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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. When Cricket and me are enjoying her out of cage time we play this game called footsie. She will stand on her play stand and I will hold up my index finger and say do you want to play footsie and she will lift her foot up so I can rub the bottom of her foot with my finger. She really enjoys it and will move her toes back and forth as I rub the bottom of her foot. The bottom of her feet are so soft to the touch and we both enjoy it. She will than lower that foot and lift her other foot to do the same thing.
  2. When is the coming out party for Gilbert ?? All of us that have followed the Gilbert is home thread would like to come to that one.
  3. Corky does the phone thing. She is so good at it you can`t tell if it`s the phone or her. If you answer the phone when it rings and it was her, she will laugh at you.
  4. If it`s not broke than don`t fix it.
  5. Every day a new adventure, It`s called living with a grey.
  6. Isn`t this what you have been waiting for ? !! Your opening Pandora`s box, YAH !!
  7. I think you are seeing the start of something. Corky is the master mind when it comes to opening things, taking things apart and untying knots. she has found her way out of every cage she has ever had even to the point of removing the top of her travel cage to get out
  8. Spoken like a true married man.
  9. That poor bird of prey for his release.
  10. After many years of having birds, more years than I want to count and most of them rescue and or rehome,, it had become easer and easer for me to resocialize them. I thought that I was getting good at understanding them and their needs when it came to socializing. Back when I started having birds, having a parrot was not common like it is to day and most people could go to a pet store and buy a parrot, put in a cage that was way to small and than watch it destroy its self. I would always play with my birds and never had trouble making companions out of them so I thought I was good at understanding them and knowing what they needed. The fact is, it was me starting to understand myself and looking for the things that they were telling me they needed. Of all the rehome/rescue parrots I have had over the many years it was Cricket, my amazon that was the easiest to resocialize, the one I thought I would have the most trouble with. She told me every thing that she needed. Every successful parrot care giver will tell you that they are different because of their parrot companions and the lessons learned goes both ways and that they know them self better than before. Your success with your fid is up to you because you can change and than they will.
  11. Some times when you think you have lost you find out that you have won. They know how to keep us guessing.
  12. Have you ever taken the time to watch your amazon eat ? Cricket is a messy eater until she finds something she likes and that can change from day to day. Normally when Cricket eats there is food all over the place and I mean up to 5 feet away from her cage. She looks like a trencher digging a trench as the food comes flying out of her food dish until she finds that one special piece, that morsel of food that hits her fancy on that day. She will pick it out with her beak and than hold it with her foot and eat every morsel from her foot and not drop one single crumb. She will eat it very slowly like she is enjoying every mouth full and when she is done, she will dive into her food dish throwing food all over the place again. That favorite morsel of food will change from day to day. One day it`s a carrot and the next day it`s something else It`s a lot of fun watching her enjoy her meals and I often sit and watcher as she eats and having a great time. I know you don`t think that I have much of a life because I enjoy watching her eat, but Have you ever taken the time to watch your amazon eat ?? You might enjoy it.
  13. That link won`t work me either.
  14. I know that summer time is a busy time for every one as it is for me when it comes to posting. Along with that I have had trouble with my DSL service going in and out and with the phone company in and out and working on my phone and internet trouble it has cut back on my posting. Cricket has been great and seams to understand what`s going on, but I make sure that our day to day time dose not suffer.(If it did she would let me know) We have a thing in our house called random routine. the time and order of the routines will very from day to day and we don`t let the clock dictate what`s going to happen next. This has worked very well with our flock with summer being so busy. I hope that all of our amazons and zoners along with all our greys and other fids care giver/members are having a great summer with lots of outdoor time for you and your fids.
  15. It`s unanimous, We all see the same thing. "LOVE"
  16. your flock is awesome looking. Great picyures
  17. Great video. This year we had a nest of baby hummingbirds just out side by our front door.
  18. Happy hatch day Gracie and may you have many many more and each one be better that the last.
  19. I saw this on the news the other night and that it was spreading
  20. Glad to know she is cone free.
  21. The answer to your question is Yes and she is very good at it.
  22. China will soon become the Number One English Speaking Country in the world.
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