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Everything posted by Ray P
The vacuuming is another thing that will start them doing the bath thing.
The one thing about this forum is that the members care, but often get tied up with life in general and their post will come and go as they work their way through life. I know and understand as my personal in the last two years has been filled with tragedies that has taken up a lot of my time. I am getting back to posting again as this forum means a lot to me with the friends I have made. Some times a post will lack response but others will have many. I often will bounce round different subjects until I find one that spark a response. My did you know post are meant to give tidbits of info as food for thought. Others are just stories about my grey, or trying to be help-full to members in need Some times you hit a home run and some times you strikeout out. It`s all part of the game This forum is needed and we are the forum.
Greys have this thing with ice cubes. Put a ice cube in Corkys bath water she will jump in nd take a bath, put a ice cube in her drinking water and she will take a bath in her water dish. I have read that they have this thing with cold water and ice. Get a large bowl of water and put in some ice and watch what they will do.
A molt is a as needed process to replace dead or worn- out feathers as needed. It can be a slow process and seam like it takes forever. There`s not much you can do to speed it up.
The number of pet birds owned by households in the U.S . reached 20.6 million in 2017.
In the U.S. 25 species of parrots have formed breeding colonies in the 23 states. Checking on species list.
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It will take time and seam like forever, but the stubs will molt out and she will fly Just hang in there and they will fly. Ray
A molt is a slow process as they will lose their feathers in a sequence especially flights that will alternate from side to side so they don`t lose their ability to fly in the wild.
The nice thing about this forum is often a post dose not have to be ground breaking info about Greys. Some of the best post I have ever read was about a moment a member has shared in the life with their Greys. A moment in time that was very special to you and your Grey that other Grey care givers would understand and could relate to. A moment you will always remember.. A moment when you look into theirs eyes and you can see all the way to their soul. A time when you understand their soul runs deep and other members agree.
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Oh Corky is a meower also along with barking like a dog. When our dogs were alive and some one came to the door they would bark and she would join in and bark with them. Now when some one comes to the door it`s just her there to bark
The Sun is up and Corky is in her daily routine of welcoming a new day. She is in competition with the outside birds and she is winning. To some people this is just noise, but to me it`s music to ears. She has learned the calls of many species of birds around us and will call back in their language and they will answer her back. She is sitting on my bare shoulder and just dropped her lovingly morning pop bomb down my bare back. I have to stop and get a towel. Most of the time she will not pop on me,, but from time to time she will show me who the boss is. I gave her that look of why did you do that and than she burped. You got to love them. Her competition with the outside birds has ended and she has declared victory. Just another morning with Corky
A new study has found that 56 parrot species can be found across the country-the result of pet birds escaping or being released into the wild. Pet parrots are found in the wild in 23 states that are doing well. A study said it is possible to see a wild parrot in nearly every state. But large breeding populations are in 23 states.
It`s amazing how well some of these parrots adapted to the colder climate and are doing very well in their new environment.
Yes with Chicago having a large pop. of Monk a.k.a. Quaker parakeet parrots. The Quaker is outlawed in a number of states because of damage they do.
Did you know that escaped pet parrots have established breeding populations in nearly half of U.S. states ???
See you all did not know that you have become old timers.
I still remember the first time we saw Corky. She was 9 weeks old and cutest ball of feathers on the face of the earth. We fell in love with her on that day, but they would not let us take her home until she was 16 weeks old and fledged. That 7 week wait was the longest 7 weeks of our life and than she came home. That was over 18 years ago, boy how time fly`s. She has always been and still is the spoiled center of our home and has never been left behind S he has traveled all over the U.S. with us. She is also people friendly and al our friends and family just love her. When they are part of your family and friends they add so much to your life. Corky is a people Grey. If you are thinking of getting a Grey don`t just put them in a cage to look at. Make them part of the family and the will give you many many years of surprises each and every day they are with you
On Aug 1 of this year it will be 9 years that I have been a member of this awesome forum. We have been through good times and bad timer and there have been many changes over the years as we have evolved and always became a better place to come for knowledge and support when it comes to our feathered companions. Many have come and gone, but the corner stones of membership have stayed to pass on the best information possible to members in need. It's good to see new members that step up and take part and share their knowledge when t comes to the operation of this forum or a members need when it comes to their Grey. The support that I have received from this membership over the years when times were tough has been a God sent along with the friends that I have made. We have a purpose and a goal, Some thing that other places lack WE ARE NEEDED.
In away they are a lot like us, each is a individual.
Hell, I know Corky has been in charge for almost 19 years. I have always done her bidding. When Corky speaks, we listen.
I would give it a try. I like simple stupid.
I do have a pilots lic.
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To watch a Grey live and react to life as things happen and change around them is something very awesome. They seam to understand life at our level when it comes to life changing events with in their circle of life. They are so much like us when it comes to who they like and who they dislike. Can they read our minds ? I believe they read our body language and know out thoughts as Corky will like and dislike the same people I do, and that was true with the wife and son. How does your grey react in your circle of life ?
I think it's time that I give you and the members of this great forum an explanation of my absence over the last two years or so. It started with a very ill wife who passed away on Valentines day 2018 and than her younger sister in Dec. of 2018 followed by her older sister in May this year. We lost Willie our cockatiel at age believe it or not at age 27 followed by 5 very good friends and two of our dachshund one of old age and one unexpected.. I have a 44 year old special needs child that still lives with me that we adopted when he was 14 months old. I have not had much time to post but I check in to see what's going on. And than there is Corky my awesome Grey that has kept me going who will be 19 in Dec. of this year. I will make every effort to start posting again to keep this forum alive. KevinD you are doing a great job with this forum and I will do my best to step up as a member to support this Grey Forum.
Today Corky became a young lady as she turned 18 years old. She has been and always will be the heart beat of our family. Hatched on December 5, 2000 she has been a Queen on her terms and in charge of what happens any place with in the walls of our home.