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  1. Sorry for this late reply on my little green bird. Libai the Greater Greenleaf bird. I saw an answer I made in another forum with many links to Libai. And for those that might just go on here last few years, on Riamfada as well. https://forums.avianavenue.com/index.php?threads/hi-from-shanlung-tinkerbell-riamfada.1141/post-899088
  2. Thank you folks for still keeping me in your thoughts. I been keeping daily records of Vorna. I used to do that in Facebook but I was banned for a month so I doing that in Livejournal. See the records up to 2022.March 22. Vorna can fly somewhat now. But nowhere like that of Tinkerbell or Riamfada who flown when fledged. Tink fledged with me. And Riamfada was a wild caught. I continued the flying exercises with Vorna so she can have nice cleavage for me to leer at. And even more important that it sink into her soul that she is a flying bird. Even if she use my gift of flight to her to taunt me with. I hope eventually she might use her gift to fly to my shoulder without my calling on her to do so. https://shanlung.livejournal.com/
  3. Hi folks. I am pleased that greforums still much alive 💖💖💖. Vorna is now with me. For 13++ years, she had a chain on foot. She spend 5 years attacking and nailing the first keeper until she was sold for a song to my friend Charles. Then another 5 years nailing and biting him until he begged me to just take her. And then I gave her her first name Vorna. The good witch of Rigante world who saw Riamfada running for the first time to the Old Tree I fought months for Vorna heart and mind and got myself chomped and nailed on. Waited 11 months lfor her to. Moult assymetrical clipping. Taught Vorna she a bird and can fly and bring back the gift of flight to her. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159553417533421&id=538743420. Background summary
  4. If your main aim to microchip is primarily to get your grey or other birdie back in case Murphy visited you, that might not be the best solution. Your best chance will be to get birdie back ASAP. It is not necessary the other person bring the birdie to vet to scan for microchip for a long time. Because as time go by from days to weeks, the other person will form attachment. Even if the finder is honest, very honest, emotional entanglement might lessen the chances of birdie being returned to you. This is what I do. Plagiarised from https://shanlung.livejournal.com/112576.html Reflections on Riamfada at edge of the Empty Quarter and some rants Partial extract only But what if Riamfada could tell those who found her my telephone? Or my telephone number be on her that I then could be contacted. What if something could be clipped to her with my telephone? What about those tiny aluminium thingie with paper scrolled inside designed for cat or dog collars that I seen in pet shops in Qurum? That I could tie with Dyneema to her harness? That same evening saw me in petshop there. They have no tiny aluminum cylinder thingie. Perhaps I seen that in petshop in some other countries that got mentally displaced to here in Muscat, Oman. But they have tiny plastic cylinder thingie for cats or dogs. I rather have the aluminium as I feared Riamfada would just chew the plastic apart. I bought 2 of those at about 2 US$ each. They snapped open to reveal a scroll of paper for name address and telephone number inside. The next morning was Friday. But that day would be devoted to checking this possible solution. I called Mr Jabri who enjoyed that desert report and was frightened by that only a bit less than me and much more frightened than any of you for reason obvious to all of you. He agreed his name and phone be written in that paper together with my wife telephone number. That was in case if Riam was rescued by someone who might not be able to speak English, he would be called. I was prepared for any ransom or reward money to get Riamfada back. I fixed two harness with that tiny cylinder thingie. Riamfada was harnessed up for that acid test. If those cylinder bothered her. She could chew that within a second. She was curious, and gave that a cursory chew and never bothered again with that cylinder. That Friday was spend in neighbourhood walks , and flights inside the house with just the harness on. She never bothered with the cylinder. That was tested all through the week in our daily neighbourhood walks and recall flights done. That tiny cylinder thingie never bothers Riam at all when she was flying or not flying and ignored by her all the time. Nothing is fool proof. But the chances of Riamfada being found and reunited with me is now immensely better with those telephone numbers attached to her harness via that cylinder. Any freeflights will be done with Riam in her harness which now weigh 4 grams with that cylinder thingy. The harness is less than 1 % of her body weight. That 1 % is less than your running shoes /shirt/shorts that you wear when you go for a run. Or do you need to be naked and running without shoes before you feel you are truly running? If you feel that way, and if you are a sweet young thing and live near me, do me a favour and come over and run in circles around me. 8888888888888888888888888888888 I also found the aluminium cylinder thingy for phone number
