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Everything posted by she

  1. The waiting is over,now the fun starts.Juno is a really nice grey.
  2. Scooter is a gorgeous grey.I hope the vet can help with his eye.It does sound like Scooter has taken to you.It would be fantastic if you could talk to his previous owners,they have clearely taken care of him and spent a lot of time on him.Please let us know what the vet has to say.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/07 14:15
  3. Oh I am as Excited as you.I love hearing the excitement when a new grey is coming home.It is contagious.Hurry up and post some pics.
  4. Im a bit late but better late than never.Welcome to the club Dutch.My Mini is in for repairs so you have my sympathy,I am sure Bernie will be made up with a Drinking partner.We guzzle at any excuse hear sometimes for no reasonother than we want to.Its 7.15 am so I am on the coffee.
  5. If the breeder is reputable and cares for his birds he should not object to you having a vet see the baby before you decide,infact he should have done that himself so he could give you a more informed idea of the birds future care needs.I hope all goes well when you visit, please keep us informed.
  6. I commend you for realising you need help with your birds.I am in uk so cant recomend a trainer but what I can say is if you go down that road be carefull who you choose, Some are hopeless and do more harm than good.Read up some of Barbra heidenrichs books and internet sites, she is one of the best and uses positive reenforcement in her training methods .Dont go for any quick cure methods of training they dont work. From your post the problems sound deep routed and will take time and patiance any yes maybe the odd bite before they are resolved. To me it sounds like you got bit and lost confidence,if thats the case you must sort this out as the birds will sence your fear and be scared themselves. Scooter sounds quite loving to me and I bet if you curb your fear he will be a right sweetheart.Please let us know what you decide to do.
  7. I am sure Nilah will love hernew cage.Lots of room in a cage that size for her.
  8. It is great to have them out as much as you can but be sure that She spends some time in her cage during the day so she does not get too much of a shock when she needs to be caged.Show her how to play with toys and give a veriety of all types of toys to see what she likes best.
  9. Well done,our very own Northern Parrots star.I love that website . Its always good quality and gets to you without any problems .<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/11/05 23:37
  10. I think it would be best to talk to your birds breeder and ask what food he/she is being fed now,that way you can feed the same to lessen the stress of the home coming and if you wish to alter things it can be done over time.
  11. I too cant understand why the breeder does not know what the bird is eating,he should.He should be keeping a very close eye on this bird so he can see how it is managing.Go and have a look and have a vet see it before you decide.
  12. Bismark is gorgeous. Thanks for the videos.
  13. My tiel was taught lots of things from my grey,they learn so fast from other birds.
  14. Welcome home Chocolate. Pictures please.
  15. First I would have him checked over by a vet,I always feel any change in behaviour like this warrants a vet check.If the vet finds all is ok then it can be addressed as behavioural.Have a very good think about any changes at all to his living environment or yourself.
  16. Ash is becoming more independant,just leave the cage open and let her choose.
  17. Oh well Looks like she is on her way home.dont say i didnt try,lol
  18. DONT DO IT DONT DO IT. lol
  19. I bet you get her.If you go to look thats it your a gonner.
  20. Yep he can come and chalk on all the pavements by me.Fantastic.
  21. Lol, I can just imagine them hiccuping , Its amazing how they pick things up.
  22. I feel very left out, oh well Jills find me a millionair website sounds more usefull.
  23. Thats so funny Caroline,I can just picture it.
  24. she

    Cleo Update

    Thanks for the update on Cleo. She sounds like a lot of fun.She will soon be talking non stop.
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