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Everything posted by she

  1. I am not sure what wood it is but it was treated with an animal safe water based preserver.
  2. After getting the all clear from the vet Charlie decided he needs to get fit
  3. Charlie had a vet visit this morning to check up on his feather follicle infection. She is very pleased and said he only needs to finish the medication he has left, 10 days worth. He can stop the pain killers right away. I am so pleased. It has been a hard slog since January but at last we are there. He only needs to go back if the plucking starts up again once the anti biotics finish.Although he does have the odd pluck it is no where near like it was. He may always have a couple of bare patches under the wings if the follicles are damaged but we can live with that. The next thing is to get him to enjoy his baths again,any ideas? He always loved a spraying in the sing but since the infection has gone right off it. I feel he needs his spray more than ever now but don't want to push him too far and have him turn totally against it.
  4. My vet has long told me that sun light is vital for a greys health and well being. It helps with the absorption and convertion of food into calcium. I think I have worded that right lol. He does not advise giving suplements unless the bird has a medical need for them.Full spectrum lighting is always beneficial as is real sun shine.
  5. :DGreat video as usual of Emma,she is gorgeous. Cracker makes an echo chamber by getting under his papers.
  6. It is great when they do that. Charlie will lie in my lap for a few mins and it always makes me feel very trusted and special to him.
  7. oh poor little too.The dog doesnt look too impressed either.
  8. Oh you will cope. Just remember what time Kate gets home and make sure the place is tidy.Have a meal ready the baby bathed and fed and changed,The grey happy and entertained, the washing done, the dishes washed , the bathroom clean and the vacume put away, the shopping done and the ironing.Oh and dont forget to clean the bird poop up lol
  9. It all depends on the individual bird. The average age for a Grey to start talking is 12 months,some sooner some later. Alex was an exceptional bird and I doubt any of our Grey's will reach his abilities but one thing for sure,as Murphy gets older he will continually astound you with his antics and intelligence and his powers of manipulation,they can train US very easily.lol
  10. Charlie is making short work of all those election leaflets coming through the door,at least they are good for something lol.
  11. No Janet I did not see one grey. I dont think they are in the East of Kenya. I went to Samburu and Shaba where Joy and George Adamson raised and reliesed Elsa and then I ent across to Lake Nakuru and Lake Navasha. Then I went to the Masai Mara .It was a life changing adventure .From there I went to Mombasa for a few days much needed rest before flying back to Nairobi for the flight home. This is the plack at the Entrance to to the reserve where Elsa lived.
  12. Hear is another video of some Animals I took in Kenya. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN-4cM0we1Q
  13. Beautiful video. I love the sound of birds starting the day,always puts a smile on your face.
  14. Hear is the chippy tea song by the lancashire Hotpots. Not remotely about birds or animals but funny
  15. Hear is another video of lions having lunch .Just dont watch before you eat lol
  16. Hear is a video of lions in Kenya
  17. If I am out of sight of my birds I always call to them quietly,just saying ok Charlie or Cracker seems to prevent any contact calls getting louder.I always do this in a soft voice so they dont feel a need to shout back.
  18. Hear is a video of Pelicans I took while in Kenya It as taken on the beautiful Lake Navasha.
  19. I know exactly what you mean. Charlie is such a constant large part of my life. I simply cant remember what life was like before I had this grey bundle of fun and mischief around.I still vividly remember first bringing him into the house almost 7 yeas ago.
  20. she

    Broken back?

    I am so pleased Vree is doing ok. What has the vet got to say about his long term care and health.
  21. she

    Obi's Beak

    I would stick with the vets advise of no seed or hard stuff. Mashed sweet potatoe could also be an alternative to get vitamins in to him, which I think is the most important thing at this stage. as well as preventing infection.
  22. Its a very hard question. I love Charlie and Cracker to bits,but Polly my old tiel will always hold a very special place in my heart.She was my first ever bird and was very timid and shy but also very friendly.Her life long friend Pippin was also a great character . I guess the answer is I adore charlie and cracker but Polly was special.
  23. I have never trained my birds to go on command. I believe it can lead to worry and stress as well as maybe physical problems from holding it in. I have found that the accidents are few and far between though and they normally let you know when the need arises. My two old tiels polly and pippin would simply fly back to the cage to go the toilet. I never taught them this, it was just something they both picked up. Charlie is very good at giving the wiggle so as long as im paying attention its fine. Cracker I need to watch a bit more closely.
  24. she

    Obi's Beak

    TRy blending fruit really well so it is like a soft pulp. Also you can feed oatmeal .Blending veg will work well also. I am so sorry Obi has this injury, I hope it ill heal fast.Please keep us up dated
  25. :)Great video. A lot of people panic when they see a lose feather like this.This will show that it is normal and they sort it out themselves.
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