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Everything posted by she

  1. A stainless steel cage should not cause any problems, they are the best cages available. I dont know what is wrong but get your suppliers verdict.
  2. I am looking forward to a glass of wine a bit later.If I have one now I will be asleep by 7pm.
  3. she


    Thanks for the update.I really enjoyed it.Great to hear things from Spocks view point.
  4. The baby bird is home. Now the fun starts. For now dont expect too much from him by way of step up,he has enough to get familiar with in his new cage and home. Just talk to him and see if he will take treats from your hands.Clean his cage in a quiet calm mannor talking nice to him.He will soon let you know when he is ready for more interaction.
  5. I just love the pictures, thanks for posting them.
  6. How exciting,another baby on the way home. Please let us know how it goes.
  7. I cant help you with your questions but you are right in saying mould is bad for our birds.This is not something I have noticed much mention of on hear so Thank you for bringing the subject up.
  8. she


    I too thought parrots loved dandilions.I feed sprouts, cabbage, kale. I must admit I have not fed anything from the garden but have read a lot of people feed plants and leaves.
  9. "they think I am so sweet, just let them come any closer and Ill show them how sweet I am"
  10. Dan that video could be Charlie and Cracker.Charlie is always calling Cracker over to him.Cracker is daft enough to go but like Jake I think he is learning to out smart Charlie.
  11. Dayo is really not too sure is he.Oh well Dan, you will have to play with furbie,just to show him its fun of course.:lol:
  12. Jan I am so glad you found this vet. Tobie is now in the hands of a vet who is at least trying to solve the problem. I hope you have major success.
  13. Julie you are doing fine.Argyle I think is not the easiest of birds but you are doing so well.Jordan appears to get on very well with him .Just keep up what you are doing and remember each member of the family can have a diferent relationship with a bird.
  14. sounds very familiar, love it.Thanks Dave and Dan.
  15. One of my birds getting free is my greatest nightmare.I just dont think I could cope if it ever happened.I have an outdoor aviary and my birds are taken to it in a carrier and released once safe inside,it has a safety door to prevent escapes and double skin wire.They do love being out side in the nice weather but free flight,never, I am not brave or experianced enough . Leave it to the experts.
  16. Hi Rhonnie. It is going to take a long while before Michael improves in big steps but the tiny little steps he is making are perfect.I am sure the company of the other birds will help.Well done,keep it up.You are doing well.
  17. I think with step up training the sooner the better.As soon as snowy is able to perch and balance and showing an interest in what is going on round her.It is always easier to train when young.Just go at snowys pace and use positive reenforcement and lots and lots of praise.
  18. she


    Hope all goes well with the decorating,I gave up on curtains and just have blinds now. The perspex sheets are a great idea. Lets know how it goes.
  19. she


    Uh oh naughty Alfie,she is loving every second of winding you up.
  20. Yoshie is so cute,I love the tail.
  21. I cant put a tree up,Charlie would have a fit. Also I am scared of the birds knocking it over and the risk from all those decorations.
  22. Yes Lyn I competed with both horses,Dulcie loved her jumping so we did cross country and show jumping,Yasmin hated jumping so she did showing and ridden hunter.She was a very good mare but had a buck in her.Dulcie was just perfect and bomb proof.Put Dulcie at a jump and one way or another you got to the other side,not always together mind lol.
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