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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. So sorry about your loss of Peck.
  2. Sounds like a great show, but my car dose not float so I can`t come, Ohio, U.S.A.
  3. A gift of sharing and feeling your loss with all the love she could give.
  4. A trip to the pet store is about $150.00 to $200.00 a month for two birds for me. I can`t stop finding extras that I think they need.
  5. Cocoa was awesome and I always enjoyed all her videos. We all miss her on this forum.
  6. Like it or not, they are who they are, and that is what`s so great about them. All they want to do is be them self.
  7. White vinegar is the best way to go to clean and disinfect there cages.
  8. And I thought you were a bird LOVER.
  9. Amazons have a loyalty like no other parrot,, but they very often can and do accept other or new people. I saw that with Cricket as she bonded with me and came to accepting and bonding with the wife and son. They know if you have a fear of them and will take advantage of that fear. They respect a person with self confidence and seam to cling to that type of person. My lesson in life is never underestimate what a zon can be. If you do, the loss is yours. I had a fear of Amazons, and than along came Cricket, and changed that.
  10. They do become woven seamlessly in to the fabric of our life. They are the problem child. the genius, the every day is Sunday child, the shy one. They come to the point of not being just a pet, but a true companion and friend. Someone you can sit and talk to hour after hour and they will sit there and listen. Take in all the good and bad and you will find out that they are worth it.
  11. What comes around, goes around.
  12. Oh the moods of a grey. Corky baby is our sweet little girl grey We call her Mikey {from the Maypo Cereal Commercial} when she eats everything in sight. We call her butt head when she is being a snot. We call her cork when she is being a clown. Feather butt when she is showing off. CORKY !!! when she is getting into trouble. Termite when she is working on the wood work. And when she is quiet we run over to see what`s wrong. She has many other names to match her moods and I mean many other names.
  13. You have brought Miss G to the threshold and she is ready to step over. Awesome, go swamp queen
  14. That excitement with your grey will go on, and on.
  15. How dare you expose them to those UV rays lol.
  16. Aerial go to forum feed back and look at reputation in the sticky and Talon has done a great job of explaining this
  17. Ray P


    I believe Dave has brought out some very important points when it comes to our greys, amazons or what ever parrot you may have. 1. You can`t compare apples to oranges, and 2. domesticated and wild do not share the same definition. Stay, stop and no, how many times a day do you say this to your parrot. I can tell Corky no!! and she will stop what she is doing for a moment And turn her head side ways and look at me with one eye and on the other side of her head she is looking with her other eye at the wood work and planning her next harvest of wood splinters. You have to isolate the room she wants to be in with as other members said some kind of curtain or a door. Putting something they are afraid of may stop them for a time, but if they want get there bad enough, and after a time they find out that this thing that they are afraid of won`t eat them, well you know. We need to do the imposable and that is out smart them, ha, ha, ha lol.
  18. It`s softer than a napkin and more absorbent, so they say.
  19. Ray P


    We all feel your loss.
  20. Sounds like Miss G has no problem expressing her feelings. To me its sounds like normal grey response to a problem.
  21. When they come around, they come around. Great story.
  22. Happy belated hatch day to you Alfie and I hope you have many more.
  23. A belated hatch day to you Bailey. Hope you have many more.
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