I know this is a hard question to answer, But the breeder I am getting my baby from has 4 baby greys, And although I will be for sure able to get the baby in like 3 weeks...I am afraid they will all be gone. So here is the hard part, how fast do they sell from just a private breeder...I know almost immpossible to answer since you cant predict the future, But just like on average. I dont know if maybe there were any people on here that might breed them and know how fast they sell them...And the other question, do you get more than one clutch a year? So if she does sell them all, will that be it for the rest of the year? Or do they lay again? I know a lot about greys and keeping them as papmered pets, just dont know a lot about the breeding of them. I am just SO afraid that when I am able to finally get one in 3 weeks, they wont be there I have been waiting like my whole life for this, and even to wait another 3 weeks seems immposible, haha...So anyone that can shed a little insight my way would be great! Thank you so much! OH I have another question, haha, I have a queen of bavaria conure, that screams a lot, will the grey just pick up on screaming like him and not talking? And any ideas on how to get the queen to stop screaming, its when we sit down to eat...I have tried giving him treats and that doesnt work, the only thing that works is to cover him, which I feel bad about doing at like 7, haha...He also screams through out the day... So i cant keep him covered all day, any ideas?
SO sorry for the long post, Just got a lot of questions :blush: