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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi and welcome to the Grey forums to you and your companion Rosie. Most of us here feel that full flight is in the best interest of our Grey and it makes for a happier parrot. However you must be more vigilant for open doors so they don`t get out and open cabinet doors so you don`t shut them when your grey is perched on them so as not to injure them. In the bathroom make sure the toilet seat is down so they don`t fall in and get trapped and drowned along with open water in the kitchen sink. Windows and mirrors should be marked with decals so they don`t fly into them along with some pants that are poisonous. Their safety is up to us, but you will have a very happy parrot. Their is a sticky in the health room on safe and poisonous plants. P.S. They will get into everything so enjoy
  2. I will join you on this Jay. 5 more from me.
  3. Hi jjaura In the best interest of your Grey. We are not vets and we do not know your Gery like you do. If your concerned about this you should see a vet. I would not venture a guess with the health of your Grey. She is a good looking TAG and I know that you lover her with all your heart. I would not want to give bad advice. Let us know Ray
  4. A model can make good money. You should check into that.
  5. The predictability of a Grey is unpredictable.
  6. OK you have a wood butcher or what can be called a normal African Grey. You have been given some good ideas when it comes to the butchering your cabinets. One word of caution.!!! When your Grey is on top of your cabinets make sure they are not perched on a open cabinet door before you close them. My Corky loves to be high so we have to check and make sure she is not perched on a open door, any door in your house !!
  7. One of the lessons from my loved amazon Cricket was, talk to your companion and not at them. Try using a soft voice as you sit on a chair or stool next to their cage. Some times sit next to their cage and read or munch on a snack and not say anything. Talk to them like you would talk to your best friend in a calm voice and they will listen. This is about building relationships. They can read your body language and if your tone of voice is calm and soft they will enjoy you being there..
  8. The last year and especially the last six months have been very hard on me, but I hope to be back on track soon.. And as always thanks for caring Jay.
  9. Welcome to the home of the greatest bunch of Grey lovers in the world. Your Grey looks awesome and she should bring you many many years of joy.
  10. My good friend Jay.. My heart is yours for the taking for you and Maggie.
  11. With Cricket when it came to peanut butter, no spoon needed
  12. Hi Jay The one thing I noticed with my tiels is the bald spot on the top of the head of my lutinos,. this is common with that mutation. My pearls and Pieds not so much
  13. How did you get my floor plan. Extra storage for bird stuff is in the bedroom closet.
  14. I posted part of this some time ago. Corky has a way of getting into things as I`m sure your greys are good at. Always know where your keys are. Two things that happened in one month. I was out side in front of my garage when the panic alarm went off on my car .I checked my pockets and I did not have my keys on me so I went into the house to get them only to find Corky playing with them. One month later I was in my yard and as I was walking back to the garage my car started up, again I checked my pockets and I did not have them my keys so back to the house only to find Corky on the kitchen counter playing with my keys. Note to myself: Self; always make sure your keys are in your pocket or hanging in the key box. Or the next time you might see your car going down the driveway. I`m surer many of you have stories about your Greys antics that will bring a smile to our face.so lets share some stories of how our Greys outsmart us from time to time. P.S. There is a sequence you must follow to remote start your car. I wander who told her?
  15. What we need to see next is a video of your fids enjoying their new digs
  16. Hi and welcome to you and pumpkin to the forum. Some times a grey will do a switch of their favored person and that is seen as a norm with some greys.
  17. IMHO I would say start with SOCIALIZING so your family and friends can enjoy your grey with you.
  18. We will spend a quiet X Mass at home with all our critters and son as my wife has been very ill for over the past year or so. I hope all of my Grey Forums friends have a safe, healthy and happy Holiday.
  19. It`s always nice to have a friend. He is a big boy !
  20. My sweet little girl becomes a young lady today and turns seventeen. She has been the center of our life from the day we first saw her. We have spent seventeen years turning her into the most awesome brat you will ever see in your life. She is a very outgoing and is loved by all our friends. She lights up the room with her personality and always welcomes guest into our home Happy hatch day my sweet little girl.
  21. This helps me a lot Ray
  22. Greys in general are not over eaters as they will eat to fill their needs. They eat to live. Now Amazons are another story as they live to eat and if you are not carful they can end up obese.
  23. Happy hatch day Dorian, and may this day be the best one and that each hatch from now on be better than the last.
  24. it is recommended that you replace that bulb once a year as they lose their UV capability as the bulb gets older.
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