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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. One of the first things you should work on is step up training. This is the one think your grey can learn to do well and its something you will do every day. Always get excited when your grey steps with positive reinforcement as this will always build and maintain your relationship.
  2. Jay your post came from the heart and was in the best inters to all no mater what their belief. To care for all is a gift.
  3. My Corky is a little lady, Kind of straight laced. She wouldn`t say sh*t, even if she had mouth full.
  4. For a person who knows nothing how is it that you can handle Nilah and no one else can !!??, MOM
  5. Ok Penny I will try this again. Forgot to submit the first one. When they first come into season for the first time and their pubic feathers pop out they can be very difficult for a number of years, When they get too about 12 years old they start to mellow a little and get better with years. Amazons can be and very often are one person parrots. One thing I believe that when it comes to resocialization of a amazon it should be done with a group of people who will take an active part with their socializing. Also a group that can display self confidence. Amazons seam to respect self confidence in a human. If you are afraid a amazon will bite, They will bite !! If you try to bully a Amazon. They will retaliate !! Meet your Amazon on equal ground and display lots self confidence. Also talk in a soft sweet voice, Cricket loved that Just remember Amazons will from time to time display some aggression most of the time when they are in season. If you show fear than you lost the race. If you try to bully you will lose the race. These are lessons from Cricket. I miss her so much.
  6. Ray P

    A Chance

    This morning I called back the person with the Blue & Gold Macaw. I talked to the wife and she said her hubby was busy and would call back in about 20 min. or soo. That was at noon and its now 6:45. Not sure what`s going on. All I want is a yes or no so I can go on about my business. I gave him background information along with references and phone numbers. Still up in the air
  7. They never get past the terrible twos. They just know how to play you better.!!!
  8. At one time I had a chance to rehome a Too , but changed my mind because of the noise level. I now wish I had taken her in, but that is part of the past.
  9. In that picture list of zons there is a zon that can fit into any home
  10. No shame and lots of gain.
  11. You looking at me ??
  12. Where did I leave that dust pan ??
  13. A picture of one or more of your fids with a caption that will tell a story. Example. I just love wheat toast !!
  14. Ray P


    WHAT !!! No meat balls
  15. Ray P


    Parrots are like potato chips, you can`t have just one.
  16. A Greys EVIL EYE can put fear into the hearts of FEARLESS people.
  17. From this post some people might think Greys are self centered. Wait they are !!!
  18. Oh our Greys are just like people. They love to antagonize. With our grey Corky she will call Socks our cat and when Socks comes over to the cage she will come down to the bottom of her cage and scream at the cat and watch the cat jump two feet into the air and laugh at the cat as it runs away. The dumb cat keeps coming back when she calls it.
  19. I love the term mostly won. I mostly win to until my back is turned !!! Than bammmmmm !!!!!
  20. Ray P

    A Chance

    Did not get a call back this weekend and today I have a trip to Michigan so I will try Tuesday to get in touch.
  21. That's a hit if you ask me. There is more truth than fiction in that song. After having parrots for 46 years the lyrics really hit home.
  22. Ray P

    A Chance

    I am waiting for a call back. We talked for about an hour by phone and he did say that he had a sister that was interested, but he did not think she could handle a Macaw. The man wants to make sure she will go to a good home as she has been part of the family for about 20 years. Fifteen years with him and five years with his father. They took her in as a rehome when she was between 5 and 10 years old She had a minor injury to one of her wings and a broken toe. I hope things work out as I would love to giver her a home.
  23. Hi and welcome to the two of you. With socializing and bonding comes trust, With trust comes a relationship that will be a foundation to build your life together that will last beyond anything you could ever expect. To the future and your relationship.
  24. Ray P


    AWESOME !!!!!
  25. Ray P


    What do you get when you cross a African Grey and a Amazon ??? A smart clown.
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