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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. We are all excited for you. GO ECHO !!!
  2. Hi Greytness and welcome to the grey forum to you and your flock. Today is the day so Name and pictures are in order.
  3. As you all know I am retired, Sort of. I started out with a part time job at Wal-Mart that has turned out to be part time, full time, part time. Well the part time job at one store has turned into moving to a number of stores. For 6 weeks I am traveling out of town to another store for a remodel witch means on the road early and home late and Cricket hates it. When I do get home and let her out of her cage she clings to me and will not let go and I feel so bad. When I walk in the door she goes wild and is all over her cage and yelling HI, HI and I think I can see a smile on her beak. Well just 4 more weeks and it should be back to normal. She may never let me leave the house again. I am going to do a number of short video clips on how Cricket and I built our relationship when things get back to normal. A little Cricket history and from day one in our home (A reenactment) If you are interested.
  4. Hay Dee I thought the tasmanian devil was part of a greys background. Miss G`s sounding more and more like Corky every day. If I look close I can see the devil in Corkys eyes. If you look close you may see the devil in Miss, G`s eyes. Isn`t it great.
  5. In no time at all you will know what he is saying. Great video.
  6. Hi Marc and welcome to you and pepper to the grey forum. The one thing I found living with a grey Is, living with a grey is a life long adventure. What they will do next is ???!!!
  7. Hi Muse and welcome to the grey forum. From your intro it sounds like you live in a fun house. And I mean that in a good way.
  8. Happy hatch day Talon. May you give your mama many more years of bliss.
  9. Happy 4 months Shamrock. You look awesome.
  10. Cricket and her head bobbing. http://s942.photobucket.com/user/raypogo/media/100_0087_zpsb28ef1f9.mp4.html
  11. When someone comes to our door and knocks, Our two dogs bark and so dose Corky.
  12. We do not allow smoking in our house, but we have a friend who is a heavy smoker and has smoker`s cough. Corky our grey will start to cough like she is dying and at the end of her cough she will clear her throat like a sailor. Our friend will ask. Do I sound that bad ? And we say yes, she has it down to a Tee
  13. Hi MightyMouz and welcome to the grey forum. When it comes to getting a bird, A grey, cockatiel, amazon or any other species of parrots it is much easer today than it was years ago. There is much more information at your finger tips with computers and forums like this to help you when you are in need of advice on what to do. Read all you can on greys or what ever other parrots may interest you to find out what is in the best interest for you and the parrot you are thinking about. If it`s a grey you want than this is the place as the membership will tell you all about the good, the bad and the ugly and what you can do to make a lifetime companionship the best it can be.
  14. Great video, A bird that can put us in our place. BaileysPapa after your grey starts to talk and she try`s to teach you how to fly, She will say all you have to do is move your arms like this. (as she flaps her wings) It`s a peace of cake.
  15. Ray P


    Just letting you know they were not happy with the dog being with you.
  16. The first words are the best words. They are the ones you will remember the most.
  17. Hi magus and welcome to the grey forum. Pictures, name and age please.
  18. Cricket bobs her head and swings it all around. She enjoys doing this and sometimes sings as she dose this. I think she sometimes dose this to get additional attention as she gets all excited when I ask her. Are you dancing ??
  19. Welcome CritterCrazy to you and all of flock to the grey forum. I think you will find that there are a lot of zoos on this forum.
  20. Welcome to the grey forum KatriceBe. Tell us a little about yourself, and do you have a grey??
  21. Ray P

    outside time

    Your flock is awesome !! , and so is your backyard.
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