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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I started this thread the other day and my internet service went down and I lost the complete thread, So I will try again. I thought I would post this in this room because over many years I have had many species of parrots and I made monsters out of all of them. When I say monster I don`t mean that in a bad way, Brats may be a better word for this, but I will stay with monsters. You start out with a baby, or very young bird or a rehome or rescue it dose not make any difference the out come is the same. You want them to like you and you want them to like their new home. So you start out giving them lots of treats attention and love, you go out and buy the best food you can find along with fresh fruits vegetables. You go and buy them some very costly toys and you spend the rest of your spare time making replacement toys so you can save some money so you can eat at the end of the month. A nice new cage that you try and fill with the nice new toys that you bought that they already destroyed so you put in the home made ones. You go to their cage only to find out half of all that good food you bought them is splattered all over the walls and on the floor all around the cage. You keep the cage as clean as you can for them with plenty of food and toys and if you make them mad they bite you. Doesn`t that sound just like your kids and you still love them. Than there is that sweet moment with them that will last for a minute or to and than back to the same old grind. I am starting to wonder who the smart one is here. After all that is said and done we all enjoy those moments they give us when they show us how much they care even if just for a moment. Remember we made them that way
  2. Our parrots love to travel with us. On one trip Corky traveled 7,500 miles with us down the east cost to Florida, across the southern U.S to Arizona and through the mid west and back to Ohio. At that time we had a 33` motor home and she loved being with us and enjoyed the trip as much as we did. She has been allover the U.S. with us. When Cricket came to us she joined right in on the fun. Tent camping, motels, hotels, friends homes, relatives homes along with traveling in our cars, trucks and SUVs Our birds have never been away from us not even for one night.
  3. I had to cry when I read about Cocoa. I know you must be heart broken , but you gave her a great life as I know she gave back as much or much more to your life. She is truly missed by us that knew her through your videos and all the great pictures you posted on this form.
  4. Did You Know That a white fronted amazon not only is the smallest of the amazon species, But is the only one of the amazon species in which the adult male and female easily can be distinguished by external appearance. Males have bright red feathers on their shoulders while females have green shoulders. The juveniles have pale grey irises and less red on their face and the white area is replaced with smaller yellowish area.
  5. Weather you know it or not, You have stepped over the threshold in your relationship with Miss Gilbert. Its time to enjoy.
  6. Hi Pet_lover and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion. What is your new greys name and we love pictures. You said you have a green parrot, what kind is it and what`s its name. All parrots are welcome here.
  7. So happy things are getting back to normal. Sorry to hear about your illness.
  8. I know what you mean, Cricket is a rehome and a amazon can just take your breath away when you connect.
  9. Happy hatch day Sterling, I know your mama made this day very special for you. Sorry I am a day late
  10. Hi twas brilling and welcome to the grey forum. I also have a pair of peacocks an African Grey Congo a Blue fronted amazon, cockatiel ducks and chickens two dachshund and two cats. the only difference is you live in the south and I live in north east Ohio and its been cold as hell. Great pictures of your flock
  11. Corky has our telephone rings down pat. If the phone rings and you answer it and it was her. She will laugh at you. Than in about 5 minutes she will do it again. If you tell her to stop it she will do the phone again and than laugh. They can be little stinkers. Some times we call her butt head.
  12. OH my, I think she has it down to a science. I think she is normal.
  13. Miss. G`s train has been a long time coming , but it`s roaring into the station now.
  14. Check out the sticky thread Necrosis in the amazon room.
  15. Welcome Rosita to the grey forum. I will finish putting in her name. check out the honored amazon thread. It`s a sticky in the amazon room.
  16. Amazons are great companions and will give great joy. I found out 5 years ago not to believe all the bad things you hear about them. Her name please so I can add her to the honored amazons of the grey forum list.
  17. You should know better !! Out of sight and in trouble. Loved the pictures.
  18. Nancy, We at our house wish and prey for the best at your house
  19. Did you know that male amazons often do a Macho "strut" walk especially when overly excited or agitated ???
  20. Dee it`s not just fun for you, It`s fun for all of us. Miss Gilbert is our rescue poster child.
  21. For the people and their companions that live on the East coast, north east and the mid west the south and all over this country, Its been a long, long cold winter. The extra demands on our time just to get through this winter has eaten away at the time we spend with our loved birds along with forum time that we have lost. Today I am off work, the sun is out, my wife and son went out to do some shopping and I am left at home alone with my birds. All my birds were out this morning and are now back in there cage except for Cricket who has taken my absence hardest, Also this winter has taken up a good share of my forum time. So today it`s catch up time and as I type this Cricket is on my shoulder playing with my ear and preening herself. She seams so relaxed as she is standing flatfooted on my shoulder making her amazon noise. She has been on my shoulder for an hour and a half and has made no signs of wanting to leave, and that's ok because that gives more forum time. Cricket is looking over my shoulder as if she can read what I am saying about her and making her soft sounds. I love these times with her as she gives her affection freely and enjoys them as much as I do. When you bond with a amazon, The bond is real and very special, and Cricket has extended this bond to the family. So spring is on its way and I know we are all looking forward to it. I know I am, to spend more time with my fids and to spend more time with my forum friends. So Come On Good Weather.
  22. Welcome to the grey forum to you and your flock. Alexandra is a DOLL
  23. Welcome to you and your great looking flock to the grey forum. The getting to know your new grey can be one of the most fun times you can have with your new companion.
  24. Both my grey Corky and my amazon Cricket can read our emotions. My wife has been in and of the hospital this past year and one time for a heart attack. Both Corky and Cricket know before the wife is out of bead in the morning how she feels. If the wife dose not feel good in the morning, and this is before she gets up, they do not make a sound and let her sleep. If she feels good in the morning than all hell breaks out and she has to get up.
  25. That was funny !!!!!!!. Along with the comments.
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