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Everything posted by she

  1. I hope you are a bit better today Janet. The weather is terrible.I doubt if I will be able to get the car off the drive, it is a sheet of ice.I can not remember weather like this and no sign of a thaw.On the news some parts of uk have been as cold as -21.It is not quite as cold hear but about -8 very very cold. I am only going out if I really have to.I am dreading the heating bill.
  2. she

    secretary bird

    Only about 300 pictures Judy lol.
  3. Hi Erika. congratulations on your new position.I knew you would do it.It is great to hear how you and the flock are doing,especialy the new adition Nemo.I hope in time you can over come the plucking.
  4. she

    secretary bird

    Hear is a link with information about this fantastic bird http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretarybird
  5. she

    secretary bird

    hear is a picture of a secretary bird I took while in Kenya
  6. Nice to hear yuki is in her new home and seems to be doing just great.enjoy
  7. My guess is that at 12 years old you will not get any information on the heater.I would not use it to be on the safe side.
  8. I am so sorry Dee,that is not what we wanted to hear. You know about pdd and I am sure Java will get any attention needed.Love sheila
  9. this is so sad.Pester the life out of anyone who you think has any information,and continue looking, best wishes.
  10. So glad Rikki seems to be ok and on the mend.
  11. I dont think you have anything to worry about as long as the normal precautions are taken. Dan thats so funny lol.
  12. Keeko is a handsome lad alright
  13. Brilliant pictures,those two look a right pair.
  14. I wonder if when your husband comes home he gets the attention so clever grey that his he thinks if he mimics your husband the attention is back on him
  15. I love the pictures Jess,hope you enjoyed wiping all the water up lol
  16. Liverpool is well snowed in. Charlie has loved sitting on his stand looking out at the snow.I have not seen snow this heavy for years. hear is a pic.
  17. It is strange knowing the tiny chicks we watched mature from eggs are now all grown up and ready for a new home.I wish them luck and happiness all of their lives.
  18. Clever Georgie.I love the pics,you are doing a great job.
  19. she

    Luuuuvs it!

    My grey and tiel both love Harrisons.I feel good feeding it knowing it is a very good food and organic. They love the Harrisons bread as well.
  20. Penny, I hope all is ok today.I hope everyone learns a very valuble lesson.
  21. Jess what a lovely post.Yes they are hard work but give so much back the work is minimal.
  22. Great video Janet. Ana Grey looks in great shape.
  23. Julie I agree that the information given to new owners is minimal and some guidelines need to be put in place,not only for parrots but for all exotic animals.A lot of vets are not conpetent in treating and giving care advise on exotics so what hope does a new owner have.Now we have access to the internet we can gather information but sometimes the information found is way off mark and it is down to a new owner to decide what is good and bad information,hard to do when you have little knowledge.Also the information is very conflicting.
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