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Everything posted by she

  1. she

    Broken back?

    I am so happy that things are improving,keep up the good work.
  2. Lovely pictures of Murphy.
  3. she

    Spot on.

    As most of you know I am having a few plucking issues with Charlie. Lyn had some success with alfie and plucking when she treated her with this. My vet does not think Charlie has mites and I have seen no signs of mites. I have ordered spot on to treat as a precaution and wondering if anyone else has used it and how safe is it. I would appreciate anyones advise on this product Sheila xx
  4. Great poem Julie.You have a tallent.
  5. I hope the next up date has some better news.Thinking of you.
  6. Julie,great picture.Argyle is a cutie,I just love him.
  7. Charlie is 7 now and we get cuddles when he allows it. He is very independant. Cuddle time is often late evening before he goes to bed and then he can be very affectionate and loving. He likes to just sit close to where I am of a day or sitting on his stand looking out the window.
  8. Thanks everyone. I managed to get Charlie in the aviary yesterday as the weather was lovely. He was made up. The vet did not mention folliculitus but said he had no infection. Both harrisons and Arcadia contacted me infact it was harrisons vet. They both assured me the light is totally safe and could not cause a problem. Harrisons have made no changes to the formular so back to square one. I am at a loss. The plucking is very mild and alan does not wish to do any more invasive tests unless it gets worse. Julie gave me some great tips last night about drying washing on radiators to increase humidity and that will be done. Thanks julie. She was a great comfort to me over the last few days. Also Caroline has been wonderful. I am hoping fresh air and change of scenery in the aviary will help. I am also trying aloe vera juice can't do any harm.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2010/03/03 13:14
  9. Dan the vet and I spent ages going through just the list you gave and more.I don't use air fresheners or candles , have not changed deodorants. I never ware perfume and handle the birds,they haven't been out yet so pollen is UN likely.I have not changed his diet at all,infect I have just sent an e mail to Harrison's asking if they have made any changes.I also sent an e mail to Arcadia the makers of the bird lamp which is the only new thing in his environment to see if they have ever had any problems with it causing skin irritation.We went through Hormonal causes and ruled it out as the anti histamines would have had n0 effect on this.I am going to traul the Internet to see if I come up with anything.Looks like Charlie has the 7 year itch lol.Funny thing is he looks great,and as the plucking is under the wings it is hardly noticeable. I asked about skin scrapes but Alan said he does not have mites,which I knew anyway but worth asking. I am not using the lamp again as a precaution and as the weather is improving he can go in the aviary soon anyway.
  10. I am back from the vets and not sure if the news is good or bad. We have reached the conclusion that Charlie has an allergy. This was confirmed once I said the anti histamines helped the plucking but it returned 4-5 days after stopping them.We don't know what the allergy is yet but spent a good 45 Min's going through all possible reasons.Without much luck in pin pointing it.I could take Charlie to Edinburgh in Scotland where they can do allergy tests but Alan the vet thinks he is not bad enough to warrant that so for now advises keeping him on the medication and stopping all dairy and wheat products.We went through everything I use or in my case don't use in the house such as air fresheners fabric conditioner,even if I used perfume. I only use it if I am going out and never handle Charlie if I do.I am at a loss as to what could be causing it so any help finding the reason would be really appreciated.
  11. Thanks judy. Dan the anti histamines were given by the vet as Charlie seems to be itchy and they did work. I may ask for. Skin scrape to tule out mites although I think this is very doubtful.
  12. Thank you everyone. Chris yes the days are gettng longer her and I have thought of hormonal reasons and I will mention this to the vet. The funny thing is Charlie is looking so well. I will let you all know what the vet has to say.
  13. she

    Broken back?

    Good luck at the vets on Monday. I will check in to see how it goes.
  14. Thanks David. It is heart warming to read the releases are going well.I hope the parrots have a long human free future.
  15. It is not good news. Tonight Charlie has picked at both his wings,I am so upset.I stopped his anti histamines a few days ago and all appeared OK.Both wings now have bare patches underneath.He actually squeals as he is plucking part grown feathers out. I am going to re start the medication and go back to the vet with him on Monday.I am at a loss.The only thing I have introduced to him thats new is a full spectrum light,he seems to like it.I am wondering if this is causing the problem ? I will not use it until I see the vet.Any help or advise would be very much appreciated.
  16. she

    micro chip.

    Charlie was micro chipped while under anesthetic for another reason,I took advantage of the opportunity. I strongly recommend mico Chipping.It is a positive form of identity Can prove ownership in a court if need be and gives a better chance of the bird being returned to you if lost.
  17. Great links.It is always important to have a vet to hand incase of emergency.
  18. Oh they are adorable.Now I remember the days when little Cracker was like that,Makes we want one.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2010/02/24 12:05
  19. I just love the pictures. Thank you for posting.
  20. I dont know if Charlie chose me but I do know that as soon as I set eyes on him he was mine.He did seem to like me and came right to me so I think he was ok with the situation.
  21. Dan I truly love this Topic.I have followed it from the beginning and although I may not be hear as much for various reasons I never fail to check in and see any updated write ups .Parrots are a member of the family and Dayo has certainly become an important member of your family.Hat off to you Dan,lots of love sheila
  22. I am so relieved Pepper is safe,look after her she is precious.
  23. Good morning,its Charlie hear or Charles if you don't mind lol.I am feeling very formal today.Mum is on that computer thing and I hate her being on there I know,if I go to the couch and bite at it she will jump up and come and get me. Yes it worked, never fails, I even got a nut to keep me behaving for a bit.I have her very well trained.Its easy.I have been sitting on my stand looking out the window at all this white stuff on the ground,mum does not seem to like it but I cant see her problem.Little Cracker my friend is still in his cage,mum will let him out in a sec.He is a torment that bird,don't tell him I said so though.He dive bombs me and thinks its fun.My wing has been poorly and mum took me to that horrible man who put a collar on my neck, well I was not having that at all. who does he think he is,far too undignified for my liking. Came off the same day and he gave me medicine instead.I love the medicine its nice and sweet.Maybe if I pretend my wing is still bad mum will keep giving it to me.oh no stand by your cage,the little monster Cracker is out, If he thinks I am letting him in my cage he is mistaken,yesterday he came in while I was on my stand and he ate my fruit , if I could get in his cage I would eat all his food and see how he likes it,better go and guard my cage, see ya.
  24. One of my birds getting free is my worst nightmare.You can never say never but I like to think I take every precaution possible. If my birds are out doors and windows are shut. The aviary has a double door entrance and a double skin of wire.I also have Charlie micro chipped so I can prove ownership and if some one found him the chip would lead them to me. I am also fortunate that both front and back entrances to my house have two doors,porch on the front and conservatory on the back. I am always amazed when people think clipping stops a bird flying. both my two are fully flighted but even if clipped I would take the same precautions.
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