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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Some of the most rewarding experience and joy that I`ve had in my life has been with my parrots. My wife and I have had cocaktiels for 44 years and we love them so much. they are little parrots with a big attitude. About 15 years ago along came Corky my CAG, and she took us to a new level of being outsmarted by a walnut size brain and another love affair. With all that said and done we thought we saw and had it all. And than about 6 1/2 years ago along came Cricket a 12 year old BFA with attitude that needed a home. The one thing I have always said is Cricket taught me more that I ever taught her. She was right up there with Corky my CAG when it come to taking over your life. It`s said that Amazons are the most trainable of the parrots, but I think they are the most teachable, there is a difference. I never used treats as a reword for being good. I would take the extra time to interact with them. I wanted the interaction to be the treat. OH they do get treats, but it`s not for doing something. They would get a treat just to get a treat. We could be just sitting and I am on the computer or watching TV and they are on my shoulder sharing our snacks with each other or getting their head scratches and hanging out. So much of our do nothing time was the best time of all and the most remembered of all. All you have to do is be there for them and enjoy your time with them and they will enjoy that time just as much as you.
  2. Hi Devin and welcome to the grey forum to you and your flock. This is a forum of many parrots, not just greys, we love them all.
  3. I buy my pure aloe juice at the Wall Mart pharmacy in the 1/2 or 1 gallon jug. I add a teaspoon of aloe to their drinking water. Each of my birds has a bathtub in their cage all the time and I add aloe to them also. They will also drink from their bathtub. Aloe is good for them internally and externally. Good for you too.
  4. She has seen and lived in a time of the greatest change the world has ever seen. I bet she loved it all. GO GIRL.
  5. Ray P


    It`s a good thing we live in a rustic stile log cabin. It hides about 90% of Corkys handy work.
  6. The chain hooked to the leg band or ring would not be in the best interest of your companion.
  7. Alex has come a long way in a very short time. Try to have Alex step up from a perch or T-stand. That may help.
  8. That article is so full of truth. You must always start in a nonaggressive manor when building a relationship. As a relationship builds you start to bond with your parrot, as your bond grows you introduce others into your relationship, it`s called socializing. Their body language not only tells you when they have fear or want to be left alone, but also when they are ready to interact with you and others, and when they want that special time with you.
  9. Hi Becky and Peanut. Welcome to the grey forum. Peanut is a real looker.
  10. My grey Corky knows basic colors and does not like blue.
  11. Point taken, VStar Mama
  12. Amazons see them self as an equal and look at life at our level and nothing less. Lesson 1 Demanding respect from a Amazon, Will get you nowhere. Earning respect from a Amazon, Will last a lifetime. By Professor Cricket.
  13. My grey Corky is a brat and I made her that way. Se is spoiled, wants her own way and gets her own way most of the time. It appears to me that most of our greys on this forum qualify for that title. They want what they can`t have, They do what they are not supposed to do. They take what they think belongs to them, go where they should not go. And when they are done they have this sweet innocent look on their beak, some times !! My dinner always has beak marks in it. My shirts always has holes in them and she never lets you talk on the phone or listen to the radio or watch TV. Other than that she is a very sweet thing Beautiful Roudy African Gery Trouble maker.
  14. Amazons and Greys are two awesome parrots to share a life with. They each are so different yet so much alike. Life with an Old World and New World parrot can help bring out a understanding of each other. They each can be socialized and build a strong bond with more than one person, but you need to take the time, the one on one time to start a relationship, build a bond and than socialize. It is often said that Amazons and Greys are one person parrots for the most part (bull) it doesn`t have to be that way. A self confident person (not domineering and not a person that will bend at a challenge) can do very well with each of the two. They both can be sweet and they both can be challenging. Building a relationship, than a bond and socializing can and will make a difference. Remember with a Amazon when they are in season. When Mother Nature calls they will listen, but this too will pass and with age it will lesson. When ever Cricket and Corky were out together they were supervised.
  15. Ray P

    Any Ideas?

    Popsicle sticks and tongue depressors with a little peanut butter on them hanging in their cage. Worked for me.
  16. This forum is full of PASSION !!!!
  17. Looks great, your new baby will feel like they are in the great outdoors !
  18. Corky can clear the table of crumbs and paper with a short flight from the table to her cage. She than looks back and feels very proud of herself for the job she just did in clearing the table.
  19. It was one year ago today that I lost Cricket when she flew to the Rainbow Bridge. There has not been a day in the last year that I haven`t shed a tear for my loved zon. Things that I remember. When ever we came home from shopping or even when we came in from being out in the backyard she would jump up and down on her perch and yell Hi, Hi, Hi Cricket, Cricket Hi, Hi until we came over and said hi back to her. When she came out of her cage she would climb up to my shoulder and coo in my ear. When she was on my shoulder she would put her head down for head scratches for long periods of time. Sitting on my shoulder for hours preening her feathers and rubbing her head on my cheek. Climbing all over my body like I was her personal play stand. Our quiet times together. I will shed a tear or more each day for a long time yet as I miss her so much. For all of you that have zons, give your zon an extra hugs for me.
  20. You being here means a lot to us.
  21. Hi and welcome to the grey forum from a Ohio Buckeye. Do you have a name for your new companion yet.
  22. Hi and welcome to the grey forum to you and your awesome looking grey Isaiah.
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