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Everything posted by JungleDreamz
They are so great arnt they!? Congrats on your birdie bonding!
Thanks everyone! I am glad you all enjoyed it! Echo is really into baby food now, I put some in a little platic dish and he dips all his seeds and pellets into it, lol, So far he has had sweet potato's Carrots, And today he is eating some pears He isnt that much into eating the raw fruits and veggies, so untill he gets to liking them, I figure the baby food will give him the same nutrients he would be getting from them whole. And get him use to all the diiferant flavors
Oh Sorry Everyone! Its my first Youtube video! Bare with me! Let me know if it works now ok?
Here is a video of My Quaker Parrot "kokomo" talking, And my CAG Ecko...He is at the end...Check it out! It is a little long, Sorry :blush:
I am having fun, Thanks again everyone!
Yep, My Baby is a begger too! He was just munching on some birdie bread Ecko dropped this morning! Thanks for the photo its greyt!
Thanks everyone, It is so funny, He is in the other room right now, Practicing talking, and when he says "Hello" pretty clearly, My Quaker (which can talk exellent, lol) Says "Goooood Boooyyyy!!!!!" Like really excitedly! lol, It is so funny listening to those 2...This is the 1st morning they have done this...Every day something is SO much fun!
It wouldnt change the way I feel about him, It would be more like I would have to get to know him all over again as a girl, lol...Like I know him as a boy, And if they said he was a girl, I would have to like get to re know him as a her...If that makes any sense...haha...But it wouldnt change the way I feel about him, Or Her...haha...I think I am going to do it, I had a dream about it last night :silly: And in my dream I was reading a book on greys and getting to know them, and it said that you should always get them sexed, because there will always be that unsureness on your end that the bird would sense...Isnt that silly! Made sense to me though I dont want to wonder forever...I just wanna know!
Thanks! He usually lands on top of his cage, But he had done it a couple times when I got this video, so he was kinda getting tired, lol Glad it worked, Now I can post more! hehehehe *evil Laugh*
Ok here is a video of him flying, Couldnt get his first word on film yet though :dry: How old is Ana Grey? And yes I did give him a speacial treat for being so good , I baked him fresh birdie bread and he LOVED it! Hope this works, Its my first time posting a video...
When you get the feather you just mail it to them or something? There is a local bird place here that will do it, But they do it by clipping to nail too short, And I have heard really bad things about that...I am going to check it out! Thank Cait!
Thanks guys, Well I am off to figure out my camera, lol...I found the book so I am going to go read it and figure it out, Ethier way I will post pictures in just a bit. I was so suprised to hear him talk, Till today I just thought, " Nah, It cant be..." And When he says hello, I say hello, And then he says it right back to me...And so I have been waiting to see if he kept it up before I said anything, lol...Cuz I just thought I was hearing things or something! But Like I said it is still like a mumble, I will try to get a video of him saying it, You might not even be able to understand him, haha, But I know that is what it is and he is just practicing to make it sound better Pics and hopefully videos soon to follow!
How did you figure out the setting on your camera to take his flying pics? I cant figure out mine... uuugghhhh, I use to know how but I forgot...I have a Sony Cyber Shot... If anything I will get a video of him flying and post it to my Photobucket, And then try to copy and paste the link here, Will that work? haha I guess it is worth a try, I dunno how to post the videos, Just pictures. And thanks for sharing my excitement too! I almost forgot, He took his first shower last night too He didnt like it or dislike it, He just did nothing, lol So I dunno We will see!
Hip Hip Hooray! That is Greyt news! Congrats you guys! I was wondering, Is he a DNA sexed Male? I am thinking of getting my Ecko sexed, But I dunno....I SO think of him as a boy, And if the test comes back that he is a girl, it will feel like I dont know him anymore or something, lol, I know, That sounds really DUMB, But oh well I love hearing updates! Thanks for sharing!
