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Everything posted by she

  1. Lyn that is brilliant.I too wish to copy and paste it if I may .<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/17 21:33
  2. Howardine I hope you and your family have a lovely holiday,I look forward to your return love sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/17 00:35
  3. I dont think 5 months is long at all.I think you are doing very well and seem to be doing things right. He has had a terrible past and only time and patiance will tell.One little tip , keep a sort of diary.That way you can look back in a few months time and realise things are getting better. With greys progress can be very slow and come in such tiny stages that it is hard to see.So a grey diary can help you chart the little baby steps of progress. Good luck and please keep us up to date on how you are doing.
  4. she

    Tango Here

    Tango you are so gorgeous. thanks for the fantastic update.
  5. Chatot will grow back his feathers Pat.We all know you wont settle for anything less.He has a good home and as much love as he can take.
  6. she

    She speaks!!!

    The flood gates have opened.I bet Cleo will be saying all sorts soon.
  7. You do have a great relationship with Bismark,it shows in your posts.
  8. The only concern I have if she is a hen is egg laying,though she may be a bit young.I am very cautious giving hens things that encourage laying due to egg binding and lack of calcium.
  9. Beau is so gorgeous. I love his stand.
  10. I loved the update.I look forward to more when you can.
  11. well, the emergency remedy seemed to work but I would still take him to a vet and have things checked out.
  12. Well Pat the pictures say it all, one very happy macaw.
  13. Fantastic picture.You always give us great updates on Bismark , I always look forward toreading them. Thanks
  14. No drink Jill, that is a first lol.I am having a couple tonight I need it.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/11 19:26
  15. In the summer my two have been in the aviary when it has rained and really enjoyed it.The aviary has a solid roof so they have gone right to the front to catch a shower.
  16. I am so sorry to hear this Tam.Rest assured you done your best for Moe. It is so hard to lose a much loved pet.My thoughts are with you.
  17. Brilliant picture.Thanks for posting.
  18. Place a blanket under the papers at the base of the cage to cushion any falls.Maybe lower the perches untill he is more agile.It is normal for greys to have a few crash landings when getting the hang of flying skills.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/10 20:17
  19. It sounds to me like you are doing all the right things now.Your little demon sounds like a right hand full.What a character.
  20. Nicepics. Your baby is probably a bit scared and unsure in his new home.Keep a close watch on his weight and hold the bowls up to him if he is more confident to eat that way.He maybe a bit scared to climb round his cage if he is very young so lower the perches and makesure the bowls are easy for himto reach.A blanket placed under papers on the base of the cage will cushion any fallsthe baby grey may have while learning to navigate his way round the cage.
  21. Beau looks really well Julie, must be the juice lol
  22. All you discribe is normal.Young greys are often clumsey.Keep his perches low and place a towel on the base of the cage under the papers to soften any falls .He will be feelling very strange and unsure in his new home so just talk to him and sit close to the cage chatting to him.Offer him treats by hand if he will take them but if he backsaway accept that he isnot ready yet for close interaction.Time and patiance are the key words when first bringing a grey home.Go at his pace and dont force him in to anything.Be calm ad talk quietly when changing cage papers and feed bowls.
  23. George is a darling,enjoy.
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