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Everything posted by she

  1. Like Caroline I get the prepared seeds from Asda and I have to say the mess is minimal,Charlie loves them.
  2. Shanlung,the link you posted is not working as you intended, just thought you would like to know.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/20 13:37
  3. Charlie sounds like me but does sometimes talk in his own voice. He makes his own noises up as well as the normal household things. My Dad sometimes comes round to bird sit and Charlie sometimes talks just like my Dad.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/20 22:43
  4. Clean carpet=mum out=aim fire.well thats my mathematical solution.They do love to keep us on the go.
  5. Play with him and show him what fun it is. It sounds like something Charlie would do,he is not the brightest bulb in the street.Harvey is only a baby though ,whats Charlies excuse.
  6. Julie, it sounds like Beau and Argyle are doing great.Argyle has taken a shine to Jordon and thats really good for both of them in my view.Thanks for the update.
  7. Thank you Pat. I really enjoyed watching that video.What a lovely thing for you to have,a video of Chatot and the gang as tiny babies growing up to be magnificent birds.
  8. I am loving watching the babies play and exercise.Those little wings are going already.
  9. I am sure Guapo will be quite happy with that cage.Please let us know how the home coming goes.
  10. Dee, I hope Juno is ok soon and he takes the meds ok. I found with Charlie that if I let him just take the syringe in his mouth I can give him meds easy. I dont towel or hold him and that way it becomes a game.
  11. she


    Thats really good news.Yes it would be interesting to know what diet changes you made,who knows it may help someone on hear who is having the same sort of problem as Giz.
  12. It really depends on the individual birds.Tycos Mum has 2 greys and 2 hugh Macaws so she is the one to advise but I would say that if you are careful about the larger bird having a go at the smaller birds I would say go ahead as long as you are sure you can offer the long term home these large demanding birds need. Read up all you can about macaws there needs and wants ,pros and cons before making your decision.
  13. Wow can he eat.Tyco is a big grey, Charlie is 510g.
  14. Great picture Pat,Tyco looks tiny , it really shows Chatots size.
  15. Tango is gorgeous. Thanks for taking him in.I am sure he is loving his new home,he looks like a nice natured bird,
  16. Chris he is my cousins grey,I mind him a few times a year. He is just great in his temperament and yes he is approachable ,loves a scritch.He is a very wise steady bird.Read an old post of mine{Blue} for more information and pics and videos of him in {Blues visit}.
  17. OMG Pat. That is one stunner of a bird.No way could I have kept that a secret. I would be shouting from the roof tops. That colour is unbelievable.You are so lucky to have such a bird but them he is even more lucky to have you as his mum.
  18. Dee it fantastic that you and Juno are getting on so well,
  19. Quite a few of our members take greys out in this sort of carrier.
  20. Blue is well in to his 40s,probably round 45,cant be more exact as his age was undetermined as he was wild caught but close to 45.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/17 13:23
  21. How they are growing,they are adorable.
  22. I hope you are feeling a bit better now.
  23. Janet thats the best news In weeks. I am so happy for you and Ana grey.
  24. With Charlie my grey success has come quite easy,I have had no major problems with him. Cracker my cockatiel is another story. He came to me as a 4 week old chick unweaned and very scrawney.It took a lot of time patiance and dedication to get him up to scratch. Then came the biggest challenge. He got metal poison and it took all my vets knowledge and determination to save him.He was only 4 months old when this happened , It took a few months of special care and lots of help and advise from the vet who was always available for us.Cracker is now almost 3 years old and shows no sign of his rough start in life.He can be a little agressive for a hand reared tiel but I put this down to having been prodded and poked with needles so much when he was ill.He is my little survivor .
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