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Everything posted by she

  1. They look so sweet together,I am sure Buddy will come round in time and even if he doesnt as Pat said he has Pistachio as his friend
  2. Fred is really enjoying that sandwich.I am so happy he is putting on weight and his feathers are coming back.
  3. Dont worry too much. Ok Sinbad got a fright and is still remembering it a little but from what you say he is already coming round so just give him a bit of time.I hope you managed to sort the ants,nasty horrible things.I would have been in a right panic.
  4. What weight is Beau? Size can differ a lot I really dont think you need to worry.Charlie is 510 gms but he is a big lad,some are a light as 320 gms or so and all within a normal range.
  5. I have a problem with my couch,Charlie loves chewing it up.I find the only thing that works is to place a scary object on it so he will not fly to it in the first place. I do keep having to find new scary objects as he becomes used to them.
  6. Well done Chimay, a whole sentance,that is so brilliant.Cindy you must be over the moon.No stopping now.
  7. one thing to add, my cousins 40 odd year old cag has only ever been on a seed diet and looks great.
  8. Jill some brands have a lot of colourings and addatives in and it could be these causing problems .Harrisons is organic though.I agree with your vet that the need for suplements are often not needed if a good diet is given.I dont feed any supplements to my birds.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/02 13:47
  9. This is very interesting.Could you please let us know what brand of pellets you fed.I am so happy that you have got to the bottom of the feather problem.I always think a physical problem needs to ruled out before branding feather chewing behavioural, my vet is of the same mind.
  10. Hear is a video of Charlie chewing a raw hide dog chew.It keeps him out of trouble for 5 mins Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/02 12:58<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/02 13:00
  11. Tamarah, maybe moving home will be good for you,a new start in a new place.Please look at it like that.I know how hard loosing a beloved pet is I have gone through it many times and believe me you will learn to cope with the loss,it does take time.You must clean Joeys nest up for the house sale as Judy said if you cant do it get some one else to do it for you. When I lost my horse many years ago the hardest thing I had to do was clean her stable out but it was oddley theraputic.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/02 06:56
  12. Glad you all had a nice day at the beach Jill.
  13. Yes white van man Bernie,and picking on a poor little defenceless mini , wish I had my fork lift truck handy, his van would be mince meat.
  14. Jane I agree with all you said.The greys understanding goes far deeper than words.
  15. she


    Earl is a smart bird,I can see him becoming our trick parrot.I believe teaching them little tricks keeps them entertained and mind active, well done you.
  16. Thanks once again for allowing us to share your many adventures and stories,I loved the way your cat protected Batty. Animals have an amazing ability to understand these things.
  17. she


    Charlie has me fetching things. He chucks things and I get them.
  18. she


    I have never used cds. I dont believe they work. As Dan said it is far more interesting for them to learn words in context from you.Just label things, if you offer a grape say want a grape or nut or apple as you offer them.As you let them out the cage say want to come out, say bye bye as you go out and hello as you return. It is surprising how fast they learn.
  19. Yes, I am just relieved to have all the details and that no one was hurt.
  20. Lyn thats brilliant.Thats Charlies next trick to learn.Alfie looks so confident.
  21. My Charlie is petrified of chicken bones but loves bits of chicken.Strange bird.Blue my cousins grey just loves chicken bones and drum sticks, they really are strange.
  22. I am fed up because a van backed in to my mini on Wednesday afternoon,poor little thing is a bit creased up. It is such a bind having to sort insurance out and repairs,more so because I am waiting for my new car so if it comes now I am stuck. The mini is being picked up on Tuesday and a hire car being delivered so I just hope it wont take long to be fixed.Men drivers should be taken off the road:angry: I am just glad I was not in the car at the time.It was parked up.
  23. she

    dive bombing

    That is really great news Jamal,keep up the good work and more words will come aswell.
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