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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. No bite and step up will be said a lot when they are young.
  2. Our cats are out side 90% of the time, but our two dachshunds give Corky and Cricket a wide wide berth. In fact Corky our grey will not let the dogs on the furniture.
  3. Nala looks great. Good luck in your new adventure.
  4. Remember Dee Orchids or stink flowers, A flower is a flower.
  5. Hey Dee, I think the takeover has already happened. You haven`t caught on yet.
  6. AH a bird and there boing. Great pictures,
  7. WOW Nancy had a lot of grey forum friends to help her out on that one.
  8. Hi KarahEve and welcome to the grey forum to you and your new companion. He/She is a good looking CAG and we look forward to sharing your new adventure with you.
  9. I WISH THE ONES THAT I HAD COULD PLAY THAY WAY. I`d be a rich man know.
  10. Hi JAMB and welcome to our forum. How about some pictures of your flock as we love pictures.
  11. Hi Buckeye and welcome to the grey forum. We are here to help in any way we can. Like your user name. Are you an Ohio Buckeye ?
  12. Hi Glenn and Jacko, Welcome to the grey forum. Jacko is a good looking grey and looks very happy, also great pictures as you will find out we love pictures. Your story of how you got Jacko is awesome.
  13. I BET HE WILL BE A GREAT COMPANION ! Glad things are going well.
  14. It`s amazing how well we can befriend and make friends with other creatures and we can`t get along with each other as a human race.
  15. After today you will be a servant to a grey ball of fluff.
  16. Oh boy, the number of pellets a day ! First you must count the number of pellets a day you put in their dish, than you subtract the number of pellets at the bottom of cage, than you subtract the number of pellets found on floor, after that you estimate the number of pellets the dog eats after your bird calls them over and tells them to speak. I gave up and just keep pellets in their dish
  17. Hi Bill and a big welcome to you and your new companion Bailey. And just so you don`t forget, we love pictures.
  18. The one thing you will always know is, boy or girl, how you feel about her will never change, all the things the two of you have gone through will never change and the future is wide open.
  19. It`s not just a baby thing. Corky my CAG will be 13 in December and she dose it in and out of her cage any time and or when ever she wants. I think it`s a house cleaning thing with them. She will shred paper and than take her foot spread it all over the place.
  20. I believe all baby parrots are needy, and they soon will grow out of it as they become independent. That`s when you will miss that special time. My amazon Cricket is a rehome and she dose use her vocalizing to get our attention and when she wants something. As they grow older they will always to some degree be needy and that`s what makes having them a joy. P.S. loved the video !
  21. Not only are your birds better off with you, You are better off with and because of your birds. Just hang in there !!
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