  5. Vorna flying will never ever be the levels of Tinkerbell and Riamfada. Tink scared me silly when after she fledged and flew and flew, she played games that frightened the sh*t out of me and back into me. Until I grit my teeth (or dentures ) and ignored her. Such as playing game of Pong with her body. Flying at high speed to a wall and bouncing off wall to another wall and on and on. Times were when I wanted to wring her scrawny neck. As for Riamfada, see the part where she flew through curtains with a tiny gap. And especially the photos on how she angled her body and contracted her wings to get through the tiny gap. In flying exercises with Vorna, I can hear from time to time her wings brushing the edge of the door despite the wide space as you can see in videos as I walked her in her flying exercises 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Vorna 2021. 01 Sept Wednesday - Post Vorna Volitional flight , Vorna flew to my shoulder 01 Sept Wednesday My Huawei P30 Pro camera kind of acting up last couple of days must be from $^^**^^$@#$% update done on it. Then the phone refused to recognised camera all together. Huawei service center had to do a factory reset and I got back the camera but focus still wonky . Camera and video still cannot focus properly Factory reset got me back the camera but focus other than wide angle U^%$#$^^^& wonky then realised I forgotten the password for the backup done just before the reset. And the other backup I got and restored from was July of last year and not this year. But over the last week, I got a lot lot less concern of Vorna doing volitional flights. That be clear should you find the time to go through the daily reports. Might be easier to do that via https://shanlung.livejournal.com except no videos or photos in there. For benefit of those who might not known, here is a short recap of August. 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 The packaging of TinkerbellVorna mash - done 19/08/2021 https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10159531229148421 The cooking of TinkerbellVorna mash - done 18/08/2021 https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10159529479738421 The initial weighing and preparation of TinkerbellVorna mash - done 17/08/2021 https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10159527754338421 After 2 months of trying to get her to understand and do volitional flights, I am a lot lot lot less nervous if she going to do that. I do believe that she gotten the hang of doing volitional flights. And very likely I be making trouble for myself in the future when Vorna going to fly blissfully all over and making more of a nuisance of herself. Especially with what my dear wife told me yesterday what Vorna did with her. I really think my agonised efforts over last 6 weeks that must have made painful reading to you folks starting to pay off. You know the other day that Vorna delighted me. After I accepted that fate entwinned Vorna with me and that I will do my best with her and hope I get her out from her big handicap of not allowed to fledged and not allowed to fly with assymetrically clipped wings until she came to me. I allowed her feathers to grow back taking 9 months. And took her through flying exercises to grow her flight muscles and develope a sexy cleavage. Getting her to do volitional flight at will be the next hurdle I hope to get her through. But I decided my approach to getting her to do volitonal flights will be very very laid back. And no more of the past trying to compell her via stringent restrictions on her food hoping that hunger will compell her to fly. You all seen from my daily reports I tried and tried so hard to get Vorna to do volitional flights. https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10159506793843421. Contain livejournal link to month earlier when I tried to induce Vorna to do volitional flight to cage to eat and drink. https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10159518969378421. My report of August 12 and my failure. Thoughts of not having Vorna and getting another parrot or bird crossed my mind. Then I thought will Vorna next keeper love and keep Vorna the way she needed to be kept and look after? In the past I was ready to keep any parrot with special needs and to provide environment for the bird to thrive as best as possible. I had advised this lady with a grey without feet. And another lady with a grey that was blind. I decided Vorna is a grey with very special needs. And Vorna can be so sweet especially to my wife. My wife put her foot down very firmly that she would keep Vorna with her. Vorna was the only bird (other for Libai the Greater Greenleaf Songbird) that is so nice to my wife, nicer to my wife than to me. My current attempts to induce Vorna to do volitional flight is clear indication of damage done to a CAG not allowed to fledge, and not allowed to fly for 13 years until she came to me. I fought 3 to 4 months for her heart and mind until she stopped attacking and biting me. She was kept by this guy and she attacked and bite him for 5 years until she was sold for a song to my friend Charles. And then for another 