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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. It some times it takes time , but when it happens it`s like a dam breaking and the flood waters come flowing in. It has to be nice to watch a relationship develop into something good and it`s all in grey time.
  2. We all love our little angels with red tails. We speak kindly of them and love them with all our hearts, but when they are bad we come up with new names for them to vent our frustration. So what do you call your red tailed darling when they are less than perfect ?? Well around here when Corky falls of her pedestal It`s Corky Monster.!!!! So when your sweet thing is less than stellar what kind of name do you call them OH, don`t tell me that your red tailed sweetie is never bad because I won`t believe you so come on, fill us in.
  3. In todays world its so hard to express an opinion to someone you don't know or someone you do know. Just look at our politics in our country.
  4. It`s not easy with the loss of a loved companion. It takes time to get over the loss, Some times it`s a long time.
  5. It`s good that you have taken him to the vet as we are not veterinarians. There are many things like emotional and nutrition issues that can cause plucking. I hope your vet is a bird vet as the have special needs with their health with their health issues. Taking them to your vet is the best thing you can do for your Grey. As to the red feathers on your grey, It`s called red factor grey so enjoy them as sometimes they out grow them and molt them out. Pleas let us know how things turn out.
  6. Nilah is there to protect her intest.
  7. Ray P

    No WAY!!!

    How well I know that look and reaction.
  8. Ray P

    Rhea ..RIP

    The loss of a loved feathered companion is some thing that can take years to get over. so sorry for your loss, but cherish the memories.
  9. I guess there is no need to clean Nilah cage any more.
  10. Wow !! A new look. When I saw we were off line I had some concerns.! A new look to spice up the forum, It`s like a fresh start. It may take some getting used too ,but I can lived with that. Now lets see how do I do that ??
  11. Yes; Your Grey enjoying a chin scratch.
  12. Ray P

    Old age...

    Did you take her up on it?
  13. They do know how to pull our string don`t they.
  14. Acappella I believe that singly the most important thing you can teach your Grey is step up. If taught properly can lead other successful trainings. Positive reaction to step up can be a great reward for your Grey and set the stage for many other successful teaching and trainings if done properly. Also step up done properly can be used as a soft discipline. I will explain more in another post. I`m going to see if we can move this thread to the training room
  15. Hay ! We now have a advertising firm. Awesome !
  16. I think it would be great to live where you can see these beautiful creatures fly free in nature.
  17. Hay Jay I fail to compare when it comes to you.
  18. Dorian knows how to pull your strings. It`s something Greys learn very quickly, He dose something wrong and you put him in his cage, OK He got your attention and you reacted. Question #1 Dose Dorian step up on command ? Question #2 How well dose Dorian step up on command ? Question #3 Is this step up to your hand or arm ? Question #4 Dose he bite when he steps up to your hand or arm ?
  19. I remember that day and I felt your pain as Spock was a member in good standing.
  20. They take interest in everything that they see you do and that includes seeing you jump when they bite. Now this is the hard part, Ignore the bad behavior and praise the good. OK I know its hard to ignore a good pinch, but it got a reaction from you and they enjoyed the show. They are quick to learn what gets your attention and will use that to make you focus on them. You see they know how steer your attention. *****Ignore the bad and praise the good!!!!!*****
  21. Hi Jay: I would like to take this time to welcome you back on the forum as you do have a lot of good information to share with our members. I do hope and believe that things will work out. I know that I am a moderator today because of your input and I thank you for that. I have always respected your opinion and you respected mine even though we did not always see eye to eye. Welcome back.
  22. OH, A good bite from time to time keeps you in line.
  23. As I read this I think of how bad I miss Cricket and her loving ways. She has been gone 3 years now and my empty spot is still there.
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