Ok so I havnt posted this cuz I just wasnt sure, But now I know for sure....For the past WEEK Ecko has been saying "Hello!" Oh my Oh my! This is so amazing...He is so smart! He is just 11 weeks old! Now it is still not perfect...But he is defanitly saying it! Another milestone that happened yesterday, He is flying and landing perfectly! Yay! He has been trying for a while, But just crash landings, But now he is flying like an old pro He is down to 2 feedings a day...He is eating big bird food all the time...He is head first and tail feathers up in his food cup all the time, haha...He has been spitting up some of his morning feeding too now, so I am going to cut that one back a to a little less now too. Anyway, Thats the update Hope all is well with all of you and your fids too!
OMG I am so happy they're home!! Pics too
JungleDreamz replied to CarolandFamily's topic in The GREY Lounge
Yay Yay Yay!!!! Love the pics! Your babies are awesome and adorable...Congrats on your new arrivals, and thank you for sharing with us all! -
OUR babies are coming home today!!
JungleDreamz replied to CarolandFamily's topic in The GREY Lounge
Yay! I am excited for you!!! I cant wait to see first night pictures! I bet you wont be able to sleep when you get them home, You will just wanna play with them all night! I know I would! Keep us posted on how everything goes, Counting down, Not long now!!! -
You are making the right decision...I have had to rehome a bird too, And I know how you feel..Just horrible, I felt like I was pond scum...BUT The more I thought about it, I realized it was just the unselfish thing to do...He was so set on scream, like one of the other people here said, it comes to be a learned behavior, and the bird I rehomed had been screaming for attention for 7 years...I felt like it was wrong to try to tell him not to...It was just what he had become, and now he is SO happy, He can make all the noise he wants, he is at an aviary with thousands of other birds... I agree, it wouldnt be fair to your dog ethier...My dog is also my baby...He is really like my child, But he gets along with the birds well really he was raised around all my birds, so he just pays them no attention at all LoL...But I would do the same thing if I had to keep him pinned up all day just because of some other creature wether it be bird, cat, whatever....I am not saying I dont love my birds, I love them dearly, It is just differant with my dog, Tghe love is diferant, like I said, Like love I would have for my own baby. So what I am trying to say, Is I can TOTALLY see where you are coming from. And it wouldnt be fair to your bird ethier to keep him pinned up all day cuz of the dog or any other animal...So you are defanitly doing the right thing, For all members of your little family.
Lol, Thats funny Sue09...That is exactly how it is! I am really excited though...Thanks for sharing in my excitement!
Thanks Caroland Family, Actually I have had him since he was 4 weeks old :blush: ... So I just like to make sure he is "on track" with his weaning and flying
LOL, Mine does the same thing, He is just like a little Bull, And he puts his head in his bowl too and digs, lol, He is so crazy, Probably once he starts flying more he will ease up on the digging, lol
Yeah it is awesome...I loved it! Why does he dig so much??? He LOVES to dig up all the paper towles and towles in the bottom of his cage, Does yours dig too?
Ecko took his FIRST FLIGHT YESTERDAY!!! HE tried to fly to his cage from my arm after his dinner...He crashed gracefully of course, haha, But STILL! And get this, I dont know if I heard correctly or not, But When I was laying in bed this morning, I was listining to him making all his baby noises, and I SWEAR I heard "Heeelllooo"...I jumped up in bed like "WHAT!?!?" But Then I didnt hear it again, Just more practicing baby noises...I dunno, I will listen very closely the next couple days to see if I hear it again, But I know I wasnt asleep, so I couldnt of been dreaming! Lol But he is only 10 weeks...So I could of just been hearing wrong...But it sure as Hello sounded like a HELLO! lol {Love-000200BF}
Oh my Gosh! YAY!!! Congrats! We cant wait to hear about their arrival, and see pics of thier first day home! How old are they to be fully weaned and flighted? I just like to ask so I can have some kind of idea when to look for my Ecko to be fully weaned, Even though I know they all wean at differant ages, I just like to ask everyone
Ok, I am going to try it! Thanks! And Congrats again!