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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi Chris and welcome to you and Mama Mia to the grey forum. As you can tell we love pictures, the good, the bad and the ugly we love them all. If you need help, just ask.
  2. Louie looks great, and so happy. Zons are awesome and he is a good looking young man.
  3. Hi amartin and welcome to you and Bella to the grey forum. Give you new little girl some time to settle in to your home. You are going hear a lot about a thing called grey time and how important it is to understand what it is when it comes to living with a grey. If you ever need help, just ask.
  4. I am looking into that.
  5. Did you know that there are about 11 million pet parrots in the United States.
  6. Ray P

    Red Tail

    A question to ponder.
  7. I agree, There are things that come up that you never expected that will give you a glimpse into their past. Some times it tells you that their past was not all bad. they dig back into their mind to remember some good things because it gives them hope and with hope things can change.
  8. That grey believes in physical fitness.
  9. It left me feeling a little empty ! It takes all kinds to make a world. Not always a good thing. People that share their life with a parrot can feel that sentiment.
  10. Ray P

    Solomon Update

    Great update on Solomon and he looks just great and happy.
  11. Welcome home and we all hope your homecoming with Maggie Mae will be just as happy as you hope it is.
  12. Sounds like you could use a Air traffic controller at your place murfchck.
  13. Cricket is a 100% bonafide shoulder Zon.
  14. She might be adjusting air flow around her body !
  15. Does your Amazon have a favorite spot ? (In the house, cage, or someplace on you):cool:
  16. The time has come where you can start to enjoy your new outdoor domain. We already know what Nilah thinks of it. Will she let the Greys in ? How about the tieal ? Does Nilah have a favorite spot yet ?
  17. She is now making the effort to match your effort in being a member of a family flock. Her world has opened up to new adventures that she now can take new interest in and see life as a great thing to be apart of. As your relationship and bond accelerate you both will have a new understanding about your life together as a team. This is what you worked for and two lives are benefiting for it and I am so happy for the both of you.
  18. The reason for her being a snot is, She knows she can get away with it. She has your number.
  19. It`s the surprise you wait for, that you hope never comes.
  20. Not debatable, but desirable !!! The flap, flap, flap is music to my ears !!
  21. Happy hatch day to Nava Maeve, Noah Alden and Loralese Marie and may you have many more each better than the last.
  22. I am so sorry for your loss of a loved companion. I have had birds for over 40 years and it never gets easy when one fly`s to the Rainbow Bridge. Our thoughts are with you in this time of grief. Just love him and his memory and when the time comes love your new one just as much.
  23. So glad things worked out for you in the end. It`s those unexpected things that put a lot of stress in our life and make us think on our feet. Good work !! Cosmo sounds like a well balanced grey.
  24. Mother nature has many ways to help her wild creatures survive in this cruel world. Weather plays a big part in survival in nature.
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