5 years, she attacked and chomp and nailed Charles until he begged me to take her. She was unnamed until I took her in July 2000 and she became Vorna, the good witch of Rigante world, and saw Riamfada running to that Sacred Tree. Her feathers grew after being asymmetrically clipped. And I got her to fly, with flying exercises. Then I noticed she never fly of her own accord. She flew only when I got her going . My records of attempts to get her to do volitional flights. Will make painful reading. https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10159506793843421. Contain livejournal link to month earlier when I tried to induce Vorna to do volitional flight to cage to eat and drink. https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10159518969378421. My report of August 12 and my failure. By not allowing Vorna to fledge or to fly for the last 13 years of her life, Vorna mind might have been stunted. Even though she can definately fly she was so inhibited from flying about. Totally different from Tinkerbell who fledged under me and Riamfada a wild caught so exuberant in their flights and so confident every where they went and flew about in arabesque flowery aerial displays. This volitional flight is not just flight. I am trying to reach into her mind to open up her mind. That she is what she think she is And that she can go where ever she wants to go. Take a look at my other birds. How I arranged for foraging places to broaden their horizon and to amuse them by hidden treats at different places and how they went about to look for treats as if they in forest and in the wild to go foraging for food. It was the same for Tinkerbell but she was less photoed as her time was during mailing list time and digital photos then not so many. There were many foraging points on different perches by name. To bring fun into their lives. Shanlung foraging for birdies // Jackie and clicker training // climate change 6th Dec 2011 https://shanlung.livejournal.com/134514.html Vorna did not seem to have the fine control of flight as seen in Tinkerbell and Riamfada. See how Riamfada could adjust her wings in mid flight to get through very tight space. Riamfada at home//Dommie at the beach again Ramadhan 2010 //Villa walkabout 3 https://shanlung.livejournal.com/119381.html “In the last blog, you seen the blue bath curtains outside flapping in the wind. I decided to hang those curtains across a doorway in the house instead of outside. The curtains do not flap in the house as obviously there was no wind with all the doors closed and the aircond on in the heat of the summer I could adjust the curtains to have a small gap for Riamfada to fly through. I wrote earlier that Riamfada could fly through a tiny gap in the door to sneak into the kitchen. I could not and would not want to risk any injury to Riamfada , but the light curtains would be perfect to show that she could fly through a tiny gap. “ Vorna flying through open door in flight exercises can be heard occasionally as her feathers brushed the side of wide open door. See how Riam could bring in her wings so she did not even touch the curtains. I am very sad and afraid for Vorna that while she can fly, and you seen she did about 500 meters during the 10 circuits of flying, she did not do that volitional flights of even one meter I so yearned for her to do. Unless she felt like it. I was hoping she felt like it more often instead of when she felt like it. 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
  6. I post everyday on my 2 steps forward and 3 steps back with Vorna. Was doing that on Facebook until Facebook think I a noti boy for talking of events in regime controlled Sinkapore and banned me for a month. Second time by the way as they rather I just write of birdies and beasties and cleavage . So I doing my daily updates in Livejournal. You heard of folks having to walk the dog. Now you hearing of an idiot walking to fly the bird. Being doing that about 500 meters (measured via MAPMYWALK) everyday of flying circuits of 10, when we both not lazy. My wife accusing me of doing that exercise to give Vorna a cleavage so I can leer into for vicarious pleasure. I try not to be lazy about the flying exercises as that forced me to walk quickly 500 meters. Hard to believe? So see the sordid details of how I trying my best to deepen the cleavage of Vorna into a sexy and bewitching witch 😍😍😍 https://shanlung.livejournal.com/
  7. It is such a nice surprise to see this forum still very much alive. And on top of that, this thread not closed off. Too many years from the time I reported I be in Riyadh to now. The passing of Ivan made me realised time running out and I left Riyadh. https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10157290571053421 ********************************** This was in Quora, written on 21 Jan 2018 as an answer to How can I say goodbye to a loved dying cat? But I like this to be in my Facebook as well. This was in parts and bits from Facebook and other forums earlier on, and kind of compiled into Quora Extracted in full below from https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-say-goodbye-to-a-loved...