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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P

    Birdie Cups

    You can always count on a amazon when it comes to food to love whatever you give them for treat or to eat. Cricket is always ready to share what ever you have but never what she has.
  2. Hi Modrummer and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion. What is your new greys name. We love pictures. You can leave a radio or TV on and have a number of toys along with a good seed mix and pellets. Greys love bells to bang around and make noise. Foot toys, hanging toys made of wood.
  3. CAPTION I wonder what it`s like out there ? Don`t you dare leave me !!
  4. She knows she is awesome.
  5. My birds have been all over the U.S. with us on many, many trips. Corky my Congo Grey has over 60.000 miles of travel and has been in many states many times. They seam to enjoy travel as they are very close to us and enjoy all our interaction with them. On one of our trips we were on the road for a month and covered over 7,000 miles on that trip alone. And yes Muse was right, the cat was the problem.
  6. That sounded like the best night ever.
  7. Great video an to see the first time they could run in the grass and mix with each other was great.
  8. Hi Alex and john, Welcome to the grey forum. Sounds like you are off to a good start with Alex, Also we love pictures. You are going to hear about grey time. Because they are so smart they walk to the beat of their own drummer and you will have to step in and follow their beat and time. It`s going to be a new adventure so sit back and enjoy.
  9. Wont be long and Garcia will be a bag of fluff
  10. We had a friend who was a heave smoker and had the cough to go with it. Corky picked up on it and it sounded like she was going to die and at the end she would clear her throat like a sailor.
  11. I haven`t been to a bird fair in years, looks like I should get back to going. I guess I like to pay the big buck. (not)
  12. This year Cricket Came into season late and I think it`s because of the strange winter we had. Crickets normal start is mid December and last to about mid April, but this year she did not start until early March and now she seams to be at her peak and it`s mid May. It`s still cold here for this time of year as the temperature climbs slowly. We have had a few hot days and that's about it. Has any one noticed their birds clock being off this year as compared to other years. I know I remembered to wind my calendar. Crickets routine has been standard over the last 5 1/2 years until this year. Cricket is about 18 years old so she is not new to this. Other that this she seams to be very happy and loveable as normal. Anything different about your fids this year ??? My other fids seam for the most part a little off but normal.
  13. I have always enjoyed reading about your tender moments between you and Isaac and I felt your concern when Isaac lost his feathers. I know just how much you love your feathered companion and your concern for his health and wellbeing. I would bet that Isaac loves you just as much as you love Isaac ! Stay happy my friend.
  14. Hi Sharon and Kita, Welcome to the grey forum. It sounds like you are off to a great start on your new life adventure. Give her some time to settle in to her new home and try not to rush her when it comes to new things.
  15. Hi and welcome to you JB and Picasso to the grey forum. I had a cockatiel named JB and it stood for Just Bird A Grey will change your life in many ways and be a life long companion. And yes we do love pictures.
  16. The effort you are making to get Sukei home to the States is a true sign of your love for him. Where there is a will, There is a way.
  17. That looks like a really fun toy. My grey Corky just loves twist and turn toys.
  18. First I would like to say welcome to the grey forum and thanks for taking in an older grey. Dave007 and Birdhouse have given you some good advice and ideas on making the transition into your home. Just hang there and things will change for the better
  19. Being able to fly may have just saved her life lone enough to be found. This is the kind of great story you love to read about.
  20. That is LIFE WITH A GREY and it gets better
  21. To clip or not to clip is going to be up to you. Most of us here leave our birds full flighted as this gives them full control when it comes to landing and making turns in your home. Yes you have to be more careful when going in and out of the house and that your house is bird safe
  22. I would not use electrical tape as my concern would be with the adhesive used to make it stick. Your companion could bite through the tape and get into the glue. If you look at electrical tape that been on a wire for some time you will see the adhesive has worked its way out from under the tape and acts as a insulator.
  23. Hi Lori and welcome to the grey forum. A grey in your life will take you to a new dimension and we are ready to share your trip with you.
  24. We are ready and waiting to share her home coming with you.
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