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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I did the same thing and forgot to post Corkys hatch day on the 5 th. of December She turned 15, and is more spoiled than ever. OH what a life she has and we lover her for the brat she is.
  2. Happy hatch day Dorians and may you have many more with each better than the last. P.s. Your Mommy does love you more than you know.
  3. Miss G`s journey is a journey she could never have taken with out you. She is paying back. P.S. We have all enjoyed the trip.
  4. This is what I use, a rabbit litter pan that I have in all my bird cages.
  5. Amazons, They are so full of them self. That is one of the great things about living with a zon. The things they come up with and do. Living with a zon is an adventure to behold.
  6. Kermit the frog sang, It`s not that easy bring green. By the end of that song that`s the color he wanted to be. Green, the color of spring To a golfer, a putting green is the place to be. To a rich man, It`s color of money. To a Landscaper, it`s fresh cut green grass. To a person driving a car, it`s the green light that lets you go a head. Green is a cool and relaxing color. To a parrot lover green is the main color of the Amazon species The green color of a Amazon parrot is accented by many other color combinations that bring out their beauty and elegant looks. The yellows and blues and the reds, along with the dark eyes that seem to change color are a picture to behold. It`s easy to be taken in by the beauty of a Amazon, I know I was.
  7. One of the most amazing things about Amazons parrots are their eyes. If you look deep into their eyes you can see their soul and not only that you can see them looking back at your sole. There eyes can show you a gentle side that most people can`t see, but it`s there in those eyes if you only take the time to look. There is more to a zon than their clownish actions and their seasonal hormonal bouts with Mother Nature. If you ever get a chance to be up close to an Amazon, Look into their eyes and you will see what I mean.
  8. Hay Dee, You have no idea how much I am enjoying your joy with Miss G., It`s the same joy I felt with Cricket as she became what everyone said she would never be. Corky was setting on my shoulder as I read about your joy. It was like she was also reading your post as she was looking at the computer as if reading it. I always new it would turn out this way as I knew your heart was always with her through the good and the bad times. I have followed Miss Gs and your adventure from the beginning, and your posts have given me great joy (Grey`t joy) along with many others that have followed this thread as I have from the start. Corky and I both have a big smile on our beaks.
  9. When's the coming out party ? I will be there with bells on. It just keeps getting better and better. You gave her the chance for a better life that she might not have gotten from some one else and it only took 4 1/2 years. You should be proud.
  10. Try turning the key board over, up side down. That may help.
  11. Ana grey ,so sorry I missed your hatch day. I had computer trouble and just got back on line. I hope you had a great day and may each hatch day from now on be better than the last.
  12. Hi Lurker and Rex, Welcome to the grey forum. Rex looks awesome and your life will never the same. (That's in a good way.)
  13. HI and welcome to the grey forum to you and Moy Moy.
  14. If you take the time to form a good relationship, build a strong bond and to socialized your feathered companion the chance is slim. Also take time to learn and read their body language as this will tell you their moods. They are experts on reading your body language. There is always a chance that from time to time you will get a nip or two, but remember their beak is like a hand and they use it to climb and get around. Just because they grab your finger or hand with their beak dose not mean they mean to bite, they may need to balance them self and the use your finger or hand to hold on to.
  15. You just had to bring up my short comings. THANKS Dave !!!
  16. HI Asharion and welcome to the grey forum. You will find out from members here that living with a grey is a life changing adventure full of unknowns and excitement.
  17. I will keep looking for updates.
  18. At one time I kept all the feathers from all my birds in a box. Not sure where the box is now.
  19. Got to sound just like my daddy !!
  20. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    Golden ager I remember when all gas stations were full service.
  21. It may have found a better door.
  22. Isaac is looking good. He was just testing you.
  23. Hay Rikki, Happy 7 years in your forever home. You look so happy and I know you are glad you are there. Take full advantage of this day and get as much as you can.
  24. Ray P

    I Remember Game

    Golden ager. I remember when I knew more than my phone, And we used them to talk on.
  25. Sounds like she is a master of manipulation too me. I think we all understand the power they have over us.
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