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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. There is a new feature in the honored amazon threat. Members that have had amazons in the past that have gone to the Rainbow bridge before they had greys Amazon Honored Posthumously. Inara Amazon Elliot and SterlingsSL Amazon Tigger
  2. The one thing you want to address here is her biting with out jeopardizing your relationship. The best way to do this is distraction. There are tree ways of distraction. One, the roll method , Two the drop method and three the earthquake method. Each method works find if done properly. . I use the two bite and roll method. When they are on your finger or forearm and start to bite you say no bite and if they continue you gently roll your just enough to get them off balance and say no bite again and when they stop biting you praise them tell them how good they are in a very excited voice. This may take a little time but don`t give up. If they bite and you say no bite and they stop after the first warning make sure you praise them for stopping biting and they get the idea. After that the biting get less and less and if they do bite it won`t be as hard and they will stop when you tell them to. Remember not to be too rough as you want to distract them and not set back your relationship. Be Gentle
  3. Time to get them their own flat screen TV.
  4. Happy hatch day Maalik and may you have many more each better than the last.
  5. When Corky takes a chunk out of the wood work and we catch her and tell her no she dose not hide, but she will give you that look, as you say the stink eye.:rolleyes:
  6. Hi McKenzy and Opi. Welcome to the grey forum. Did anyone say we love pictures ??
  7. Ray P

    Greyt news!!!!

    Some times, good things do happen to good people.
  8. Ray P

    Live food *~

    Dave is right. My grey as well as my amazon loved to break the chicken open to get to the bone marrow.
  9. When you log in make sure you click the remember me box and that way you won`t time out. When your done don`t log out, that way you will never time out. If you log out you will have to click remember me box whenever you log in.
  10. Miss Gilbert has been a challenge , but you have risen to the occasion. There will always be progress for the rest of her life. Corky who is 13 1/2 years old and has been with us all her life can be a real stinker about once a week, but we know she loves us by her actions 99% of the time. She just needs to keep us in line. You and Miss. G have a bond, but she dose not know how to show it yet. There will be a time in the future when the both of you will sit together in a chair and say, I`m glad those old days are over, but I will be a stinker about once a week.
  11. Lulu sounds like just the greatest lady and that she is fitting into and becoming part of the flock. Cricket would have spurts of flight but for the most part she loved to walk and climb.
  12. I bet you have a lot of marks in the positive column now.
  13. When Corky is on my shoulder and she yells godda poop you better run and get her potty perch now or it will be running down your back.
  14. The Definition of Perfect: 1. With out Faults: With out errors, flaws or faults. 2. Complete and Whole: Complete and lacking nothing essential. 3. Excellent or Ideal: Excellent or ideal in every way. WOW, That would be one dull Amazon. Nothing in this world is perfect so why in the world would you expect your parrot to be perfect Their faults and Flaws define their character and make them who they are so enjoy and love them for who they are. In your home they can take chunks out of the leg of your new dinning room table. In the wild they take chunks out of trees and that's how they keep their beaks in condition to crack open nuts and eat seed. They are noise, how else can they let you know where they are. They are demanding. When they call you better come a running. They want you now. Stay away, I`m not in the mood. Is that food I see. where`s my share. I think I can add Corky my grey And Willie my cockatiel to this. All these things they need to live in the wild, I guess they are perfect after all.
  15. It`s not what my grey dose on command, It`s what my corky commands are to me. Her favorite is (gotda poop) and you better be ready to move her to her potty perch or it will be down your back.
  16. A grey can just melt your heart !!
  17. Ray P

    High altitude

    My birds have traveled all over the U.S. with us and on one trip was from sea level to high in the Rockies all in a matter of days and than back down. It`s a matter of acclamation for your birds as well as with you. It`s a difference that your body and your birds can adjust too. They have companion parrots out there too.
  18. What worked for us is when ever they go back to a cage, travel or main cage there is a treat hidden some place in their cage. When they come out of their cage ether my wife or myself will hide a treat in their cage so they always have some thing to look for when they go back to their cage or the travel cage.
  19. Hi and welcome back. Hope to hear more from you. Chili looks great.
  20. Hi Kilaya and welcome. Enjoy your new adventure.
  21. Sharing your time with both. Some one on one and some together time as a flock.
  22. I am always looking for new Amazon and Amazon care givers that are members of our great forum. At this point in time we have. 43. Amazon members 39. Amazon care givers 12. Amazon species That are a part of the Honored Amazons of the Grey Forum. If you have an Amazon and are not on the list please let me know as your Amazon belongs there. So check out the Honored Amazons of the Grey Forum list thread.( It`s a sticky). See how many of us love our greys and amazons
  23. Well at least you don`t need a rolled up dollar bill to sniff your grey or amazon.
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