# And added a few more nuggets of Ivan as well ****************************************** Written before to a similar situation. Repeated here in full. This will be a series of letters written by me to one of my forum on the passing away of Ivan. He was with us for 21 years. 88888888888888888888888888888888888 I now have a grey. I named her Vorna. The good witch of Rigante world and who saw Riamfada running for the first time to that old sacred tree. She was not fledged and not flying for 13 years. With a chain to her foot. She bit and attacked an owner for 5 years until she was sold for a song to my friend Charles. And then bit and nailed and attacked him for another 5 years until he begged me to take her in Sept 2019. I refused as I liked travelling and going to see Tinkerbell periodically. I went to Taiwan 2 times in 2019 https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10157820326633421 Nov 2019 https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10157355673273421 May 2019 Then COVID19 hit us. I knew no travelling about for a long time. I then accepted Charles offer and when lockdown was temporary over in July 2020, I went to get that CAG that I called Vorna. She had not name prior to that. I fought the battle for her heart and her mind while she attacked and nailed and whacked me for a couple of months. Then I won her over. And slowly as she molted, I returned to her her heritage of flight. This and the links inside will explain how Vorna and I got along https://shanlung.livejournal.com/168696.html
  8. Easier for me to google hunt than to dig through my livejournal , and that lead me back into this forum here here // Dommie at Omer//kitties// Riamfada and 3 turns on dime https://shanlung.livejournal.com/118669.html I write a lot now in Facebook. Especially as I finally accepted my friend Charles begging me to take his grey in Sep 2019 That poor grey spend all her life at end of chain, at least 12 years. For 5 years, she attacked and bite the first keeper until she was sold for a song to Charles. Who then was attacked and biten for another five years until he begged me just to take her. I did not want to as I knew well the responsiblity I got to take, and no travelling to Taiwan and other parts of the world. Only when C19 hit us as I knew travelling days over, that I accept the grey in July this year. And that was when I gave her the name of Vorna, the good witch of Rigante world and she was the first to see Riamfada running to the ancient tree. Vorna bite and nailed me most painfully in her first 2 months as I fought the battle for her heart and mind. And she decided me and my wife do not deserved the biting and nailing and became sweet to us, sweeter to my wife. And at end of September 2020, Vorna was on my shoulder and did not chomp my ear off https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10158787964993421 Vorna was brutally clipped in asymmetrical way and I hoping for her to molt and regain her gift of flight. Wish us luck
  9. Thank you! I accidently got back into this forum as I was hunting down the URL for the first visit of Dommie to Omer. Easier for me to google hunt than to dig through my livejournal , and that lead me back into this forum here here // Dommie at Omer//kitties// Riamfada and 3 turns on dime https://shanlung.livejournal.com/118669.html And I log in and noticed your call to me. I write a lot now in Facebook. Especially as I finally accepted my friend Charles begging me to take his grey in Sep 2019. That poor grey spend all her life at end of chain, at least 12 years. For 5 years, she attacked and bite the first keeper until she was sold for a song to Charles. Who then was attacked and biten for another five years until he begged me just to take her. I did not want to as I knew well the responsiblity I got to take, and no travelling to Taiwan and other parts of the world. Only when C19 hit us as I knew travelling days over, that I accept the grey in July this year. And that was when I gave her the name of Vorna, the good witch of Rigante world and she was the first to see Riamfada running to the ancient tree. Vorna bite and nailed me most painfully in her first 2 months as I fought the battle for her heart and mind. And she decided me and my wife do not deserved the biting and nailing and became sweet to us, sweeter to my wife. And at end of September 2020, Vorna was on my shoulder and did not chomp my ear off https://www.facebook.com/shanlung/posts/10158787964993421 Vorna was brutally clipped in asymmetrical way and I hoping for her to molt and regain her gift of flight. Wish us luck
