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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Greys and Cockatoos are both hi dander parrots. You will end up doing a lot of dusting in your home, but they are worth it. People with allergies may have a difficult time around a Grey or a Too and need to get a air purifier to help clean the air and filter out the dust and dander. Enjoy your Grey. They are awesome !!
  2. It`s the dark eyes of a baby grey that sends me over the top. Look deep into those eyes and you can see their soul. Awesome looking baby Grey.
  3. Oh that regurgitate thing. Corky will do that and that`s how I know it`s time to walk away. She will be 20 years old on Dec. 5 of this year. Some times she is a sneak and will wait until she is on my shoulder be for she brings op a treat for me and will even try to put it in my mouth (yuck).😒
  4. The info the members have given you is correct. DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO ENCOURAGE THIS BEHAVIOR AS THIS CAN FRUSTRAT THEM. do not pet them on certain parts of the body . when they do this just walk away as you have become the chosen one. Come back when they stop.
  5. A question that can only be answered by member people of this forum. They are not flashy like a Amazon or Macaw. Just a plane grey parrot with a red tail. They are not the clowns like a Amazon, or the beauty of a Macaw. Just a plane grey parrot with a red tail. They can be very stand offish and only come around in their time. When they are young they have those very dark almost black eyes that change to yellowish green as they get older. What is it about them that catches your imagination that will pull you in like an electromagnet ?? What is t about them that keeps you loving them and fascinating about them that's keeps you in their grip for a life time. There has to be more than one answer to this question. Corky is my beauty in so many ways that I could never pick one. What are your thoughts about this mystical creature
  6. Looks like a well rounded grey to me.
  7. Long story short !! If you do it enough they will do it too
  8. Don`t sell Alfie short when it comes to change. Two years ago I lost my wife of 47 years and Corky went through her grief with us. She has adjusted to life the same as she would have to in the wild. When you share life with a grey they become more like you and vise a versa.
  9. There is no time like Grey time. I have had Corky for almost 20 years now and there is nothing hat she dose that will surprise me. She is ever changing in her actions and when you least expect it comes up with something new. There are times they want it their way and there is nothing you can do to change that. It`s their way of showing their independence. A grey is like a child. You just love them for who they are. When they say the time is right, well you know the rest.
  10. I have spent more time with Corky than I have in a long time !! In her mind she might want this thing to keep going on. I hope not, but she is having the time of her life with all the extra attention. I do hope we all make it through this, and I wish all my friends here the very best ! Be safe, stay home if you can.
  11. Ray P

    Picky Eaters

    OH boy the bottom of the cage thing. 90% uneaten food and 10% pop. the math is right on !!! Oh and some times there is another 10% of pop that I`m not sure where it came from
  12. Gee I wander where all the laziness came from. US !!!!
  13. Yes, He is one of my favorites !!!. And has been for a long time. I think I have seen all of his videos over and over.
  14. Well you how our birds just love KEY BOARDS and they know how to remove the important keys to readjust your typing gramer.
  15. Ray P


    Jay has always been a very important part of this family and I owe a lot for his friendship and support over the years. His heart was always in the right place and some times his post were misinterpreted, but they were always in the best interest of our loved fids. His friendship has always been very important to me as each and every member of this forum is.
  16. A cat, dog or a parrot can get under your skin and be a big part of your life. When they are gone there is a big empty spot that you can`t fill. Sorry for your loss. Ray
  17. No guilt, Just normal behavior. So what`s the problem ???
  18. OH they know how to fill any void that may enter your life. One of the things I enjoy very much is just to sit and watch Corky enjoying her life as she goes through her day doing her thing. Not sure who loves who more, Me or Corky. She has kept things real in my life after I lost my wife. I do know she felt the grief as much as my son and I !! They know how to really get into your head.
  19. OH, I love that parrot math. I know the answer. 0
  20. BOY THAT`S THE TRUTH. At one point I went from 2 too 25. And I loved it.
  21. Just sitting here on my computer watching the weather along the east coast and thinking how lucky we are here. I live in north east Ohio and when it comes to weather and work it`s said that we are the beat location in the nation. We get about 10 ft of snow in the winter but I can live with that. We are in the north east Ohio snow belt, but we get less than Erie Pa. and Buffalo N.Y.
  22. Yep, If you have it they want it. It`s the law.
  23. I thought that Corky was the only Grey that would not crack open her own peanuts. She would wait for me to crack them and open them for her. Cricket my zon would go wild opening her own nuts.
  24. Crick was the worlds biggest clown.
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