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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. Yay! That is Awesome!!! Congrats you 2!
  2. Im so sorry, I am no expert of course, lol, But I bet he grows out of it fast It does just sound like he is being protective and testing his boundries, It says in the books I have read that they will go through stages like this. Kinda like how some babies start to hit or smack people, You just have to say "NO" and they learn and grow out of it...Its like they just realized, He I can use these hands to get what I want, IN the birds case, "I can use these wings and this beak, Let just see what I can get away with!" haha Keep us posted!
  3. Thanks for the update! We can all tell you are having a GREYT time!
  4. Lol, Thanks for the reassurance! And congrats on your baby talking!
  5. Thanks guys! Im glad you all liked it
  6. Yeah, He does that everytime I talk to him, And about twice a day just alnoe on his cage...I dont know if that makes him chatty or not, haha...I dont know any differant Its cool that he is starting to imitate that click click sound back to me after I do it...yay!
  7. I dont know, Maybe he is a she! haha, I still dont have the guts to do it...lol
  8. Here is Ecko's latest video, Taken this morning Hope you enjoy it! edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/06/10 21:30
  9. That is awesome! He started talking pretty young! Since they say they usually dont start till about a year old! What a great smart baby you have!
  10. Very cute! I would LOVE a hidden camera that would turn on when it heard a sound or something, Then we could catch all there cute noises!
  11. That is so funny! They pick up some funny things dont they!
  12. Thats awesome, Congrats! How old is your baby?
  13. Yay! I love watching videos of Ecko! He is such a cutie pie. Thanks for sharing!
  14. I saw it, It is very sweet, She looks very content!
  15. I am glad she ended up enjoying it! Great job too, It looks great!
  16. Ok Awesome, I cant wait to hear it! I bet my Ecko will love to hear it too!
  17. Thats awesome cait! Thanks for sharing the pics! You should make a video of his little noises he makes! He will talk in no time, I just know it! I havnt heard my Ecko say Hello anymore, Just like you said your Ecko said his name and then stopped, Why do they do this to us!?!? haha
  18. I love the photos! Thanks for sharing! Sorry I havnt been keep up with this, But Is Torry the grey that you found? If so, I am so glad he/she found you to give him/her such a good home!
  19. Thinking of you in your time of loss and heartache...I cant imagine how you must feel...Hope you feel better soon.
  20. That is Awesome caitlin! HE does so good talking and you do a great job making these videos! How do you get the subtitles on there? I have only made the one video so I have no idea what I am doing, lol! Great job!
  21. So cute! That is wonderful that she likes to be on her back! Ecko doesnt care for it thats for sure!
  22. Oh My! That is so funny! Speaking of little devils, My Ecko is flying around SO much now, This morning He tried to land on a vase I had with palm fronds in it, and he tipped it over and it crashed into a million pieces this morning, He is fine..A swear I heard him laughing all the way back to his cage :evil: Just the thing I wanted to do before I sat down and had my morning coffee! :pinch: Oh well! Little stinkers!
  23. Thanx again everyone! Yeah he is quite a talker! He knows a ton more than that too, You should here him when he says "your crazyyy" lol, In his little Quaker voice, it is SO funny! Echo loves listining to him. And so do the rest of us!
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