  10. 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8888888888888888888 [AGPC] Re:Understanding the mind of your grey Greys are intelligent and I really cannot see their biting in terms of mindless viciousness from them at all. Only humans are capable and demonstrate unprovoked viciousness and cruelty. Are we right in extending that uniquely human trait to the animals in general and greys in particular? Greys resort to biting when they are frightened and afraid or if they felt they cannot communicate anymore of their wishes and preferences. I remembered the days when I was a tiny boy and a lot more cute than what you have seen of me in my photos. My sisters, and their friends, love to pet my cheek when I did not like it. At that time, if I had known of greys and parrots, I would have turned around and chomp them on the fingers. To me, it was so easy to see if birdie is receptive to me or not. And very often, if birdie is not receptive then (to head rubs or to train together), just a few minutes later, the birdie will be ready and receptive. Perhaps its because I do my best to see their moods AT ALL TIMES. And because I want to see, I do see it. Smart and intelligent as greys may be, shouldn't the onus be on us the humans who are supposed to be even smarter? Are we to blame the parrot because they 'cannot read us' (I think they read us a lot better!) or should we blame ourselves for not reading them, and in many cases, deliberately not reading them in the first place. I think 'Alphas' pay a heavier price for assuming the role of alphas than those who decide greys are equal and should be treated with the courtesy and dignity due to fellow sentients. And if 'Alphas' insist on what they think is God given role as 'Alphas', they continue to pay the price until they learn. To each the role they want to play, and the rewards and price they get for playing those roles. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Far too often, because people do not see or do not wish to see the reason for the biting, they rather conveniently say the parrot bite them without reasons at all. Or they say its the Terrible 2 or 3. That hormonal changes came. That might be the case. But even at that, the nuances of the emotions can be so easily seen in them. Blaming hormonal changes is another cop-out. Even without hormonal changes, a parrot might get out of the wrong side of the bed on that day. I do not do to them what I done the day before because I can do that the day before or even on the hour just before. That the birdie liked it then do not mean the birdie like the same thing now. The birdie showed so much of what they liked that it is so much easier to make yourself more receptive to their moods there and then and act to them according to their moods there and then. That is just simple courtesy and respect to fellow intelligent sentient. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aa Quote from: danmcq 'I agree 100 percent with you, that they do not bite out of just meaness or viciousness. They did it because we did not respect thier space or body language at the time.' In this thread at another forum somewhere, there is this lady who love to say she graduated from a bird psychology course in almost everyone of her mail. Whatever that meant. Maybe that she became an expert because she got a printed certificate. Her grey bite her about once a month, and that it was the fault of the grey. That greys are so individual. But of course! Greys are individuals. I do not treat Riam the way I treat Tinkerbell. But at the very bottom, they all are the same, including getting out of wrong side of bed. It was so obvious she relished her role as the Alpha and with her psychology course, that she could psycho the birdie to her will. (guess who I wrote indirectly to in letter of 9 Aug). That she carried the birdie everywhere (guess that she clipped the wings so birdie be less uppity) Also obviously, I am a nobody to her. With none of those fancy certs to hang in my house and none of those fancy affiliations. So again And if 'Alphas' insist on what they think is God given role as 'Alphas', they continue to pay the price until they learn. To each the role they want to play, and the rewards and price they get for playing those roles. I also cannot understand whats all those emphasis on birdie pinning their eyes to be watched out for as the magical precursor to biting. Tinkerbell, and now Riamfada, they kept pinning their eyes (narrowing and then dilating their pupils) almost all the time when I play with them. I like to think they pin their eyes even when I am not playing and watching them at all. I never will know. After all, if I am not watching them, can one know if they pin their eyes then? One might as well say parrot open their jaws before they chomp on you and watch out that opening of the jaws. One other very special point I like to make. I always asked them (by voice or by the very actions) and I watched them, as to everything I like them to do, or allow me to do. My wishes were almost never rejected by them. I do believe, the very act of asking them, was perceived by them. And because I did the courtesy of asking them, they allowed me , and played along with me, because I asked them. Simple opening of the heart, and courtesy and respect to them, gained me a lot more than a dozen beautiful certificates and affiliations. Your graduation from my course is your better enjoyment with your birdie and having more magic in your relationship. And a lot less chomping from them. Isn't that better than a beautiful cert and diploma hanging on your wall? 