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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Anything is possible with kindness, affection and love. It just takes a little time.
  2. That was awesome to see Oliver enjoying his low level flight. The things we won`t do for our fids.
  3. Way to go Oliver !!!
  4. Hi Josh and welcome to the grey forum. You will find that sharing your home with a grey is a life changing event, for the good. We look forward to sharing your adventure with your new girl grey when she comes along.
  5. Hi Victoria and Floyd and welcome to the grey forum. Floyd sounds like a real sweetheart. OH we love pictures.
  6. Hi robin4b and welcome to the grey forum to you and Max. We love pictures.
  7. Hay Dee I had to laugh when you said Miss Gilbert went into a snit. I think she is more normal than you think. Corky who has been with us all her life and we love her to death and she loves all three of us can be a real stinker and become a big snot at the drop of a hat if you do something she dose not like at that moment in time and than turn around and want some love and a head scratch. And they talk about Amazons. Another thing are your two dachshunds Mick and Baxter picky eaters ? Bacon and Cocoa can put a African grey to shame when it comes to being picky eaters. You can put their food down for them to eat and they look at you as if to say where did you get this crap.
  8. It could be that when the door is open she knows she can come and go if she wants, but when the door is closed she has no options.
  9. Every bird I ever had was a shoulder bird. Not only did I have to earn their trust, they had to earn mine. When you reach that point of shoulder privileges it`s a great thing and can say a lot about your relationship and your bond with your companion. Trust runs both ways.
  10. Rosita is a real looker and her new cage looks good too.
  11. A grey getting into trouble is a happy grey.
  12. Looking better all the time. He will be back to his old self soon.
  13. All the best for Cotay and a big bubba lock for bubba. They sure keep you on your toes
  14. There are two things you should know when you live with a parrot, Amazon, Grey od any other species. 1. When there good there good. 2. When there bad they are even better.
  15. A strong relationship and bonding make for a lifelong companion.
  16. You should call that room Nilah haven.
  17. Your dream room looks great. Whom will enjoy it more, You or your fids ?
  18. Hi Alyson and Hero, Welcome to the grey forum. Hero is a good looking TAG and we hope to see and hear a lot more of him and you in the future.
  19. That was really funny. Whenever I watch something like this about Amazons I wonder where Cricket went wrong. She was like that in her first home, but she has never bitten me or my wife and son. She may bite me in the future, but in the last 5 1/2 years has never showed any signs of wanting too. She might be a lost amazon soul trying to find herself.
  20. In no time at all that little fluff ball is going to take over your life.
  21. Hi Zoomommy and zeke. Welcome to the both of you to the grey forum. That other forum was the African Grey forum and I se its no longer on line. I was also a member on that forum, but never posted much (4 or 5 times) and than I found this forum and I call Grey forums home. OH, we love pictures.
  22. With greys its always gets better.
  23. Oh that first molt on a young grey with a new caregiver can drive them nuts.(the caregiver that is)
  24. Cricket has been with us now for 5 1/2 years In the early years when Corky was out of her cage Cricket would wait quietly in her cage until I took her out. Corky is the number One bird and had first out privilege for about 30 min. to an hour be for Cricket came out. Well over the last 5 1/2 years that has changed to the point that as soon as Cricket hears Corky cage latch on her cage she starts to yell at me to let her out. Corky no longer has that special time any more as Cricket wants equal time to be with us. This dose not seam to bother Corky at all as they each are with my wife or my self. Cricket will not take a back seat on time out of cage. It`s good that they can be out together and take turns being with the wife or me. Its seams that they know how to share. It`s also good one on one time as they go back and forth between the two of us.
  25. It won`t be long and we will calling her Amelia Earhart Gilbert as she spreads her wings to set new records. GO GIRL !!
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