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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I think if I brought a macaw home my wife would get rid of me and keep the macaw .
  2. Ray P

    In Flight

    What a shot !!!
  3. It won`t be long and she will have complete control over you.
  4. Hi Doron and Annie and welcome to the grey forum. Annie looks great and like Dave said in time she will regrow her feathers as needed.
  5. Lulu looks great and you soon will find out how gentle, sweet and loveable a lady zon can be. It sounds like she came from a great home and I don`t think you have any trouble with her adjusting to living in your home with you and your other three fids. I believe Lulu is going to show you the gentle side of amazons.
  6. It sounds like a case of, you bring them in and I`ll take care of them syndrome.
  7. level spelled backward is level
  8. Welcome to you and Echo to the grey forum. Echo looks awesome.
  9. Dee, you are doing all the right things. One of the things you are doing and that will give you the greatest reward is observation. To know and understand what`s going on in her head by what she is doing. To understand her and know when to step back and let her reset.
  10. That's great Janet and you know I will do anything I can to help. My first 3 or 4 weeks with Cricket I did not let her out of her cage, but I would sit by her and talk to her, some times I would just sit and read. I always had treats with me ,but I did not offer her any. It was cut up carrots. One day around the third week as I sat by her eating my carrots she put her foot through the bars and I put a carrot in her foot and that started our relationship. I miss her so bad !
  11. Hi Brad and Furley and welcome to the grey forum. sounds like things are going fine. You have been given some great advice by Dave007 and the other members. Keep offering different kinds of food even if she don`t eat it at first. Over time she will try it and may like it.
  12. Sounds like you and Gabby had a great day and we will be looking for pictures the next time.
  13. Ray P


    There are a lot of nice things you can make out of pvc plastic pipe and its easy to work with. A lot of members will use vet wrap to wrap the pipe to make it easer to climb and a better grip.
  14. It`s good to have a wakeup call every now and than to remind us that tomorrows never comes, And it`s always today and never yesterday. Dose that make sense?
  15. My son is a peanut butter nut and will only eat Jiff, so we bye it in the large can. When the peanut butter can is empty we give it to the birds to play with. Corky and Cricket loved to crawl inside the peanut butter can and clean it out. It was funny to see a red or green tail sticking out of the can. They would come out all covered in peanut butter. they would not let you clean them off and would spend hours preening the peanut butter off their feathers.
  16. Talon did not want mama to know she did good to soon because she might get a swelled head.
  17. Its been a bad month. On June 2ed I lost Cricket, On June 27th a good friend and fellow vol. fire fighter passed away at age 47 of a heart attack, same day something got into my peacocks pens and broke all her eggs that Hanna was sitting on and my computer crashed and had to get a new one. After setting up my new computer I had issues with connection problem between my new computer and my internet service. After two hours on the phone I`m back on line.
  18. Hi Lissa and Arnie, and welcome to the grey forum. If Arnie has a favorite treat, leave the cage door open and put his treat just out side the door and let him come out on his own. He may step up out side of his cage.
  19. Hi seahorse and welcome to the grey forum. You have been given some good advice. My female CAG Corky loves people.
  20. I don`t thing Miss Gilbert will have any problem as she knows your mannerisms, your voice along with many other looks and movements that define you.
  21. Hmmmm I hope when she sees the new you with out your braces that she don`t make you start all over again as a newbe caregiver.
  22. When they decide it`s time for a bath than it`s time for a bath an not a minute sooner. Great video
  23. Miss Gilbert now has certain expectations of you. Like you said Dee. She is standing in the doorway and ready to step through for another new adventure
  24. You mean when you walked in the door they looked at and as if to say OH it`s you.
  25. I had no idea how many Grey forum members have had Amazons in the past and have told me how much they missed them. When Cricket passed away I received many PMs and E-males from members who had Amazons in the past who loved them beyond belief. So many times I have read in other places where people have called them Green Angles from Hell. Yet when you talk to care givers who have had them for long periods of time you hear a different story. For a long time I thought Cricket was some thing special until I hear about many Amazons with a gentle side. It`s when someone will say that all greys are pluckers, We at grey forums know that is not true. There is a fine line between truth and fiction, but some times there is this Grey area in between that hides the truth and or the fiction. You have to sort it out. Greys and amazons have made many people happy, and upset a person or two.
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