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Everything posted by casper

  1. Do you already own greys? How many do you have?
  2. Thats interesting, I also do Facebook and will check out the group. I never thought of looking on there! Thankyou.
  3. Dan, I feel for all of you. I still pray that surgery wont be an option, I am so sorry that Kim has spent her birthday in the hospital and I am so sorry that Dayo is missing his Mom so much! Thanks for updating us all Dan, you feel pretty useless stuck at the other end of a laptop but I am sure you know how much we all miss you and how our thoughts are with Kim. Love to you all, Caroline and Family x
  4. David, they are great pictures of Shanti. Thanks for sharing with us.
  5. Just curious, when you say your in-laws will be stopping by to check on him and feed him, does this mean no-one will be in the house with him? Will anyone be there at night time?
  6. Jen what a lovely picture of them all eating together. I know just how you feel having three! I either have one on my head, one on my shoulder, one off one on! Its mad some days, the best laugh is one will land and if I dont see which one I dont know who it is:laugh: I know you will find them a good home, they are beautiful! I only wish I lived nearer:whistle:
  7. casper

    Baby Talk!

    The eldest two are so bonded, they absolutely love each other to bits! A different story with my youngest two though, the middle one is very jelous of the baby. Im hoping he will at least tolerate him though, I dont think they will ever be close like the other two. Only time will tell. I love them all the same though:)
  8. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Heres some pictures of my babies.First there is Charlie and keeko the terrible two. Next here is baby Jasper. I may have posted these in a different thread but I thought I would join the baby album as well:)
  9. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Sallas, Saphira and Thorn are beautiful! Karma to you for sharing those wonderful pictures.
  10. Erika, they are all beautiful! They all look so well and happy doing their own thing. You should be very proud of your flock. And yourself for doing a great job!
  11. Superlotto, I just had a look at your profile and I see I dont live too far away from you, if you need help trying to find anything Aloe vera supplies etc just send me a pm I would love to help! Welcome again:)
  12. Hiya Lisa, Its great you could join us! Wow, you must have lots of experience! I also own three greys, but have not been a parrot owner as long as you have. I am sure you will bring lots of knowledge and fabulous stories about your greys, I cant wait to hear more about them. Do they all get on well together? How old are they? Hope you enjoy the forum:) Caroline.
  13. casper


    Yes, they look so cute:)
  14. Thanks for the replies everyone! A couple of people may be adding to their flock then, if you do, please keep us updated and let us new about your new addition.
  15. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Ana grey shy! No way Janet!:laugh: Beautiful picture of Ana grey, she should be a super grey model! Karma coming your way:) caitb2007, thanks for joining our wonderful baby thread. The pictures are fantastic. Karma to you as well, thanks for sharing with us:) Anyone else want to post?:whistle:
  16. I would love to live in an old cottage Hayley! No worrying about the greys making all their noise in the middle of nowhere, that would be bliss! How could you waste a full glass of wine on your laptop? I hope you had some more:laugh: Good job you had another keyboard:laugh: Not done anything exciting today, got a pile of bills this morning which kept the greys quiet for half an hour:laugh: been out and bought a dishwasher at long last ( give my husband Dave a break from washing up ) And its not been as cold for a change! Hope everyone has had a good day! Take care. Caroline.
  17. Thanks Dave, if not have you any space for 2 adults, two kids, three greys and two cats? We will have to get a warm round your candle lol.
  18. Hiya Stephanie, Its great you could join us! I see the bump now and I have no idea what it could be. Please let us know what the vet says wont you? Hope you enjoy the forum Steph. Caroline.
  19. No, I wouldnt try and put them together. I have three greys who each have their own cage. They are all in the same room and hang out together outside their cages but I would never try and put them together. They are quite territorial about their own space, toys food etc and I think its good for them to have their own space. Caroline.
  20. casper

    Baby Talk!

    Please join this thread with any pictures or anything to do with your new baby grey:) Cant wait to see some of the new babies we have on here.
  21. We are having a really cold spell at the moment. Some nights it has been down to -11! So would you believe it, my heating has broken and I have no hot water! I have called a plumber out, I hate to think how much this is going to cost, and guess who I am worrying about? No not the kids but the birds! I hope they will be okay, if I dont get it fixed I will have to go out and buy so radiators for tonight. Hope everyone else is having a better day! Keep warm everyone:)
  22. No more new additions yet to add to the forum then;)
  23. Thanks for the replies everyone, you can safely say we are all nuts together! I find it interesting that a couple of people on here were not the ones to really want the greys but are now the people the birds have bonded with! Interesting:) Caroline.
  24. I dont think anyone would be able to say for sure without seeing the bump. This needs to be done by a vet to determine exactly what this bump could be. Is it filled with fluid, has it always been there? I do hope its something simple and not to serious as I can tell you are attached to this baby already. Please let us all know what happened at the vets. I hope everything will work out fine for you and your new baby. Caroline.
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