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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. OMG!!!! That is AMAZING! Congrats Caitlin and Ecko! That is so exciting! How did you teach him to like to lay on his back? I wanna teach my Ecko to like to lay in my hand on his back, I think that is so cute when birds do this!
  2. I would keep him too! If his previous owner doesnt come looking for him. I think you are doing to the right thing, You are giving a great home to a lost baby, Where would he be if it wasnt for you taking him in! Heck, I have dreams that I find parrots, hahaha
  3. I hope you are not implying my post was "beating up on you" I do believe I said it wasnt your fault your dog and bird dont get along, and I also said, We know you are not treating him terribly, they are just very sensitive....And Yes you do have a bad taste in your mouth, Which is understandable, but NOT for ALL African Greys in general...I am sorry I just feel that is wrong. Not all of them are like yours...Which like I said I am sure there is even a reason for. And no one said (as far as I know) that you should just give him away. And all we are doing is agreeing with you that yes, you should find him a new home. AND I DID have a bird the screamed non stop all the time, He was a queen of Bavaria conure, Who was not raised right, The woman never gave him attention, So he learned to scream for it, So when he was rehomed to me, no matter what, he would scream, He had done it for 7 years, cuz he was getting no attention. I knew he needed to be somewhere where he could scream and it wouldnt matter, So I rehomed him to an Aviary where he is now there personal private pet, and doing very well because he hears thousands of birds all day long making just as much noise as he is, And I keep tabs on him, and he is doing wonderful. SO my point here is I would never go as far as to say that all of his kind are that way, or that all of them change into a bad change...I think that is just wrong... I am just sticking up for African Greys here...If you feel you have a "bad taste in your mouth" for ALL african greys, then I can tell you one thing, HERE is not the place to express that opinion. And I am not even going to go into the whole bird ruling your life thing... I dunno, I didnt think anyone was beating you up...I do agree you are doing the right thing, I know it is hard to give up a pet.Sorry if it came off that way, I just feel strongly about labeling a certain animal or species just because one or some have a problem...
  4. Thanks everyone! Yes he is as cuddly as he looks haha, He is a sweetie pie, And yeah, I am going to add more perches and toys, Do you think I should do it now? Should I raise his perches higher up yet? I am just so afraid he will fall and get all freaked out! tycos mom, when did yours start climbing higher and stuff?
  5. Well All birds are differant, And it sounds like he just isnt happy with something, If you figure out what makes them happy then, Everything you read does a pretty good job preparing you, I know everything I read prepared me for my Grey really well, And espeacially everyone here on the forum have givin me great advice. But that is just my opinion. I think Greys are wonderful birds. Sounds like you just got a bad taste in your mouth about them cuz yours screams. But it isnt the birds fault. Just something you are doing wrong, Even tho you feel you are doing everything right, I mean we all know you are not doing anything like really bad to him, But they are just VERY sensitive, it could be the smallest thing that can freak them out. This is all just from what I have read though, Not from experiance, My baby is just 9 and a half weeks old, and everything I have read has been very accurate this far. I have even read that they can START to dislike something that didnt bother them before...You just have to keep working with him. And I agree with tycos mom, He should be out more than an hour, Thats actually not just like being in jail but in jail in lockdown! Thank goodness my baby (my dog) gets along GREAT with the all my birds, so I just leave the birds cages open all day till night night time I dont do this for my grey yet just cuz he is so young and cant fly yet, but he will be the same way when he gets old enough. And you cant help it the dog and bird dont get along, At least you dont leave him out anyway, then that would be a worse situation! haha, So I agree he should just be found a good new home where being out of the cage isnt an issue.<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/05/14 22:40
  6. Has there been any changed in your home lately? I dont know much about screaming in Greys, but I do know any parot can start to scream if there are changes that they dont like...
  7. Thanks JudyGram And I just might do that!
  8. Hey everybody, He are Ecko's most recent pictures! yay! This one is of his first night in his cage, at 8 weeks and one day...So last Tuesday Again, first night in cage, when I got up the next morning he was perched instead of all snuggling, HEs growing up! This is Ecko today! At 9 weeks and 3 days...5-14-09 Today, showing off his feathers again, Or just showing off how he can balance on that perch with just one foot, haha This one is my favorite, Also taken this morning
  9. Just an update! Ecko is doing really good, He turned 9 weeks yesterday. He loves his cage, He is perching all the time now, and loves it, and is busy practicing all his cute little noises. I am wondering if he should be starting to refuse any meals yet..I am thinking no not yet, But I just figured I would ask and be sure He hasnt, He still readily takes his 3 meals a day! I have pellets and seeds and nuts in with him all the time, as well as water, And he doesnt really eat that much of it, It seems he is eating a LITTLE maybe, But not enough to make him full. Which I am sure is why he isnt rejecting his formula...I also put in veggies, Which he does REALLY like...But still again, not really eating that much of anything else but formula...So I was just wondering if this is the norm.... Thanks everyone, And hope all is well with all of you and your babies!
