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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. I`d love to have a toilet paper concession stand outside that coffee shop.
  2. Happy hatch day Kizzy and to many, many more each better than the last.
  3. The head scratch and than a bite and another head scratch I think is a grey thing. Corky will do this all the time and she has been with us all her life and I know she loves us because she always wants to be with us and on us. I think Miss G has become more normal than you think. Corky can be a little snot some times but she will not leave us when she is out.
  4. Great pictures of a happy grey
  5. Escher looks soooo content.
  6. Birdhouse gave you some good advice for a baby grey. Keep things low until their coordination improves. May I add, Go to the Welcome & Introduction Room and introduce your self as other members would like to meet you.
  7. One of the great things about this thread is we had the chance to watch Miss. Gilbert step form the shadows into the sunlight. As forum members we could not ask for more.
  8. Two greys can equal. 1. twice the work. 2. twice the time. 3. twice the fun and. 4. twice the rewords The amount of work and time you put into your greys will effect the out come of number 3 & 4. They sound like two very nice young greys, If you think you have the time and willing to take on the job than go for it.
  9. All it takes is a little time and the right moment. And than "SURPIISE" !!!
  10. When your baby grey is ready to stop the hand feeding than she will stop. Keep hand feeding her until she dose not want it any more. Abundant weaning is considered one of the best ways to wean your grey. Even after they have been weaned, from time to time they like a comfort feeding at night. There have been greys that have gone 25 weeks before they turn it down.
  11. Well said birdhouse, You hit the nail on the head!!
  12. It sounds like his personality is already on its way out and he is ready to kick the world in the butt. great update.
  13. Glad things are going so well with your new companion. Great pictures of Nala and hope to see more.
  14. To me It sounds like she is flying high in her mind. The real stuff may be yet to come.
  15. A grey is very smart and they are able to pick up on our fears and insecurities. The hard part for you will be to learn how to approach your grey NOT with dominance but with confidence and that can put you on equal ground with your grey. They can learn and know your fears and play on them. Greys are great manipulators.
  16. Smokey and Shamrock both look great and it`s funny how they pick their thing. Corky my grey lives on her swing.
  17. You will also show up on their list. You can check any ones profile and see their friends on the left side.
  18. That should get your attention !!
  19. I have followed this thread from day 1, March 24, 2011. You have given forth a tremendous effort to make Miss Gilberts life a safe and happy one. You have shared with us her steps forward along with her from time to time regression. We have shared your happy times and your times of doubt. You never gave up on Miss Gilbert and you are both better off for it. I knew from the start this was going to turn out OK You still have a lot to look forward to including a step back from time to time, but they will be small steps because now she is running, so try and keep up. On this forum Miss Gilbert is the star and you are the rescue Queen and I believe all the members on this forum will agree.
  20. I loved those days of getting to know Corky my grey. They can be the best days to remember.
  21. Glad things are going so well. Keep it up.
  22. A Welcome for the both of you to the grey forum. Tequila looks awesome and I love the pictures.
  23. I tell Corky that I am the almighty and she has to bow down to me for a head scratch. She just laughs.
  24. You haven`t heard noise until you have been around a cockatoo. Even ear plugs don`t help.
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