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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. Hi Mr. Mom and welcome to you and Charlie to the grey forum.
  2. You now know not to go back to him.
  3. Makes you wonder where she got that from.
  4. My grey Corky never said her first word until she was 25 months old. Now she is a motor mouth.
  5. I love to listen to Emma and your interaction with her.
  6. Your time will come, just hang in there.
  7. Hi Rita and welcome to you and Pepper to the grey forum. Did any one say we love pictures ?
  8. Joanie Doss has a great article, The Amazing Amazon that is IMO a must read if you are thinking of a amazon. She dose a good job going into the hot three species and the difference between male and female. Cricket my female BAF is very sweet and gentle in or out of season despite all that was said about her before she came to us. Amazons and African Greys are both awesome parrots to live with. The Hot Three Amazons Are. 1. The Double Yellow Head Male. 2. The Blue Fronted Amazon Male. 3. The Yellow Nape Amazon Male. And this can very from male to male. My CAG and my BFA each bring something of them self to our family. Google ; Hot Three Amazons
  9. Hi Clair and welcome to our forum. I like luvparrots have a African grey only mine is a Congo and a Blue Fronted Amazon and I love them both. My amazon is a rehome and her age is between 15 and 18 years old and she is e real joy to be around. My grey will be 13 on December 5 and she has been with us all her life. Weather a baby or a rehome they can be what ever you want with love and caring.
  10. A big welcome to the grey forum for you and Petri. Yes, greys are awesome and will change your life and we will look for pictures.
  11. I think at this point in time I need to keep my mouth shut.
  12. This is Corkys computer user name in grand master chess, #%@#^&+()*^57
  13. Welcome to the grey forum to you and all of your flock
  14. Yes, they each have their own place in the flock and they hold that places as sacred.
  15. If your wife dose not own a gun, how will she protect you ?? My wife has a brother that lives in Romney WV up in the NE corner.
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