the same. Both are very intelligent and have vocal ability when it comes to speaking and making many other sounds and just like a grey can be very loyal to its care giver. The difference between the two is that a grey may be shy, but a amazon will step right up and challenge you. (they both have to be socialized), a zon can be very loud at times as can a grey, but the grey is one of the quieter parrots. When a guest comes into our home Corky my grey will sit quietly in her cage, but Cricket my zon will do everything she can to get their attention. In time my grey will get into the action with a guest, but my zon is into the action from the start and or will start the action Corky and Cricket makes my home a well rounded home as many other homes with a combination of parrot species. This thread is not meant to compare the two as they each are their own and should each be enjoyed for who they are. Amazon have gotten a bad rap (IMO) and can be a very loving part of a family that also enjoys being with and around you and your family Lunch with Cricket
  20. Your understanding of the grey pace benefits the both of you. Three years, Now that`s a real understanding of grey time.
  21. Remember this, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. You loved them in the past, You love them now, And they know you will love them in the future. We all know how smart they are. OH, They may make you pay the price for a day or two, but That`s their way of getting back at you for being gone. That`s their way of showing love.
  22. Hi Rascal and Charlie, Welcome to the grey forum to the both of you and your care giver. What are your parrots, CAG, Tag, ? Are they both greys ? And we love pictures.
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