After many years of having birds, more years than I want to count and most of them rescue and or rehome,, it had become easer and easer for me to resocialize them.
I thought that I was getting good at understanding them and their needs when it came to socializing.
Back when I started having birds, having a parrot was not common like it is to day and most people could go to a pet store and buy a parrot, put in a cage that was way to small and than watch it destroy its self.
I would always play with my birds and never had trouble making companions out of them so I thought I was good at understanding them and knowing what they needed.
The fact is, it was me starting to understand myself and looking for the things that they were telling me they needed.
Of all the rehome/rescue parrots I have had over the many years it was Cricket, my amazon that was the easiest to resocialize, the one I thought I would have the most trouble with. She told me every thing that she needed.
Every successful parrot care giver will tell you that they are different because of their parrot companions and the lessons learned goes both ways and that they know them self better than before.
Your success with your fid is up to you because you can change and than they will.