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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Just wait until they get good and sharp. Than you will know they are back. LOL
  2. You know Dee that I have followed this thread from day one of your adventure, and I said this a short time ago that your relationship is about to explode into something special. The more difficult the challenge the sweeter the rewords.
  3. Cricket just loved her foot massages. She would hold her foot up to my finger and move her talons so I could rub her foot pads. The bottom of her feet were so soft and as I rubbed the bottom soft part she would open and close her talons for the longest time.
  4. Ray P

    Oh my...

    Lets see a Congo Amazono Grey. Yellow head and red tail, What a combo.
  5. The fun part is watching them destroying them.
  6. Did you know that Amazon parrots are considered by many to be the most trainable of all parrot species ??
  7. The way Fred likes water, you should get him some scuba gear.
  8. Welcome back Gabby and we hope this adventure you had will last a lifetime. Give some of that special time as she needs it and is telling you she is happy to be home. We are all happy for you.
  9. The things we are willing to do for our fids. Looking good.
  10. Cricket was never aggressive in our home, but in the home before us they said she was. I only point out the aggressive part because so much of what you read about zons seam to lead you to believe that they are. Cricket was very loving, but from time to time she could be very head strong and that`s not aggressive by any means. I was hopping that you with a younger and a older amazon could share any difference that you see between your two in reference to age. I was told by a former member that you can`t compare amazon species because some are far more aggressive that others. This may be true, but some people see the word Amazon and they link it to aggression and we both know this is not true. With proper socialization we both know that life with a zon can be awesome and we each share our own relationship with our fids.
  11. My wife and I do not smoke, but we have a friend that is heavy smoker, 3 packs a day and has the cough to go with it. Corky has picked up this cough and has added to it. Another friend was over and Corky started to hack away. Our friend said you better get her to the vet. By this time Corky stopped the cough and cleared her throat like a sailor, and I said, nope she is better now.
  12. Have you ever thought of having and living with an Amazon ? Have you ever watched these high energy clowns of the parrot world in action, living and enjoying their life to its fullest ? Have you ever watched them open their wins and see the many beautiful colored feathers through out their body with each species different than the next ? Than you read about the dark side, the aggression, the unpredictability and now they are a turn off. There is a bright side, but first there are some things you must do. First, you must forget any preconceived notions that you have after reading about them. Second, you must accept them for who and what they are and look for the bright side because there is one. Its up to you to flip the coin over to the bright side. The posts will be kept short as its still very difficult for me to talk about Cricket, but I feel that I must
  13. They can and do become a big part of your life weather you are their favored person or not.
  14. My grey Corky will call the dogs by name and than say speak, and than throw her Roudy bush pellets out of the cage to them, and as the dogs eat them she will say, good dogs, good dogs.
  15. Boy, you can tell that`s a Dave post. Good one.
  16. WOW ! I think I would like to move in with them.
  17. compliments well deserved.
  18. Enjoy these early days with your baby because they are like kids s, as they get older they can become independent as hell. LOL.
  19. That`s OK Dee, every now and than when she is mad at David you can be number one. I still believe she thinks of you as number one, She just don't want you to know it just yet. P.S. Absents makes the heart grow fonder.
  20. A well socialized Grey that can travel. be around people and see new things with out fear can be a real joy to spend the rest of your life with. Make sure that you protect them by keeping them safe from harm. Make sure they don`t escape into a hostel world.
  21. Kilaya is growing up to be a beauty and has already stolen the hearts of this forum.
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