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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. .................................................................................................................................GIRL!!!!!!!! Thanks for everyone voting in my "what do you think" Thread...And Karma to all of you who guessed a baby girl!
  2. Haha, Thats really cute thanks for sharing!
  3. Thanks for the votes Casper and danmcq!!!
  4. Awe how sweet, What a great lil talker!
  5. Really! Oh boy this is fun!!! Keep em coming! Thanks Daveyj And thanks Caitlin!!! I cant wait to see what he or she is!!! I cant imagine being pregnant and having to wait to see if it was a boy or girl!<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/07/28 16:34
  6. Ok I should be getting Ecko's DNA results in today...I sure hope I do! I cant hardly wait any longer!!! So to make the time go by faster lets make it fun, Here are 2 pics of Ecko...Whats your Vote? Male or Female? I will give Karma to everyone that gets it right! yay! I am so excited! Let the Voting Begin!!! {Communicate-00020117}<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/07/28 16:31
  7. Awe, Maybe he knows what a hard time your going through with Ecko, He is trying to cheer you up
  8. I dont really know, Maybe try interacting with him more, Maybe he just needs more attention than usuall. I know others will help you a lot I am just a first time grey owner, So I cant help much, Sorry
  9. Awe, That is such a sweet poem, Thanks for sharing it with us all
  10. Thats too cute Monty AND Yoyo! What clever birds we have
  11. Let us know this evening when you get home how things go with him being moved around a little bit! And if nothing has changed, Dont give up yet, It probably takes some time...He is a smart little stinker though, I do believe, lol, So I am sure you trying all of these things will set him strait!
  12. Good Advice Dave! Now I know what to do too if and when this happens to me and my Ecko! Do you think I or anyone else with a young Grey should start changing routines before something like this happens? And if yes, What are some ways of doing this?
  13. Oh Caitlin I am so sorry...Hopefully it is just a stage he is going through and he will grow out of it. I am sorry I dont have any help for you, I havnt gotten to this point yet with my ecko...Geeze I hope I dont! I would feel the same way you do, I would also take it very personal! I dont blame you at all. I wish I could help...All I can say is your great to him and hang in there...<br><br>Post edited by: JungleDreamz, at: 2009/07/23 19:15
  14. That is just absolutly amazing! I am constantly suprised at what our greys can mimic!
  15. Thanks guys! He still is loving his toy, He plays with it all the time...He hasnt gotten very destructive yet, I guess cuz he is still so young. I got it at Petsmart...They have the best selection of bird toys around where am at without having to drive an hour away. Thats a good idea about putting goodies in the little balls, I am going to try that today!
  16. Lol, That is so funny! Thanks for sharing!
  17. Yeah, I wish I had an Atom, It would be PERFECT for it!
  18. So I went and got Ecko his first "Big Boy" toy, lol, That just meaning it is the biggest toy I have gotten him yet...I was SO worried he would HATE it, You know how our fids can be, It was over 20 bucks, so I was like, I sure hope he likes it! lol, Well, He does! I am so happy! Yay! He is growing up so fast Here are 2 pics of him playing with it It is SUCH a cool toy!
  19. Thanks Guys! Yeah I cant wait now...But Yeah Thats all I am worried about, The breeder said that lovebirds are worse for going through "chronic" egg laying, Like no matter what she would just lay an egg like everyday for like 2 years (yeah that bad) and trust me I did EVERYTHING, I tried to let her sit them, That didnt work, Then I would take them out when she would lay them, that didnt work, Took all of anything that could be used to make a nest, That didnt work, She would just saw off the wood from her perches...But finally one day she just stopped, YAY! So anyway, I just wondered what others thought on the subject, You know if Greys are just as prone to it as lovebirds. I mean of course it doesnt matter...I will love her just as much if its a girl...Just something I was curious about.
  20. So I finally got up the guts to order a feather DNA sexing kit...I dont care what Ecko is...He or she is such a love...I was afraid to get one cuz I call him a boy and stuff, and I was afraid it would be like having to get to know him all over again as a girl, But now I know it will be fine...I feel it will allow me to get to know him or her even more, Not always wondering what He or she is... I am a little worried if it is a girl about egg laying, I have a lovebird that went through a chronic egg laying stage, I know It is so hard for their little bodies to produce eggs all the time...Is it differant with African Greys? Have any of you dealt with chroic egg laying in your greys? Thanks I am so excited to find out!!! Thanks everyone!
  21. Well I just learned from another thread on here that they pick stuff up from the tv, I think someone said theres picked up the spongebob laugh, and one or 2 picked up the mcdonalds whistle...So Might as well pick up something useful right?! I think its a great idea! It cant hurt right? I mean I am not saying anyone is wrong, Everyone is right, That they pick up most things from you, But I am just saying they can pick up stuff from the tv and recordings...CaitB2007, Her parrot slater learned the bad boys theme song from them recording it on the answering machine! lol Pretty clever!
  22. Good point Jane08....But Seriously Jamalbirdbiz, Why do you keep bringing this up, Do you just like to have Arguments and conflict?
  23. That is so cool, I didnt realize they would pick up stuff from the T.V.
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