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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I love flying kites and still do even at my age.
  2. My CAG and BFA came to terms in their relationship, but they were always supervised when out together. A lot will depend on your FIDS.
  3. Hi Loco and welcome to the grey forum. So sorry for your loss as I know how you feel. I lost my loved amazon in June. As a forum we share the good, the bad and every else in between as we all care.
  4. This thread is a book with over 1300 pages for those who are thinking of a rehome. A real success story and how too.
  5. Sniffing your grey or other species of parrots is not regulated.
  6. Miss G. has reached a pinnacle !!! Now the next step.
  7. Corky and Cricket sharing a plate.
  8. Never had to worry about this because my wife was a full time domestic engineer and my fids were never alone. They talk back and forth all daylong so its never quiet in our home. When we travel they go with us. If we go shopping we may leave a radio on, but not always. If we are coming home late we let them entertain them self so they can go to sleep when it`s dark.
  9. First I would like to say is that Rosita looks great. When My zon Cricket came to me she was very over weight and on a all seed diet and could not fly and was kept in a very small cage. The first thing is we put her on a better diet just like you did with Rosita and next it was a very large cage. After Cricket started to come of of her cage she would climb and walk every where all the time. She would never fly much, but she could fly when she had too. Her weight came down to 400 gr and that's where it stayed and that was a good weight for her. We have a large log cabin with 5 bedrooms on two levels and she walked every inch of it and would climb the steps and when she was on the balcony and saw me she would launch of the railing and fly to me and land on my shoulder. She was happy with that and so was I.
  10. Hi Tom And Timmy, and welcome to the grey forum. Yes greys are like having kids, as for better behaved, well that can from time to time be a toss up and that's what makes them interesting.
  11. The sounds they are capable of making is unlimited, so enjoy.
  12. Hi and welcome to the grey forum to you and Gizmo. Greys are awesome companions and will give you a new look on life.
  13. You will never know who or what will show up when you need a friend and companion the most.
  14. Janet you might have to look for a long time, and you may never know why. Have you ever met a person you disliked from the start? You did not know why, you just disliked them. Corky is her own judge of corrector and that's OK because the same people she don`t like are the same people I don`t like, a for the most part anyway. Our companions are just as complex as we are and that's why we love so much.
  15. My grey Corky even after over 13 years still loves a little comfort food at night from time to time.
  16. Oh yes I know what you mean. I can`t get enough of it.
  17. Yes I believe you are right. If you are calm they will they will follow in your footsteps. Our fids are talked to all day long in a calm manner and they just love the attention and chat back. I believe in talking to your fids and not at them. P.S. I love the picture of Louie and Lulu.
  18. I think Miss Gilbert is doing a great job of molding you into the person she wants you to be.
  19. Happy hatch day Inara, and may you have many more each better than the last.
  20. Penny I`m going to get back to you as I put together a post that can be helpful to all. There are many things that work with our greys that work just as well with Amazons. They can and do change for the better, but they are very headstrong as you know and are very loyal to their caregivers Confidence on your part and on the part of anyone who wants to have a relationship with a zon is very important. As with any parrot you can`t be anxious as they can sniff out fear. You can`t be overbearing as they might rebel. I do believe that Amazons respect self confidence in their or other humans that are around them. That self confidence IMO is the middle ground you or anyone around them needs to work from. If you are at ease with your Amazon they will learn to be at ease with you. I will work on a post and try to explain the best I can what I`m talking about.
  21. Dee, enjoy your ride, it will just keep getting better. Remember, you started this.
  22. The one thing you can count on with a grey, is the unexpected.
  23. Family will always be family, and reunions will always be emotional.
  24. Ah once you get their dander up they will try it, and love it, and make a mess when they do it.
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