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Everything posted by she

  1. Hi Chris. I am so sorry you are going through this.You seem to have a great outlook on things so best of luck and best wishes.
  2. Robin that's amazing. Lucky birds.
  3. she

    Broken back?

    This is getting better and better,whistling again must be a good sign.I am always thinking about vree.
  4. It is a real complement when the vet tells you you are doing well.Beau is coming on very well and I hope the cysts can be sorted with no problems.
  5. I usually feed Charlie in his cage. He will sometimes not eat much if I am out but tucks in as soon as I get home,his weight stays about the same so I dont worry
  6. she


    Thanks everyone.I am so relieved.I am just praying now that Charlie does not become a habbitual plucker because of this but we will cross that bridge if we come to it, right now I am concentrating on getting his meds in to him and keeping him as busy as I can, lucky he is on top form and happy to play and eat so all is going well.
  7. Charlies results are back. He does have folliculitus.The vet was spot on. I am so relievesd I never believed he was plucking for psychological reasons.I just knew something was not right.His blood work came back ok apart from a very slight low calcium level.He is to stay on anti biotics and pain killers for about 8 weeks and is to go back for a check up at the end of next week . Please anyone who has a bird who plucks make absolutely sure all physical causes including folliculitus are totally ruled out before accepting a psycological reason. I am so happy i persevered and kept returning to the vet untill I was taken seriously or Charlie would not have got the right treatment.
  8. she


    My big brave boy is home.It looks like we have found the problem.His new feathers that are coming through don't look quite right to the vet.She is sure he has folliculitus, an infection of the feather follicles. She has put him on a long course of anti biotics and metacam.The xrays show his wing is fine which is great news but his spleen is slightly enlarged which she said is a sign he is fighting an infection.The blood test results will be back next week and we are hoping this shows all is well.She has extracted pulp from feathers she removed that looked abnormal and sent it off for tests.Looks like we are now on the right track at last. I am so happy this is being taken seriously.I am going to read up all I can on his condition and see if any more can be done.
  9. This is always a worry Janet.I know my cousin Bernard would have Charlie stay with him if the need came up.The last time I went away was over 3 years ago and my dad came to stay in mine but at 81 I could not put that on him again.I would always prefere to keep the birds in there own home rather than board them somewhere.
  10. Way to go Tobie.They do have a great nack for doing things like that.
  11. she


    Thanks everyone.. Dee, Charlie was on metacam for about 2 months when he injured his wing.If the x rays show any problems with the wing I will most definitely ask about putting him back on it. Thanks.
  12. Priceless. You now have a constant reminder of your show.
  13. she


    Just spoke to vet. Charlie coped well with the anasthetic. She has taken bloods and xrays and also sending feathers to test for folliculitis, an infection of the feather follicles. She is having a good look at the xrays later and going over everything at 1pm tomorrow when I pick him up. She has also given him anti biotics and anti inflamatries. I feel so much better knowing this is being taken seriously at last. Can't wait to get him home tomorrow and spoil him rotten.
  14. They all have there own unique little habbits.
  15. I am with you on this Jill. Animals cant tell youn where it hurts a child will soon let you know .I like to think though that in an emergency I could deal with it.
  16. she


    I took Charlie to the exotic vet this morning. She totally agreed that thing need further investigation.She is keeping him in over night and giving him an anasthetic to do blood tests and an xray of the wing he injured a while back,She said she will give him a good check up and examin him well while he is asleep. I miss him so much and Its only been an hour or so.The house is just empty.
  17. Lol I think my vet thinks I am more neurotic than Charlie, either that or I am stalking him lol.
  18. Thank you. On Friday I am going to insist on blood work and skin scrape and an xray of the wing he first started plucking. It is the wing he had an injury to a while back. I have just spoken to the head keeper of the parrot house at Chester zoo who said I am doing all I can. I will feel better once I see the vet on Friday thanks for the support.
  19. Charlie is still plucking. I took him back to the vet on Saturday. He now thinks it is psycological. I am not ready to accept that yet. My vet has aranged for me to see a coleague of his who is an exotic expert on Friday to see if she can come up eith anything. I am so upset. I feel I have let Charlie down some way. He sat on my knee last night and pulled out 2 new feathers still in the sheeths. I am at a loss. All sugestions will be so greatfully accepted.
  20. she

    Broken back?

    If ever a bird deserved a bravery award it is vree.Astounding.I pray for his continued recovery.
  21. Charlie sometimes talks to his foot lol.He lifts it up and gabbs away.
  22. I keep hoping for better news. Just an idea.How about another vet,a new set of eyes may see something,not suggesting anything wrong with your vet but fresh eyes could pick up on something.
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