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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Ray P

    A Chance

    I have a chance to rehome a Blue and Gold Macaw in need of a home. She is about 25 years old and has been with the same family most of her life. I am thinking seriously about it and I am going to try and meet her this weekend I am told that she is a very good talker and that she is people friendly. We will see what happens.
  2. Be for I was parront life was boring and I had no creatures to please
  3. Corky is on her forth cage in 17 years. She has been able to open every cage she has ever had including this one. We are down to twist ties and clothespins. We may have to weld her doors shut.
  4. Our feathered companions are very unique in how they deal with life and the things that are thrown at them. Over the years we have had many, many rehomes and like humans each handle life in their own way. We were very lucky with Cricket as she dumped her baggage very quickly and bonded with the family in a very short time. We know a lot about her past and did not expect her to be anything more than a Amazon that had to be caged for the rest of her life. In less than 2 1/2 months she was let out of her cage because she showed signs of bonding with me the wife and son. The three of us worked with her and she seamed to enjoyed being around us and would call for our attention. The more she was out of her cage the more she wanted to be around us and her aggressive behavior disappeared. It`s awesome to see them come around and start to enjoy life and want to be with us. She will always be in our memory. This is my favorite picture
  5. When it comes to preforming parrots the Amazon parrot sits at the top of the list. They are a very animated species of parrots and are often called the clowns of the parrot world. They have a in your face attitude, Are very hormonal when in season and unpredictable behavior can make them very hard to live with if not socialized. Still they are said to be the easiest parrot to train. Their out going attitude, their animated personality and their intelligence along with talking ability makes them a joy to watch. It takes a special person with parrot experience to work with these amazing parrots. They are very loyal and if not properly socialized become a one person parrot. Food for thought: You can take the best person in the world and if you look hard enough you can find something bad about them. You can take the worst person in the world and if you look hard enough you can find something good about them What you find depends on what you are looking for. When you have a Amazon look for the good and you will find it.
  6. One of the many things I remember about Cricket is when anybody came into the room she would jump up and down on her perch and yell Hi, Hi, HI all the time. She was such a clown. She always had a happy look about her; You herd the song Bad to the bond, Well loved to be wet to the bone
  7. Living with a Congo Grey and a Blue fronted Amazon is an education of extremes. They are so different yet so much alike. Amazons like to be in charge and this is where you need to find a happy ground. They are known to for their unpredictable mood swings from nice to devil. Amazons do have respect for a person with self confidence. If you show fear they will be in charge. If you try to bully them they can and do retaliate. You need to meet them half way before you can start to build a relationship, after that comes respect. Respect is some thing you have to earn just like any other parrot only with a zon that mutual respect can and will be the foundation of your relationship. Amazons can and are unpredictable to a point, They are also said to be the easiest parrot to train. They are masters of body language. They know by your body language if you have self confidence and their body language will tell what`s on their mind. With a zon your self confidence, respect and socialization of your zon leads to trust. It`s a two way street for both of you that can lead to your time together being some thing that goes far beyond what you ever expected. I love my Grey Corky with all my heart and I miss Cricket my zon the same way They are each their own so love them for who they are.
  8. Now that the job is all but done, what are you going to do with all of your spare time.??? Awesome job and some very spoiled FIDS !!!
  9. Ray P

    We Are !!!

    To teach, support and encourage, to share the good and the bad, to listen, be happy and cry with and for our extended family. A feather brought us together, and it was a red one at that.
  10. You better be back soon.!! Take care of that wrist and we will try and entertain you until you can type again.
  11. Did Salsa call the cops ?? Sounds like home invasion to me !!
  12. Hopefully this may be a one time reaction from the house filled smoke. Thank God all your fids are OK Give Sterling an extra hug and tell him we are all happy he is OK.
  13. If he steps up from the floor i t`s just a mater of time and he will step up from any place. Remember grey time is slow motion and they need to build a relationship with you. It sounds like they had a good life in their old home so I believe this will continue with you. Good Luck
  14. They sure know how to talk body language don`t they. Cricket could speak volumes with her body language and never utter a sound.
  15. that sounds awesome. Cricket loved to bath and would jump into anything that would hold water. Getting her out of her bath water was always a challenge.
  16. When mother nature speaks , they listen.
  17. It`s hard to believe how they treat our vets that gave so much !!!!
  18. That`s a real kick in the A*s. Just got the wife doctor and hospital bills and along with her funeral costs was not quite that much ,but not that far away.. They talk about the golden years. I`m still looking for the gold..
  19. Alfie is going to love it and your cats too. Great job !!!
  20. Ray P


    Keep giving them their fruits and veg`s and in time they will try them.
  21. Ray P


    I have heard of stories of changing hair stiles that upset a Grey and moving their cage to a new location that would upset them. Corky my grey has lived with change all her life. She has traveled all over the U.S. with us in our motor home and has stayed in hotels, motels, at friends homes and the homes of relatives. She has traveled in our, cars, trucks and SUV`s from the time she was 5 months old; I believe that if they live with change from a young age they know how to roll with punches. We bought Corky a new large travel cage for one of our trips because she found out how to open the doors of all her other cages. She watched me put it together. On a trip in our motor home on the way to see my wife brother In W.V.we were getting off the PA Pike and coming up to the toll both I heard this flap, flap flap and she landed on my shoulder leaned forward looked at the man in the toll both and said HAY DORK.. I pulled over to see how she got out and found that she had dismantled the top of her cage, slid the top over to one side and flew to my shoulder That was the last time I let her watch me put anything of hers together.. If they grow up with change they can be fearless.
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