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Devin Corso

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About Devin Corso

  • Birthday 01/08/1994


  • Biography
    Hello my name is Devin. I have an Congo African Grey named Korra who is 3 years old, and a yellow-sided green cheeked conure named Yoshi who is 5 years old.

    I joined this forum on June 27th, 2015 to get to know other bird owners, and more information about birds. I wanted to join a forum with people who share an interest in such amazing creatures!

    »Please message me anytime!«


  • Location
    Arizona (Valley)


  • Interests
    Birds of course! ☺

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  1. How do I clip Korra's (Congo African grey) wings, but still have her able to fly to the ceiling, and not traumatizing her? I was able to clip her nails, but she was angry at me for 4 days. I don't want her to be scared because this is something I have to do. I don't want an accident to happen, and her fly out the door. But I want her to be able to fly because I don't want to take that beautiful ability away from her. I also don't want her to hit the fan.
  2. I have good news! Instead of changing all the paper every day, I change the paper with poopoo on it (I'm more likely to do so), then I turn on the fan and open the window for a few hours. I change the paper with feathers and pellet food here and there. *But not too long, otherwise the birds flap their wings, and it looks like it's snowing! The bird room smells fine! I also use a oil burner/warmer a few rooms away in the bathroom, and it wafts slightly through the house, but not enough that I think it would hurt them. You can only smell it a little when you go in the hallway. I also use a scent necklace that I wear around my neck with a few drops of sugar Mailbu rum cupcakes, root beer, or one of my other smells I got in a pack! It's not too strong, but I get a nice whiff once in a while. I'm very sensitive to strong smells too, so I that's another reason why birds are pretty good for me. Even someone passing me in a store with strong perfume nearly knocks me over with a headache. :rolleyes: Thank you for all your non-smelly support!
  3. Why was it the last day you used it? Essential oils are usually too strong of smells for me. They give me headaches.
  4. Thank you all of you! Birdhouse and Giannine I will try your ideas, thank you for them. If anyone else has recipes or recommendations, please keep posting!
  5. So scented pine cones are ok? Like buying a bundle from Micheals? or popeuri?
  6. I have been reading on this forum and around the internet about ways you can have scented things in your house. I am very sensitive to strong smells like strong air fresheners or incense (which would probably kill a bird quickly). I have read that you can use soy candles. Is this true? Also, can I keep a window open in the bird's room? There is a strange smell that gathers in that room. **What about candle warmers that melt candles with no flame? **And what about wax melters with a unscented tea light under them?
  7. Ok, I will only use the squirt bottle if she is being bad, since she hates it.
  8. Ok, I see what you're saying. I read that African greys are really emotional and you have to be really careful, so that was my direction of thought. I'll take your advice though. I have to be firm. Also, I have been trying to bathe her with the spray bottle. Should I save the spray bottle just for punishment, or should I continue using it for bathing? I don't want to give her mixed signals.
  9. Gosh thank you both so much! I read a few books and really educated myself before getting her because when I got Yoshi (conure) I could already tell there was something going on upstairs! Something more than other pets. The bottom line of all the research I did came down to one sentence "They are toddlers." I have read yes and no on the time out method and the squirt bottle method, so I'm kind of flimsy about it. I'll keep my foot down this time! :cool:
  10. _Hi everyone! When I let Korra out she stretches her wings and does her bird yoga. I put out a lot of toys and foraging/rip apart things for her. The problem is about 20 minutes into being out she flies over to me and starts either biting my laptop, or biting my fingers, arms, or toes. I absolutely understand this is because she wants attention, so I stroke her head, pet her belly, and talk to her. Sometimes I will sing to her, have her dance, and put her back on her perch. She does this over and over again, and every time she bites harder to the point of leaving marks and sometimes drawing blood. I try to talk with her and interact with her from across the room and put many toys and chewy things out for her like I said. I always put new things out for her with water and food. She throws all of her toys and food out, rips apart her chewy things and throws them too. _I get that she is trying to get attention, but I have to do my work. How can I keep her entertained and calm? She knows biting me is bad because when she does she leans back and says "Oooh!" or "No!" and pins her eyes. I watched a video on how to stop biting and the guy said to use repetition, a firm (not loud) voice, and make a screech-like sound so they understand that it hurts. I also read to give her "the angry eye" and talk sternly to her as if she was a toddler misbehaving. None of this seems to be working. Please help! :mad: -Sincerely, Devin
