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Everything posted by she

  1. Great video Robin.I loved it.
  2. I am a great fan of Barbara,her methods are fantastic, all based on kindness and choice,and with that sort of customer service well you cant go wrong.
  3. she


    They do love bits of meat.Never give raw meat.Charlie loves chicken,he also loves fish.
  4. Only 1 bottle Jill,you are reformed.I have the biggest case of bah humbug ever at the moment and just cant get in to the christmas spirit.Maybe a glass of wine or two will help tonight,hoping to get off work a bit early if all goes to plan.
  5. Oh yes food flinging is a greys top entertainment,most if not all do it.Go to the vets for a nail trim, much safer and not that expensive. It is also a good opertunity for your vet to see the bird and maybe get advise on diet and care at the same time.
  6. I would never get any medication for a bird or myself from the internet.Only a vet should prescribe such things.Yes there are cases where birds are given this sort of medication but under close supervision from a vet.
  7. great pictures Janet.Ana Grey is loving her bath.
  8. well done Pat.I know how hard it must have been to say no but your own birds must come first.
  9. I am so glad things are improving.My tiel had metal poisoning and It took a couple of months for him to get back to normal.I hope things continue to go the right way.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/03 12:29
  10. Thats great news Lyn.I dont blame Alfie for being afraid of cockatiels,I would sooner get bitten by Charlie than Cracker,boy does he hurt.
  11. she


    Oh no.It looked so nice aswell.I hope you had some paper left over to re do it.It is all Daves fault, thats men for you.lol
  12. You need to get your bird to an avian vet.If you cant do this go right back with the bird to the vet who has already seen him. Ask this vet to arrange a phone or fax or email consultation with another avian vet. Birds often hide illness well as yours did at the vets but he is ill and needs to be seen asap by a vet.
  13. my two hooligans would cause so much mayhem if I put decorations up.I have to limit it to the minimum. My old tiel Pippin could whistle jinglebells no problem.
  14. My two have been trained since babies to get weighed so I dont have a problem.Both are male.Charlie is 510g and little Cracker is 102g.Well done Steve for tempting Misty on to the scales.
  15. Beautiful Dobermans Dan.I would love a dog,just dont have the time to share with Charlie and a dog so it would not be right.
  16. Thanks Bernie.Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you ,Elaine and the family.Also to everyone else on the forum I hope you all have a happy 2010<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/03 00:33
  17. not offensive to me at all. I could not agree more with you. I liken de clawing to wing clipping. When I first got Charlie I had a long talk with my vet about clipping and what changes it makes to a birds lifestyle,health and well being, my vet summed it all very nicely by saying "if you dont want a pet that flies,get a hamster" The same goes for a cat,they have claws and use them to do catty things. Spaying and neutering is totally different and is done for the cats benefit and to prevent hundreds of other cats ending up in shelters or on the streets living wild.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/12/02 08:40
  18. Pat he truly is one of the most stunning birds I have ever set eyes on.You must be so proud to have such a bird.Yes I think he is part chainsaw lol.
  19. I am so glad Mandy has settled in to her new home.She sounds like a very sweet grey,I would love to see some pictures.
  20. I am freezing,winter is hear with a vengance.very cold.I will be going to work soon,so glad I was not on earlies today.
  21. Howardine that is a beautiful poem.We all need reminders to enjoy what is around us and give thanks for the so many things we take for granted especially at this time of year.
  22. sounds just like Charlie. into everything.Last night he landed on the laptop and it fell on to the floor.Oh the joy of having a grey.we love them though.
  23. wow what a coincidence. I posted a very similar post the other day. Charlie had started playing with toys in the middle of the night.I am wondering if its the time of year,maybe they are a bit cold or hormonal?.I am ignoring Charlies nocturnal playing at all costs so he does not think it is a game to bring me to him.
  24. I am so glad your big boy is so brave and enjoying his new toys.Happy belated birthday to you.
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