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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. What is the health room about ??? The health and well being of our fids is more than diet and nutrition, it also includes their emotional and mental well being along with environmental issues among other issues. Clear cutting of the rain forest is an environmental issue putting our parrots on the endangered list along with poaching for the pet trade Here at home some of the environmental issues would be cleaning supplies, pest control are just some of the thing we have to deal with. How we care for our fids with diet and nutrition and emotional and mental health when it comes to interaction and socializing. Dave007 was good at covering all these issues. luvparrots nicknamed Dave007 as Dr. Flock. Dr. Flock will be around here for a long time as a new health room mod I will refer to Dave s expertise when ever needed
  2. They have that insight to know what`s going on with their care givers. In the last 3 years my wife has been ill of an on, but Corky knows what`s going on and will let he rest. The minute she feels better all hell breaks loose. .
  3. If you have the time and a lifestyle that a Grey can slip into with no trouble along with a fair amount of patience and a good first aid kit than I say go for it.
  4. You are not forgotten and welcome back to the forum.
  5. I would not use the foot harness !
  6. Reward the good, Ignore the bad. I did use the squirt bottle many years ago but found the long term results were very poor and did nothing for the relationship. Saying no bits and walking away gave me the long term results with no trauma in the relationship and I could mist her when necessary.
  7. I think robins are awesome.
  8. They love doing things with you what ever it is as you can see with lucky. Our Grey Corky has been all over the United States with us and loves to ride in our car, truck, SUV, or motor home, what ever we are traveling in at the time. When ever we take out her travel cage she gets all excited and is ready to go. On one trip we covered over 8 thousand miles and she enjoyed every mile of it. I think it`s when we travel we are in close quarters with each other and she loves that.
  9. As the fear goes away so do the bites. Parrots can read our body language better than we can read theirs. If you have a fear of them biting they know it and can and will bite. As the fear goes away the bites turn to pinches and than to just grabs. I think it`s a grey thing to do this as when you are scratching Corky s head after a minute or so she will swing her head around and grab my finger not bite and let it go and put her head back so you can go on with her head scratches Sounds like you are doing very well. Just keep it up.
  10. Hi Bob and welcome to the grey forums with the Greyt,est group of people you will ever want to meet.
  11. To clip or not to clip is a subject of some strong emotions to some parrot care givers. As to the safety of your parrot, clipped or not clipped will always be up to you.
  12. Next step. Miss. G`s phase two starts now.
  13. I am going to jump in and say, You don`t have to be normal to be part of this group. You just have to love parrots and that is O.K. In this forum we are the norm.
  14. We may never meet our fellow members in person, but we all have a common connection with our feathered flock that is very strong. We care and share all that we learn for their best interest. We hurt at the loss of our members and or the loss of any of our flock. When I lost Cricket my Blue Fronted Amazon 2 1/2 years ago in was the members that shared my hurt. I do not have that kind of connection of FB. My wife and I have had birds long before we had a computer, and help was hard to find. We know and understand what this community brings to its members and it goes beyond just friendship.
  15. the three most popular Amazons kept as pets are. 1. The blue fronted Amazon. 2. The Double Yellow Headed Amazon. 3. The Yellow Naped Amazon The 3 Amazons known as the hot three because of their hormonal issues. !. The Blue Fronted Amazon. 2. the Double Heated Amazon. 3. The Yellow Naped Amazon. Look at the list. They are the same. Why is that the 3 most popular Amazon and the 3 most difficult Amazons to handle are the same and in the same order, and yet the Amazons are known as the easiest Parrots to train? They are also high on the list of being the most loyal of the parrot species. First of all the hot 3 in the group are the males for the most part and it`s in the mating season when they are hormonal. It`s from 6 to about 12 years of age that they are the worst and after they seam to cool down with age. My female blue front Zon Cricket was the sweetest thing on the face of this earth and the only thing she ever wanted was to sit on my shoulder and be with me. I think it`s their reputation that make people shy away from them and not take the time to understand who and what they are. Cricket never wanted any more than Corky my Grey wanted and I took the time to give them as much as they could handle and they both wanted more Amazons are known for their body language and how they act when they don`t want you to touch them. Not enough is said about when they want that special time with you. If you could read their body language as well as they read ours you would see a different parrot, one that you could love for ever. I have been there. There in your face attitude is what them fun to be around. They are the clowns of the parrot world.
  16. This is a great thread on a subject that could fall on either side of the fence. We all want what`s best for fids and we need to be careful to do our research on subjects that could cross the line on what`s best for our fids. In the end we must make our own decision on the action we take based on what we have learn from the people in the know. Side note; Even experts do not always agree. Myself I side on the error of caution.
  17. Good luck with your new love Gracie. It sounds like you have what it takes to give this gift a good home.
  18. So sorry I was away and missed this post. After having tiels for 45 years I know what it`s like when one is lost. They may be small in size but huge in big parrot personality Sorry for your loss
  19. Corky was 16 years old last December 5 2016 We met Corky when she was 9 weeks old and we fell in love with her when she was 9 weeks and we plonked down a deposit when she was 9 weeks old. This was after well over a year of looking for a Grey to come and live with us. The next 7 weeks were the longest 7 weeks of our life as we waited for her to come home. She was 16 weeks old when she came home to live with us and that was In march of 2001 16 years ago this month. Over the years she has been all over the U.S. in our travels and has seen well over 1/2 of the United States. She has never been away from us, not even for over night. She is very out going when it comes to our family and friends {She has very good taste, the people I don`t like she don`t like either}.When someone new comes to the house it takes 3 or 4 visits and than it`s like old home week. It`s hard to think of a time when she was not with us as she occupies a space right in the center of our life. I guess I don`t have to tell any one here about that. If you don`t have a Grey than you have never experience life. OH one more thing, I want to throw in Amazons and cockatiels also.
  20. Sorry I`m late with the welcome. This is a world class forum of Grey lovers.
  21. Yes; I need my miss Gilbert fix !!!
  22. Over the years as I have read the many, many post of are members. I have come to believe that the best of who we are shows in our feathered flock and I don`t mean just in our greys, after all the Grey forums is a full service forum. If it fly`s one of us has one or two. It`s how we feel about our birds and our fellow members. With the loss of a parrot or member a little bit of us is gone also, but with each they leave something behind to share and help a new person and any new parrot live a better and happy life. What we learn and pass on to each other will be a gift. They may never remember our name but they will enjoy the gift we left behind. Dedicated To the ones that have gone before us.
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