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Such as this guy in a South East Asian forum who took me to task for asking people to think of allowing their birds to even fly at home or even to fly at all. He wrote of parrot taken out to fly in a room with a ceiling fan on and got decapitated. He then wrote of a bird taken out of cage in room with opened windows and flew out of the house. He said that would never have happened if the wings were clipped. I cringed at the stupidity of not shutting down the ceiling fan or not closing the windows prior to letting your bird fly. That same guy advised on how to stop biting from hookbills saying he is an expert as he was bitten many times by his own parrots. I got bitten badly once and once only as reported 'Riamfada gave me her first painful bite ' http://shanlung.livejournal.com/96157.html That despite my handling of other birds like M2s and BP2s that I was warned would bite. With ‘experts’ like that claiming that being bitten many times making them expert, I am happy to remain an idiot or a student. But do not get me wrong. I got bitten very painfully and deliberately by Riamfada with intention to deliver real hurting. I forgave her. She was so apologetic. Here the sordid details of that bite. From Riam want the neighbourhood walk // Maya's CAG bullies her //Riamfada gave me her first painful bite We had been taking Riamfada and the kitties out on neighbourhood walks for a long time now as can be see in this journal. There are times when I felt lazy. The other day was one of those days. When I got back from work, I took Riam from her room into living room. I thought I skip that walk and did some exercises and recalls with her. Riam was used to early night sleep. When it got dark, and even with lights on in living room, she would fly back to her room and hang on the beaded curtains and waited for me to step her up on stick and brought into her room for her to sleep. But that day was early, at about 515pm and still bright outside. After a few recalls, she turned away from me and flew back to her room to hang on the beaded curtains. I thought that to be strange and I walked over to her to take her back to the living room to let her be and went back to watch the TV. A couple minutes later, she flew back to her room and hang on the curtains. Taken her back to living room and for the 3rd time, she flew back to her room. My wife at her computer corner next to her room remarked that perhaps Riamfada was unhappy she was not taken for neighbourhood walk. Riam was used to be harnessed in her room and taken directly for walks before coming back to have her harness removed in living room and then exercises there. So I got that harness in my hand, picked up Riam on stick and walked back to living room. Riam would normally fly from stick to perch the moment I enter living room. But on this time, Riam flew directly to the bar. Her harness would normally be put on when she was on the bar in her room. I opened the head loop and she bowed her head into that head loop for me to complete that harness on her. And we went out for the neighbourhood walk. The kitties were already waiting at the garden gate for this ritual walk. They would rush from the gate and clawed their way up the nearby palm tree. Then they would kind of follow us. I had a call from Maya yesterday. I gave her 3 packs of Tinkerbell Mash when she came over to our place last weekend. I wondered since then if her CAG liked that mash. Maya had this complain. Her CAG liked the mash so much that he refused all his earlier food. He would overturn the sunflower seeds and stuff. And she was down to her last pack of the three packs I gave her. I assured her it was not a problem. So that evening walk was to her villa and she came back with me to my place. To see the various dry beans and stuff so she knew what to buy. She had no Internet and my wife gave her a printout of Tink mash. I explained how I use the blender to mash the big beans prior to final cooking with sweet potatoes and carrots and red/green beans and the rice & cereals. I gave her another 3 packs as well to last her till her own cooking of the mash. After the walk, Riam would do exercises with me. Then she would hang from my shirt for headrubs while I watched TV. I was playing chess on Internet and she would fly to me, hang on me, perch on basket nearby, or on chair next to me. I was vaguely conscious that my wife was next to me feeding seeds to Riam. Riam then went on seat of chair and moved under the table away from my wife. I reached under the table to give Riam a headrub. To my shock, Riam grab my finger between her beak and gave a crunching bite that reached to my soul. "OOWWW", I shouted in pain. Riam released me immediately and softly cooed to me in baby talk and came out under the table on that chair seat. I never imagined Riam could ever hurt me. My wife was laughing nearby and said that bite was meant for her. She was giving seeds to Riam and tried to give Riam beak rub that Riam refused. Thats why Riam went under the table on that chair. When my finger reached in, Riam must have thought it was my wife. I think Riam was shocked and dismayed she bite me instead of my wife and gave me all the apologetic noises as well as very very gentle nibbles after that. I thought Riam was nice to my wife in that the bite , painful as it was, did not break the skin. That must have been a 'warning' nip, but accidently to the wrong party. Of course, I forgave Riamfada. It was quite understandable. I live with my wife. I know.
