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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I thing you can see that we each have our own expectations and ways of dealing with behavior. Which brings up the bite holes in your shirts and how we deal with it and reminds me of a story that happened to me. Some times some poop and holes in you shirt can bring a loving memory, may not been funny at the time, BUT. A number of years ago I had been playing with Corky my CAG when the wife was ready to go shopping. We live in a rural community and it`s 10 miles to the nearest shopping so we only shop once a week. We got out of the truck and went into the store. We were there about 20 minutes when a lady came up to me and said that one of the sea gules flying around the parking lot had hit me. Than I remembered that I had forgotten to change my shirt. Thank GOD there were a lot of sea gules flying around the parking lot that day. I didn`t have to explain. Your grey will always leave a mark on your life.
  2. You have given Miss. Gilbert the gift of time. The bad things in the past are fading.
  3. Welcome home Felony. Sounds like you had quite a trip.
  4. Even after 13 1/2 years Corky likes a comfort feeding from time to time at night. A little worm oatmeal on a spoon, a head scratch and than bedtime.
  5. It`s amazing how their minds work when there is change in their life. You can see the wheels tuning in their head along with the reaction in dealing with the change. In their minds they want things back the way they should be. Nothing out of place.
  6. I am not going to give you the answer. You have to look it up Google or Bing "Top 5 Popular large parrots. Click the Top 5 popular large parrot link. You will see 5 profiles on the top 5. With in one profile you will see the answer.
  7. You are truly the rescue lady and you set the example for the rest of us to follow.
  8. You can also go to Wal Mart and get a roll of 36 in. wide shelf paper. About 6 bucks.
  9. What parrot species is often referred to as "Monkeys with feathers"
  10. Muse, You hold a place of honor with me and the members of this forum for doing what you did to help this lady and Regis start a new life together.
  11. For the most part as long as you don`t use the glue and the cleaner. They are a tight fit with out the glue. If you feel the need to make sure it stays together drill a small hole and use a self tap screw and they won`t come apart Vet wrap will give them a good surface to grip on.
  12. When there`s silence, It`s time to take action. A grey fact.
  13. I have seen this and it makes me ill. If people only took the time to one, If you are going to have a parrot make a commitment, to know, to understand and to love this awesome creature of God that is capable of so much more than we are. To see them for what and who they are, to love them for what and who they are and to except them for what and who they are, you will than understand what and who they are. My wife and I have had parrot species in our home for over 43 years and we both were around parrots species in our childhood homes and we both love and respect them for what and who they are. We put them in a cage so it`s up to us to take responsibility.
  14. It`s hard for us to know from the picture because we don't know how old the picture is and if the picture color is right. A best guess I could give from the picture would be under two years old not knowing how long ago the picture was taken and the color quality or true color. The straw yellow color of the eyes would be over two years old. P.S. This is based on the thumbnail picture above.
  15. My Grey Corky is a female CAG and will go to male or female. She gets along with both.
  16. My grey Corky is a CAG. She will be 14 on December 5 and has been with us all her life. About twice a day she is very active and if she is out of her cage she gets into anything and everything. She has a mind of her own and at times is very stubborn. She is for the most part very loveable and sociable. All our friends love her and interact with her.
  17. Your fids are going to love it, I know I do. Your gang is going to be the envy of the neighborhood.
  18. Thanks Greywings for posting the pictures. The Mealy is known by many names depending on the region that zon may live in and or subspecies. Mealy Amazon AKA. 1. Plain-colored Mealy Amazon. 2. Chapman`s Mealy Amazon. 3. Cost Rican Amazon or the Green-headed Amazon. 4. Blue-crowned Amazon or the Guatemalan Amazon.
  19. I think Miss Gilbert has all our hearts in a bag under her wing. She has us where she wants us.
  20. My grey has traveled all over the U.S. with me , my wife and son. She has stayed at friends homes, relatives homes, hotels, motels and motorhomes. She has always loved to travel and is very social.
  21. She is a dark eyed beauty !!
  22. Corkys favorites are the fart and burp noise followed by a WOOooooo.
  23. Boy dose she have you wrapped around her talon. And you think she is not normal. lol I can see the bonding all the way up here in Ohio. All you need to do is smooth out the rough edges. Your relationship is about to explode. She did not need a rescue, all she needed was a drink and she got you up to take care of it. She dose know who she can depend on. She just wants to keep you in check.
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