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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Looking back to the past we can see how far we have come. Looking to the future we have no idea how far we can go.
  2. Welcome baby to the grey forum. If she was a companion grey breeding should not be a worry.
  3. Hay , You think hanging it from a string will stop me?? Guess again !!
  4. That was a great kids show with a lot of good stuff. Now that song is stuck in my head too,
  5. Loki is sure coming around and finding out how to have fun. P.S. Great pictures.
  6. I can just see Dayo wondering where are his wings.
  7. Hi Steve1 and welcome to the grey forum. Do you have a name and do you know the sex. And by the way we love pictures.
  8. Happy hatch day Marco and Aerial Corky is 13 years old and that two's thing is still with her
  9. To all the best and the best to all.
  10. Hi and welcome to the grey forum. Joey will come around in his own time. Just show him how much you care.
  11. Hi Debby and welcome to the grey forum. My grey Corky is a CAG and we met her when she was 9 weeks old. On our first meeting she ran up the wife`s arm and pooped on her shoulder and when she was 14 weeks old she came home with us. Corky just turned 13 years old this month and she is vey out going, fearless and will go to almost anyone. Both the TAG and CAG are great companions parrots and what ever you decide on I bet you will be happy with.
  12. Hi riten and Mahi to the grey forum. The members have given you some good advice. We love pictures.
  13. Oh the beak grinding, the kissing sounds are their way of telling us that we might just be living up to their expectations.
  14. Five years ago to day Cricket came to live with us and we made this her hatch day with us. Happy birthday Cricket.
  15. Great signature and respect for Opey
  16. Ray P

    So true!

    When you own a parrot silence sends fear through your body.
  17. Happy hatch day Rikki and here is to many more each better than the last.
  18. The next time check with him before any modifications.
  19. My grey Corky just turned 13 years old and we have had her all her life. She is very socialized and loves my wife, son and me and it`s hard to tell who is her favored person is as we are all active in her day to day life. She will go to almost anyone (her choice).
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