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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi Blf3greys and welcome to the grey forum to you and your flock. We know their age so how about their names. Oh and a picture or two would be nice.
  2. I was at a McDonald`s restaurant for lunch one day and this young lady came in and she had her hair dyed red blue green yellow and pink. As I looked at her she turned around and said, what are you looking at ? Haven`t you ever seen a woman with colored hair before? I said no, I was just thinking back to when I was in the Army and I got really drunk one night and when I woke up the next day my buddy said I had sex with a parrot, and I thought you might be my daughter.
  3. Just some advice when your on Jury Duty. Hang em High and get home to your bird.
  4. AHHHH she is in still in control and knows it. Letting go of old emotions is a hard thing to do, but they are slipping away.
  5. Ray P

    Watermelon rind?

    And than you have watermelon poop. Oh the joy
  6. You could buy a new stove, lol.
  7. Nice setup and Elmo looks great.
  8. You expect this with kids, but parrots !!!!! It must be the time of year and I think my two are going to drive me nuts. They each have their special time with me and they both enjoy and love those moments. You never want the other see you giving the other that attention they believe belongs to them and them only. They can be out together with no trouble as long as they don`t see the other on me, and than it`s W.W. III. Corky loves me my wife and son and spends a lot of time with each of us and she will tolerate Cricket being with me, but I am Crickets prized possession and she will do anything to get in between me and Corky. They can both be on my shoulders at the same time, Cricket always on my left shoulder and Corky always on my right shoulder and every now and than Cricket will reach behind my head and try to grab one of Corky s tail feathers, but Corky is way to fast for Cricket and it ends up a verbal conflict be tween the two of them. As a point of interest dose any one have this happen with their parrots.
  9. Welcome to the grey forum. You are in for the ride of your life when you take in a grey. And yes he will out smart you from time to time and that`s the fun part of being a grey caregiver.
  10. Nice size cage. Lots of room for toys.
  11. Happy homecoming day Oliver. You are looking better all the time. Sorry I missed this post in January
  12. She is just having an off day just like we do sometimes. Just hang in there and Miss Gilbert will be back. You have come too far for this to last long. You are being tested.
  13. How many pairs do they go through a week ??
  14. I love the sound of my zons voice.
  15. Never underestimate the power of a grey to come up with something when you least expect it. The power of a rag tag TAG.
  16. How about when you go shopping at the food store and another customer tells you that one of the seagulls hit you in the parking lot.
  17. Hi pat617 and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion.
  18. Hi and welcome to the grey forum to you and Archie. We will try and help you all we can. Good luck in trying to out smart Archie and they love to rip up paper and cardboard.
  19. I think all and all it looks pretty good to me.
  20. Miss Gilbert is playing the part of a Sothern Bell. She likes you, but she doesn't want you to know until she is ready. That way you keep jumping through hoops for her entertainment. Who be the boss.
  21. In our house we have a special welcome committee and her name is Cricket. You can`t come through the door with out a loud and clear HI !!! from Cricket. She is a favorite with our guest as is Corky , but Cricket is the mouth. When she is on my shoulder and there is someone in the room she will put on a show just to get their attention. She will vocally interact with any body that gives her attention. She is the clown that draws all our guest to her cage. That`s life with a amazon.
  22. Hi jdsiratt, Welcome to the two of you and your new companion Peppie to the grey forum. A vet check as soon as possible would be in your s and Peppie s best interest P.S. We love pictures.
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