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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. We have to watch our mail because Corky eats the bills, but we still have to pay them.
  2. You have to watch those greys. We use twist ties on all Corkys food and water doors and have to make sure her main and roof doors are latched and locked or she will be out of her cage in no time at all.
  3. Sitting at my computer reading grey forums and dreading the coming of winter.
  4. Awesome video. It cheered me up.
  5. Maggie is making hubby pay the pice for his absence, but she will come around. Our CAG Corky is the master when it comes to making you pay. My wife has been in the hospital 5 times in the past 4 years and when she comes home she pays. If she has been in the hospital for 5 days, Than Corky will have nothing to do with her for 5 days, but on the 6th day everything is hunky dory. If it`s three days gone than it`s three days cold shoulder and on the 4th day it`s like nothing ever happened. If he was the her favorite than she will come around.
  6. My wife likes to sit and relax to the music of Kenny G. Corky will fly over to the wife and sit between her and the CD player and close her eyes and relax with her. Cricket my Amazon was the dancer.
  7. As a parent and as foster parents for many years, I found that there is no differences between kids and our parrots. They get into the same trouble.
  8. That was a great intro about you and Bindi and we will look forward to pictures. Any way welcome to the grey forum to the both of you. You will find that this is a great bunch of parrot lovers here and not for just greys but all species.
  9. The one thing about Amazons. They will sell their sole for a favorite treat.
  10. Looks great. Now she can enjoy the great outdoors
  11. Amazons can be very vocal when they show their feelings. Cricket had this very soft and content sound when she was happy. She also had a her happy squeals along with her coos and her cat like purrs. She was a very happy Amazon and showed it in her actions and sounds of content.
  12. Dee, I admire your dedication to Miss Gilbert. She has come so far from her past and is stepping into today and looking to the future. Each day bring something new as she comes out of her shell. A long trip but worth it.
  13. They love living life to its fullest, but from time to time they can be a stinker (In a good way). Take the time to look into those Amazon eyes, but be careful because they will draw you in.
  14. In time they will learn to love the aviary and the outside and will want to be out there when ever the weather is nice. Looking GOOD.
  15. Albert is going to bring a new dimension into your life unlike any other companion that you have ever had. They will give back more than you give them and forever be in your heart and a part of your life. Three parrots that have made me who I am are cockatiels, African greys and Amazons.
  16. Hi Michael and welcome to you and Woody Alan to the grey forum. We love to share our years and stories with our fids to any that will listen.
  17. Hi and welcome to you and Goofy to the grey forum.
  18. Welcome Albert to the grey forums When an Amazon loves you they really love you and they can be the most gentle and sweet companion ever. And yes I know the sounds you are talking about as Cricket always made them when se was with me. It melts your heart. I am adding your Albert to the honored Amazons of the grey forum along with you as care giver. Enjoy him as he will become the love of your life and you to his.
  19. Great up date, and love the pictures.
  20. Getting up in the morning and going out to that big aviary and sitting with your fids has to be awesome. I think I might move into the aviary with them !!!
  21. Miss Gilbert is like a big truck. Slow to start and build speed, but once she builds momentum, she will be hard to stop.
  22. I have lived in the country all my life and have owned 4 homes all with wells. I have had parrots for over 43 years and they all drank well water. In the wild they drink from ponds, rivers and puddles. I would be concerned more with city water.
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