  11. UPDATE 12/7/16 - 10:00am: I gave both my pretty girls some ice cold water in their water bowls with ice in them as well. I sprayed both of them with cold water which needless to say they hated! Yoshi crawled to the back of her cage, and Korra went "Woo!" Pinned her eyes, and did her "I'm in a naughty mood now!" dance. I let her out to stretch her wings (and hopefully preen nicely). I put her temporary perch (her bigger one won't fit through the door in the new house :rolleyes:) near a open blind (for light), closed window (no draft), so she could look outside and hopefully get inspired by the outside birds. *She just burped and cleared her throat.* She is playing a bit rough with her toys to let out some anger which is a good sign. I'll update again. Thank you all for your help, she's soaked! ^^ Being naughty too:
  12. Oh Korra does that too when I leave the room! It's like a "Where are you going?" noise. I'm going to try using cold water and ice cubes, it sounds great. I'm also going to try the fine misting bottle. Thank you so much for your compliment!
  13. To birdhouse: I'll try that! What color do your parrots like? I got a green spray bottle, but can return it. I'll also try giving her a bath in the sink or bathtub. I have tried giving her a big water bowl (dog bowl) on the bottom of her cage but she won't go near it. Korra poops on it to show her enthusiasm. :rolleyes: Yoshi used to LOVE playing in her water dish. She spread it all over her like a cat with cap nip, but it seems like she has lost interest for the time being. To Timbersmom: I will try the vacuum method. Do you have any idea why that would calm them? Korra is scared of our vacuum moving. I think she thinks it's an animal running on the ground. She looks down at it like it might pounce at any moment, and Yoshi does her "I don't approve of what's going on here" screech. :rolleyes:
  14. My Korra girl has always been an overpreener. I got her as a baby and she is now 3 years old. I never see her pink skin, but her super fluffy small grey feathers are always showing; instead of the longer more flat grey feathers. It makes me upset and nervous because she preens SO SO much. Her tail is a bit raggedy too. I have her out for hours everyday (at least 4). I have been reading around the forum that a humidifier and misting is good. I got a spray bottle and turned it to only mist, but she is SUPER angry at it and tears it apart. She bites it super hard (or the finger holding it), her pupils pin and feathers puff up. I tried tying it to her perch so she can get used to it not moving, but she rips it off and throws it. :rolleyes: I'll put on a humidifier, but I was wondering if there is anything else I can do? I'm trying to get her into the shower, but she is scared of the mist that bounces off my head and the shower head itself. How do I get her to: -stop overpreening -enjoy the mister -enjoy a shower or bath (shallow & safe) *As an edit, I just saw the thread from Dave called "Bathing--possible method 1." I'll try that for a few weeks and get back to you guys on how that is going. The overpreening is still an issue though. I know she is such a pretty girl, but she could be so much prettier! I want her to be happy. She takes all of her convert, and contour feathers out of her wings, belly, and legs. I only see down on her belly, and patches of down on her wing. She also picks out a lot of bristles, semiplumes, and filoplumes. I used these pictures for feather information: https://www.google.com/search?q=parrot+feathers&rlz=1C1NHXL_enUS688US688&espv=2&biw=1242&bih=580&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-wb6CjszQAhUO62MKHf51DfgQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=parrot+feathers+types&imgrc=B8AS3XtAbYkC1M%3A https://www.google.com/search?q=parrot+feathers&rlz=1C1NHXL_enUS688US688&espv=2&biw=1242&bih=580&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-wb6CjszQAhUO62MKHf51DfgQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=parrot+feathers+types&imgrc=K5MS0rARtOs8uM%3A This is Korra today, as you can see her head has normal feathering. I give her many toys to keep busy. I also give her water bottles and cardboard to pick at (hopefully instead of her feathers). *she has bigger thicker perches
  15. Ok, I'm going to try to order one of these harnesses with the "poop catch" on it then. When I get her to the point of going out in public with me, is the AC in the car bad for her? When I take her to the vet I point the vents away from her cage and I make sure it doesn't get cold.
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