  11. Don't force her. Riamfada also did not like to step up on my hand at the very beginning when she was given to my charge. Extracted from Quora How do I train a vicious older grey http://qr.ae/TUpfbv 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Riamfada was a wild caught. Evidenced by the open ring around her leg. Estimated to be about 6–7 years when she was given into my care when she flew and landed into a lady’s garden in Oman who decided I would be a far better person to hand over to then the former owner who clipped assymetrically on just one wing. Riamfada came to me very bitey and fearful. In a couple of days, photos of her and me A hostess trolley was bought and assembled. Riamfada’s cage was heavy and we thought placing that cage on trolley, we could more easily take her out to the living room where I spend lot of time watching the financial meltdown on the TV or next to me on laptop to Internet. This trolley not tested yet as I wanted to let the silicon sealant I added to set in addition to the screws. But it was wobbly enough for us to go buy another table this Friday morning for the living room to place Riamfada’s cage on. Just in case we cannot use that trolley and must carry the cage. I wonder if Riamfada might force me away from chess like bitchy Tinkerbell did to me, http://shanlung.livejournal.com/... Inshallah! On Thursday night I induced Riamfada to do a step up. It was a pseudo step up but I am not complaining. She had refused to step up on hand or stick. So I removed a branch from her cage and placed it on top of cage. She later got out of cage and was standing on that branch. I removed it and placed on my hand, talking gently and nicely to her while giving her headrubs that she liked from me. I took it as an ‘icebreaker’. What I did was to respect my charges with the dignity due to sentient beings and offer love and friendship as equals. You do that, and you will get the same result as I do. I was told that your charge be hungry. So presumably if you do not get results you wanted, they should be made hungrier? I felt that is not position of equality that made them come to you and like you but hunger for food. You note that Riamfada food bowl is always filled with mash. Yingshiong food bowl always had food in it. Needless to say with Tinkerbell, that was the same. What I hold back and used as treats to them were food that they liked, but they were never that hungry to begin with. And as I had written earlier, they would fly to me regardless of how my wife tried to shamelessly bribe waving favourite treats at them to fly to her. On Sunday 26 Oct, I was back home for lunch break. She did not step up on my hand yet. Sometimes, she would put one foot on my hand, but hold back from stepping up. In the step-up exercises, at times one of her feet was on my hand holding the stick. I earlier said that I would give her time to get used to me and accept of her own accord my hand to step up on. I thought perhaps she was hesitant, but should I meet her halfway and try to persuade her all the way? Was I too much in forcing that issue with her to step on my hand? There was always this uncertainty as I tried my best never to force her. I took a deep breath. I hold the stick such that my finger laid on top with a bit of stick space too small for her. At my step up cue, she placed on foot on my finger and took a step to stand with other foot on the stick to my praises and treats. I then slowly pull the balance of the stick into my hand, and she was on my hand with both feet. She trembled a bit. I kept whispering sweet nothings to her while feeding her sunflower seeds and walking about in her flight room. To reassure her that all is well. That she would not dissappear into a black hole when she stood on my hand. I then got her to step on the bar stand. I hold my hand, and at my cue, she got up on my hand. I repeated those exercises. I stood back and asked her to come. She flew off the bar and landed on my hand to lots of treats. That was done again a few times. I called my wife into the flight room. Riam would not step on her hand. But would step on the branch hold by her. I felt we gotten over that hand barrier. When I got back after work, she would not step on hand again. But I knew that the ice was broken. I used that stick as warm-up to step up and recall. Then when I gave my hand to step up, she did so. And in the recall flights to my arm as well. In one of the photo of flight, you can see clearly the clipped part of one wing. In this photo, she came up to the shoulder herselfr Riamfada on hand She came to me as a frightened ball of grey and with wings asymmetrically clipped. Her story started here October, 2008 - shanlung Then we became good friends. and she got to understand her wings better. Riamfada flying up to me on sand dune in Seifa beach in stiff cross winds. Story in shanlung: Oman won 19th Gulf Cup//Riamfada outing to Yiti/Seifa beaches // Katie's first 'present' to us Riamfada flying to me above rampart of Nakhal castle story in shanlung: 12 March Nakhal Fort/hotsprings And in a year, she was doing free flights with me in the open. Idiot kitties // Riamfada free flights at home and outside villa
  12. Written long long time ago. But perhaps might still be useful for you to decide if your birdie can be on your shoulder As sure as the sun rises in the East, you will be pooped on. Accept that as the truth enshrine in stone. A more fundamental question will be should you let the parrot be on your shoulder. Nothing to do with that silly notion of height placement . Perhaps this might be a guide to your eventual decision. Parrot on shoulder - being gentle Tinkerbell Legacy - - Rant 03 (a flighted parrot mentality) & Understanding the mind of your grey Tinkerbell homepage
  13. Still yet to write my last visit to Tink in 2016. But here are some photos of her in 2016
  14. Bon appetite! To your birdie, and to you in case you overcomed with greed and decide to pinch and glut yourself on some of the wonderful mash you cooking up for for your birdie.
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