  10. Wow! I love the pics and the video! He flys so good! I cant wait till my Ecko can fly that good! Congrats Caitlin!
  11. Thanks guys, Sorry, I didnt know youall have done this before, Well I guess for all the newbies that didnt post there can post here, haha, But I will go check out the other link though, Thanks! Awesome cages too, I love the cargo net and the rope bridge! Did you make that yourself? Or buy it? Looks awesome!
  12. I would love it if everyone posted a pic of thier Greys cage and set up, I love looking at everyones cages and stuff, Gives me good ideas for the future! Show off your greys home! God knows we all work so hard on them to look awesome and be perfect!
  13. haha, I was afraid to read it too! Thought it was going to be something aweful! Very funny though...
  14. Aweeeee, Whats better than one baby grey? THREE baby greys! hehehe Love the photos! Thanks for taking the time to post them!
  15. Thanks so much everyone! I love looking at all your pics too! And I love my camera, haha, It takes such good pics of my jungle So thanks Danmcq... I hope all of you and your babies are doing good!
  16. Thanks I am glad you think he is as cute as I think he is hehehe He is growing so fast!
  17. This is Ecko at 7 weeks today! 4*27*09 And this is him on the 25th perching for the first time!!! So 2 days before he turned 7 weeks.
  18. caitb2007....How awesome these pics are! Your Ecko is beautiful!! I know I have already asked this, But I ask a lot of people this so I forget, lol, But how old is he? Cuz I know we were talking about our babies together the other day, and I thought he was maybe 10 or 12 weeks? I feel so stupid that I cant remember! I have just been talking to people and reading so much about greys, That my brain is just in overload I think :silly: I notice his eyes are starting to turn too, thats awesome! I would love to get my Ecko in a harness someday, He is just a little too young for it right now
  19. haha, Thats a cute story, Thanks for sharing!
  20. Haha, There so funny...Yeah I was going to make some birdie bread today or tomorrow, and I will do some veggies this afternoon. I did find that I had a smaller cage, 18 by 18, So he is in that right now, eating some big zupreem pellets, I dont have any of the fruity ones in the smaller size. When did she actually start eating the eggs and rice and lettuce and stuff, I know you said broccolii at 8 weeks, But what about that other stuff, or was it all at 8 weeks? And congrats too on how good your baby girl is doing!
  21. Ok thats cool, I was talking about this on here the other day, I cant imagine my little guy REFUSING his formula, haha...I guess the day will come though He just scarfs all of it down so fast now, and loves every bit of it! He is crazy about his formula! I am glad to know just how much weight they will lose when the fledge and wean, I would have been TOTALLY freaking out! lol And keep me posted on how her weight goes! And what are you feeding her now? I know you said Zupreem cockatiel sized when she was the age my little one is now, But do you feed her the big ones yet? I put a couple of the big fruity zupreem pellets in a little dish last night, I got them moist first, Ad then put them in a dish, and he at all but the grape one! I cant believe it! Oh and he is 400 grams today! Hes a big boy! How much did your girl weigh at almost 7 weeks?
  22. Cool I will try that! My baby seems to be somewhat on the same scedual as yours, so I was wondering, When did your baby wean? Or is she even weaned I should say, lol I am a little nervous about the whole weaning thing, I mean I know I did my Quaker, But this is a WHOLE differant ballgame! I just hope I dont mess it all up. I want a healthy happy grey baby :silly: Thanks for all your help too thus far! All of you guys!
  23. I am so sorry...My thoughts are with you...And just remember how good of a mom you were to your baby. At least you took her to the vet and tried to help her instead of just leaving the problem... Hoping you heal quickly and are getting another baby very soon, That of course could never take her place, But at least open new doors and happy memories to come and new relationships.
  24. lol, I love the pictures, Adorable! So you do think this is what I should do? Oh and I put cheerios in with him, and he is not just crunching them, he is EATING them, Should I start putting some weening pellets in with him too? I hand feed him the Zupreem embrace PLUS, So I will be switching him to Avian weening diet by zupreem, then to regular Zupreem avian entrees, The weaning diet looks like little cheerios, lol, But anyway, Should I start offering him this stuff now? I guess it couldn't hurt anything...I wouldn't stop his hand feedings or anything...
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