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Everything posted by she

  1. Happy hatch day Dayo I am sure you get spoilt every day but I hope today is special.
  2. Howardine. I am so pleased you are part of the forum. you always show great respect and I admire that.Precious is a very lucky grey .

  3. This is the funniest thing I have ever read lol
  4. I hope you get to the bottom of this. It took me quite a few vet visits with Charlie until I got the answer to Charlie's plucking problem.It turned out to be a feather follicle infection which is now well under control and being treated with anti biotics and pain killers. Keep at it untill you know for sure.
  5. Oh Alfie is a smart one.They can out smart us easily when they want to lol.
  6. He has had a feather follicle infection and was plucking his wings and tops of legs and a bit on his legs. It was not severe plucking and apart from a few patches on the inside of his wings and the lack of down feathers he is almost back to normal. [Hear is a photo of the inside of his wing a few months ago,its not too clear but you can get the idea
  7. I took this photo today to compaire charlie to how he was before he started his anti biotics and pain killers. I think he is looking tunns better. He is still plucking now and then but not like he was. His next vet visit is on the 5 of May and I am sure things are going well. I anticipate him being on the meds for a while yet so we can be sure all the infection has gone, He looks a litte thiner to me but the scales are only showing a 10-15 gm weight loss so that is nothing too bad. The only thing still concerning me is that he has very few down feathers,the vet commented on that at his last visit and that does not seem to have improved yet but I am hoping time will sort that out.
  8. Hear is a video of Cracker doing the Z cars theme tune while in his favourite spot, under his papers lol.
  9. she

    little cracker

    Hear is my little cracker enjoying an afternoon in the aviary
  10. Great video Janet. Ana grey looks wonderful and I love her sytand and cargo net. I have a cargo net for Charlie but he is petrified of it even after almost 12 months so I have now given up of his using it.
  11. she

    Dan Just a quick word to say thank you for all you do on the forum and for always being there in good times and bad for everyone. You are a wonderful person sheila xxx

  12. Judy is like the matriarch of the forum, a friend, mother figure and always hear for everyone. Sheila xxx

  13. Lyn is a great asset to the forum and as well as a love of parrots we both share a passion for horses. I love hearing about Alfie and Lyns theater shows. A great all round person . Sheila

  14. Janet is such a wonderful nice person its a real privilege having her on the forum,she is a genuine warm hearted lady, and i am honored knowing her. Sheila xxx

  15. she

    Caroline is a wonderful person,and the best parront a grey could wish for She has also become a great friend who I know Is only a few keys of the phone away. I value her friendship very much.

  16. Julie is a great asset to this forum, a great person, a great parront, and last but not least a great friend. sheila xxx

  17. Jill is always hear with support and a great sense of humor, I know I can count on Jill for a laugh .A valued member of the forum . Sheila xxx

  18. I love the idea of adding cinnamon to boiling water,must try it
  19. I totally agree that our birds could not survive in the wild,Having contact with Blue who is a wild caught parrot I can see a marked contrast between him and Charlie who was I was told hand reared. Blue is far less fazed by what happens around him and seems to just get on with life. Charlie seems to be much less settled and easily upset. I think this has a lot to do with hand rearing, they never learn to be a propper parrot. It could be age aswell as Blue is a very old man now but I believe being parent reared is best for any bird. I agree with Julie that it is so sad that our birds dont have the freedom and space and experiances wild birds have and especially the larger birds such as macaws can have a very small life in captivity.
  20. Sunnybird. if you wish to have his band removed and still have proof he was not wild caught thats an easy one. When your vet removes the ring and places the micro chip get some documentation that the microchip was inserted in to the bird with that ring .The micro chip has its own unique number with your details so if the vet documents that he inserted the micro chip and removed the ring there should be no problem
  21. she

    The gang

    You have lovely birds, they look in great condition
  22. Thats great Jess, keep up what you are doing if it is having a good response
  23. I had Charlies band removed after reading a really horrific story on this forum. He is also micro chipped and I would not have it any other way. I know if the un thinkable happens I have that little extra chance of getting him back. Also if someone stole him or re captured him and decided to keep him for them selves I can prove ownership without any doubt.
  24. I do allow Charlie on my shoulder but only when I am sure he is in a frame of mind to behave.As a general rule of thum I would say only let a grey on your shoulder if you can completely trust it.
  25. OOh those baby greys are too tempting,my rule is dont even look at one lol.
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