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Everything posted by JungleDreamz

  1. That is AWESOME advice, You have helped SO much, Yes I do have a dark blanket I can put over the top, That would help keep him from trying to go too high? Or I could put a false ceiling in it, I cant raise the grate, the cage is like weird, I will post a pic later, but the grate is 2 pieces, But I can lay towels over top of it with the heating pad under the towel. So your baby was about the same age huh? I was afraid it was too young, so I just wanted some other opinions, and your baby turned out alright, right?! I feel that would probably be the best he could practice moving around a lot more, He is just trying so hard to perch...So u think this is what I should do?
  2. Ok so, Ecko is 6 and 1/2 weeks, so I didn't think I would have to even think about this for at least a couple weeks now, BUT, His brooder is a 10 Gallon aquarium with a heating pad under it, You know a makeshift brooder, and I have a rolled up towel in there with him, and he was perched on it this morning! And this afternoon, he is trying SO hard to perch on it, but it keeps smashing down with his weight...And he keeps flapping his wings, A LOT, but he has no room in there hardly to flap them...I didn't think he would be this active already, He is just trying SO hard to be a BIG boy, lol, There is no room to put in any perches or anything in there, SO should I put him in his cage with real low perches and stuff? He would have MUCH more room. It is a big cage, I dont have a smaller one to put him in, well I do but it is like 15 by 15, still too small, SO WHAT SHOULD I DO!? Make the switch or still wait?
  3. Congrats! I did ready that Congo's and timnehs DO have the same talking ability, BUT Timnehs sometimes will start earlier than a congo, because they mature a little faster...Just what I read...Not that one can talk better than the other, They just say TAGS will start a little sooner.
  4. Maybe she got a little nose bleed, This can happen if they fly into something really hard...But it depends on where she hit the door...If she DID hit it with her beak, it could be a little beak fracture...Probably not though, There would be more blood, or if she hit the floor hard or maybe caught her wing on the door handle or something, she could of just broke one of her feathers, which can bleed...But they don't always bleed profusely like some blood feathers do. But my vote is a birdy nose bleed...Keep us posted tho! I am a majorly paranoid person too, so I know how you feel :blush: I have never heard of a bird biting there tongue, They don't really fly with their tongues out, lol, But I guess its possible!:silly:
  5. Thats awesome! How old is she?
  6. I love your pic! Thanks for sharing! How old is he??
  7. LOL, I know his hair is all spikey hahaha, Like a rockstar! When he is all slic though he looks like an italian mob boss, with his hair all gel'd back, hahaha... Thanks for all the coments! And I am enjoying this all so much, It is such a great thing to experiance, Everyday they are doing something a little more "grown up"...Today was a milestone, not only for his 13 gram weight gain overnight, But he cracked his first cheerio! lol he cracked it into little tiny crumbs and then licked them up silly
  8. Thanks so much everyone, I am glad you all think he looks good and healthy Makes me feel good!
  9. OK thanks for the advice! I will give it a try! Oh and put his pics on a new thread, his 6 week old pictures if you wanna check him out he is so photogenic hehehe
  10. Here is Ecko, At 6 weeks old today! He still has some of his lunch on his beak, hehehe
  11. Thanks, I took some greYt ones at lunch today, I will post them here in a bit
  12. Thanks I was wondering, When should I start putting the Weaning pellets in with him, Along with fruits and veggies? Yesterday I grinded up some carrots in the food processor so that it was like mush or baby food, and put some on the tip of my finger and he nibbled it off, is this ok? or should I not do that?
  13. Well my little Ecko is doing really good, He turned 6 weeks today and gained the most he EVER has from one morning to the next....He gained a whopping 13 GRAMS! lol, he is so cute, he is already trying to perch. And already playing with toys! I didnt know they would play with toys so early! I will post some 6 week old pics this afternoon
  14. Thanks you guys, Makes me feel better that you all think he looks good, I just get so paranoid that I am going to do something wrong! haha I guess thats better than not caring though Now that I know how to post pics, I will post more of him as he grows...I cant believe the change in him already! from the 1st pic at 4 weeks, to this week at 5 and 1/2...He gaines another 9 ounces last night! yay! That makes me feel good too! And I love seeing pics of all your babies too! (not just baby babies, but you know, no matter how old they are they are your babies ) Thanks again for putting up with all my "new to the GREY world" questions hehehe
  15. Him in his little brooder with his buddies, lol And ready to eat!
  16. Thats him showing off his feathers coming in
  17. The 1st pic was him at 4 weeks second one is from today at 5 1/2 weeks
  18. Oh ok GOOD! Yes he was gainging 8 to 10 grams a day last week, This week he is gaing about 4 grams a day, Does there weight gain slow down as they get older week by week?
  19. I am really confused about the amount of times a day I should feed a 5 almost 6 week old baby grey, I posted with more detail in the nursery, but no one has responded...I have handfed before but not a grey, So just want to keep my self in check, so that I raise up my little guy right I wont go into as much detail as I need in the "nursery" room, But My baby has been on 3 feedings a day since he was 4 weeks, That is what the breeder had him on and told me to continue doing...But then I read they should be on 4, Im kind of freaking out, haha, I do trust my breeder, She has bred greys for over 20 years, but I am always learning new things, so, I just wanted some other opinions, or some reassurance that I am doing it right, haha Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it!! And sorry for so many questions!
  20. I was just reading the thread about handfeeding your African Grey, And I noticed a couple of people saying a 5 week old should have 4 feedidngs a day, But some are saying 3 is ok....Im confused, I know "dave007" said something about Abundance feeding and to just keep feeding them, I just have never heard of this, I have heard that Greys can be little pigs, and will eat TOO much, And then that is when they can get the Crop stretch...I am not saying anyone is right or wrong, I just dont want to be doing anything wrong...But the breeder I got My baby from has been breeding Greys for over 20 years, and when she sold him to me he was on 3 feedings a day at 4 weeks, feeding about 35 cc's at each feeding. And the only reason she sold him to me was because I am an experianced hand feeder, I just have never hand fed a grey, So that is why I am wondering about the times of day I should be feeding him, I just dont want to be doing anything wrong. my little guy is 5 weeks old now and will be 6 weeks on monday, and has been on 3 feedings a day since he was 4 weeks, and he has been gaining 10 grams a day. Seems like that is enough, But if I should be adding one more feeding a day I will. I am just afraid to, cuz that is what the breeder said to do, was to keep him on 3. I DONT KNOW! haha, Like I said I have handfed before, just not a grey. So I know what I am doing, I just dont know how many times a day to feed, well I thought I did till I have read conflicting information, haha...So please let me know, I would really appreciate it! You all are great!
  21. Hi Lovemygreys, My little echo is 5 weeks old and 1 day , IS it too early to start handling him a lot yet? I mean I know you shouldnt too much like you said in your great post, since they will get use to it, But I was just wondering like what age I should start basically like I dunno, holding him and things, Cuz he still is a wobbily little guy (actually BIG, he seems like a big little guiy for only 5 weeks, he is 350 grams, Is he going to be a big boy? or is this average?) ANYWAY, I connected a couple of those infant "linkadoos" together and hung them in his brooder, and he was nibbling at them yesterday! I dunno if he was actually "playing" with them or just trying to feed off them, haha...Anyway, I know you can help me out, you defanitly know your stuff!
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